
The one that rules over Heaven and Earth

What if you were to live in a world where you could die anytime, where death is always in front of you. What will you do to survive in this world? this is the story of two best-freinds that fought due to their own beliefs, the ones who shall rule over the universe

Spider_lily · Militar
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11 Chs

New world new life

-At the church-

"Why aren't Ares and Jin home yet?" Asked by a soft voice, it was sister renna.

"Why are you worrying? If they're not home yet, let them be. At least the mouth that were going to feed has lessened." Said by a nun next to her, who was smoking and boasting that Ares and jin didn't came back.

"Why did you even choose to be a nun with that kind of attitude? And why are you even smoking here in the church? I told you to stop that, your killing yourself!" Annoyingly said by sister renna.

They were the only nuns present due to the others are now asleep. Renna Bènir, who is now twenty-theee years old and was the one who took care of the children in the church.

Her parents leaved her outside the church and a nun took her in and take cared of her until she grows up. The nun who took cared of her passed away last year which made her depressed for a couple of months but later on regained herself back, due to her admiration for the one who took care of her she pursued on being a nun to also take care of the children in the church.

She was like a sister for the children in the church many admired her and some even had a love interest to her but she didn't took it seriously and see it as a joke which made the kids who liked her to fall sullen.

The nun beside her was a lady who's age is twenty-five years old, Thea Hermosa, she was also an orphan, the priest took her in when he saw her outside the church drench in cold rain, her parents died because of a car crash and was adopted by her uncle which everyday molested her, it was hell for her. One day she had enough and ran away from the house and moved in the orphanage, without her uncle knowing.

She has a pretty looking face and a well defined body that everyday many men will visit her to have her hand and she will always reject them due to her uninterested to all of them.

Renna and her treated each other as sisters due to their close age and are the only ones who hang around the most when they were a teenager.

"Well, having a job is very exhausting and in here it has free food and place to sleep with so why bother leaving?" Thea replied as she suck a smoke through her cigarette and blow it towards renna.

" *coughs* You crazy bitch." Cursed renna which made thea cough a few times.

"When did you learn to curse like that?" She asked which made renna froze and was also surprised by her inappropriate choice of words.

"Probably just your imagination your just sleepy! Go to bed already!" She reasoned.

"Yikes, that's probably because you're always with Ares." She said with a slight smile.

"Shut it." Renna glared with a reddened face at thea who laughed teasingly and ran away.

"sigh.." she sighed as she looked outside the window, rain continuously fall lightning occasionally flashes lighting the whole area brightly.


Three figures could be seen exiting through a portal that has a length of five meters high and three meters wide.

Ares and Jin observed the room with eyes shining like stars.

"Follow me." Valerie ordered in a cold tone of voice, snapping them to reality.

The duo immediately stood straight and followed valerie, exiting the room and into the hallway, maroon colored walls made out of a material that upon closer look carvings on thw wall could be seen which looked elegant and pleasing to look at, the floor was covered by a blood red carpet that appeared perfectly due to the design of the walls.

They were leaded by valerie to a much more bigger and seemingly luxurious door, above the door there was a gold sign that says 'Major General lll'.

Knock! Knock!

After knocking twice on the door valerie opened it and later on they all entered the room. In front of them was a huge dark wooden desk and a big leather office chair facing a big window. The room looks very luxurious compared to the hallway the side of the room was bookshelves that contains many various kinds of books.

"Major!" Valerie saluted, informing the person seated about her arrival.

"Report." The man on the chair spoke in a deep commanding voice.

"I have completed the assigned