
The one that rules over Heaven and Earth

What if you were to live in a world where you could die anytime, where death is always in front of you. What will you do to survive in this world? this is the story of two best-freinds that fought due to their own beliefs, the ones who shall rule over the universe

Spider_lily · Militar
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11 Chs

The night that changes everything

Two silhouettes could be seen walking on a forest under the bright illumination of the moon. They clung in each other's shoulder, bruises and wounds could be seen all over their body, it could be said that they looked like they've been attacked by dogs.

"Can't believe you beat up a whole gang this time." helplessly Said by a chubby looking boy that has a height of five foot five

"They provoked me first, calling you fatty Infront of me, I can't just stand still while you get fucked up." Said by a boy who has a disheveled hair almost covering his eye, he has a height of five foot seven and a little bit skinny.

"Well im touched by your words but what you did is wrong, you should've just let them be." The chubby looking boy reasoned, looking angrily at the other boy.

"Hmmp!" The other boy snorted, he couldn't argue back because he knew that his friend was right.

They were just kids living on the orphanage, they were both often get bullied by the other kids outside and due to that they became close friends and always had each others back when someone is in trouble.

The orphanage has enough money for the kids to go to school, but even in school they were still bullied for being an orphan and many more. Throughout their school year they met many people who are really good to them, they even had lovers, but later on broke up due to the parents of the girls not agreeing to their relationships and was forced to transfer to another school.

This broke the duos hearts and was depressed for a month. They cursed how unfair the world is, how their lives was different from others.

The boy with disheveled hair's name is 'Ares', though many nuns and priest told him that he had a bad name that is why they gave him a new name, 'Raziel'. There is one problem at ares, and that is the words that comes out of his mouth is very disturbing to hear, even nuns and priests couldn't do anything about his cursings.

He got the name 'Ares' when a nun who saw him on a dark alley, crying, and no one seemed to bother nor even look at him.

Incased in a soft and dark clothing, Ares was carried gently by the nun, as the she looked at the boy who after being lifted up, stopped its wailings in her embrace, she looked on the left upper part of the cloth a roman lettered name was finely sued on it.

The chubby looking boy was called 'Jin', he was tough and always fought the bigger ones who Ares had trouble in defeating them, he is very reliable at all times and is kind to all children on the orphanage.

Jin was found on the exact same day as Ares the difference is that he was discovered under a tree, when the priest heard his cry the priest immediately looked for him.

When the priest found him, he was in a white clothing that seemed to shine brighter than the moon high in the night sky.

The priest immediately carried him back to the orphanage and to their surprise due to the nun also carrying another baby.

Both of them is now 17 years old and are in their highschool almost a graduate.

"Let's hurry up i wanna sleep early toni-" before Ares could even finish his sentence a strong gust of wind blew into their faces followed by a blinding light which made them forcefully close their eyes.

Infront of the duo a portal thats bigger than a car was openly exposed in their field of view. The two even forgot to breathe as they look at the bright circular gate infront of them.

"The fuck is going on?" Cursed Ares, looking blankly, not believing what he was seeing.

"Are we beaten that badly to hallucinate this much?" Asked jin but it seemed more like he was asking his self.

After what feels like an eternity the duo finally woke up from their stupor.

"We should report this to the authorities!" Shouted Jin which Ares nodded to.

When the two was about to walk away a hand bigger than a human body came out from the portal followed by a head that looked like a boar but darker and has glowing purple eyes. It was scanning its environment.

"Fucking run!!" Shouted Ares in a panic.

The two ran at their top and most speed but jin was a little slower due to his physical build.

It didn't take long for the boar that came out of the portal to notice them, it quickly get out of the portal and roared; declaring it's arrival. The boar has a body of a human but biiger and has more defined muscles its height is approximately seven feet tall. the boar then stomped on the ground and soon chased the duo.

It didn't took long for the boar to catch up to them and seconds later it grabbed Jin which made Ares stopped he looked at his friend that was about to get devoured by the boar-like monster.

Earlier where the stars and moon was lighting the night sky, has now vanished and was replace by thick clouds and soon after began to pour heavy rain drops.


Lightning occasionally flashes and lit up its surroundings, Ares who's in a state of fear, don't know what he will do.

"Ares don't mind me, go to a police station and tell them what happened!!" Jin shouted with tears on his eyes.

"As if I'll do that you asshole!" Ares shouted, he gritted his teeth and dashed at the boar. He then raised his fist ready to punch the boar.

The boar smiled disdainfully at the idiotic move made by his prey, it then clenched its fist and shot it towards Ares at a speed seemingly faster than a bullet.

Before Ares could even react he was hit cleanly.


"Arrghh!!" Ares screamed in agony as blood comes out of his mouth and parts of his organs was mixed in the blood he vomited, the punched broke his rib cage as well as his internal organs.

"Ares!!!" Jim screamed in despair there's nothing he could do as ge struggled against the firm grip of the boar.

Ares began to feel dizzy, his consciousness leaving his body. His insides were a mess everything was destroyed, he fell looking lifelessly on the ground, his blood mixing on the rain water.

At this moment where Jin thought it was the end for them someone dashed and sliced the boar from its left shoulder down to its right toe.

A monster that dominated the two of them was killed easily like an ant, it couldn't even react to the attack that was launch on it.

Jin was surprised for a sec before running towards Ares with teary eyes.

"Ares! Ares! Don't you dare die!!" He screamed almost choking from his words.

Drenched in cold rain, Ares couldn't even feel anything he could only feel his life leaving his body.

"So this is how i die? I can't just die like this i need to have revenge for those who bullied and harmed me! That boar! I'll slaughter that piece of shit in my next life!!" He screamed as he began to fall deeper in the vast and never ending body of water that surrounded him.

"Sigh..." In the end there's nothing he could do but accept his fate. As he closed his eyes waiting for the god of death to take him, he felt his whole body floating, as if he was being pulled upward with great force. This made him baffled and a smile could be seen at the corner of his lips.


"Shit! Fuck! Holy shit! I almost fucking die!" He cursed loudly as he gasped for air.

Jin immediately hugs him tightly which surprised Ares slightly and patted him on the back.

At the back of Jin he saw a tall but slim figure standing and observing them. It was dark and no illumination was present so Ares couldn't see much details about the figure standing near them.

"What happened? Where's the boar?" Asked Ares to jin.

Ares was fully healed even the bruises and wounds from earlier was completely gone even the scars on his body was gone. He felt light as a feather at that moment.

"It's all thanks to this beautiful miss she killed the boar and i asked if she can do anything to heal you, and she only raised her hand and a glowing orb floated towards you and me band boom we're healed." He explained with shining eyes.

The figure raised her right hand and a ball of light immediately formed glowing brightly, enough for her whole figure to be shown.

She has long jet-black hair that was tied into a ponytail, skin as white as snow, sharp looking eyes that seemed to cut everything wherever she looks along with her sky blue irises that seemed angelic and could captivate anyone. Smooth and glossy cherry lips that looks to be carved by god himself.

She has a tall but slim figure she wears a black leather tunic with fur as its decorations, but even with all the covering, it couldn't hide the curves of her body,long legs that were Incased in black leather trousers along with her black leather boots that almost reached her knee caps, her height could be estimated as five foot ten.

The rain couldn't even drench her as if theres a barrier blocking the rain drops. Over all it could be said that she has a perfect physique, in today's era.

The two was allured by her beauty before snapping out of their daze.

"First and foremost of all i would like to thank you for saving my life and i would like to ask where did you and this creature come from?" Ares broke the silence by asking about their origins.

The lady in question looked at the boy who asked the question and by observing him up closed, unnoticeably, her eyes shook and a slight frown could be seen in her countenance. She then looked at the other boy, Jin, her eyes slightly widened but her face swiftly came back to its indifferent form.

She didn't noticed it earlier probably because of the poor light in their environment when Jin was asking her for help, but now she noticed the aura that the two emits.

At first Ares thought he used the wrong words and second maybe she couldn't understand them. He didn't fail to notice the changes in her expression though, due to his observation skills he didn't miss a single change in her countenance.

The lady soon opened her mouth and a melodious voice came out of it.

"My name is Valerie Ouranós from a world called 'Álympos' I am here due to a boarez who sneakily went into a portal from the forest which is odd because there no portals generated in the forest." Valerie explained with annoyance on her face.

"But don't worry i will make sure you forget what happened tonight." She said as she raised her left hand and a ball of light with slight golden hue manifested in her palm.

" No, if possible we would like to come with you!" Ares said with a pleading but firm look.

Valerie was surprised for second before asking.

"May i know why?"

"We don't belong here.." Jin said lowly.

"If you go with me there are no guarantee that you could go back to this world." She explained trying to see if the duo wil still persist on going.

"We know!" The two shouted in unison with a firm and serious look.

"Well, we are lacking in man power due to the demons arising back again." She said, a tinge of smile could be seen in her face. Clearly testing if the two will still persist on going.

But to her surprised the eyes of the two were glimmering even more. It seemed that she has encountered two psychos.

"Sigh.. very well." She said as she turned around and the duo followed.

They walked towards the portal, valerie took the corpse of the boarez along with them. Jin went through the portal followed by Ares the last person to enter was valerie.

After they all entered the portal, the portal vanished as if it was never there leaving the place in silence, only the noice that can be heard was the continuous fall of the heavy rain whilst lightning flash every minute.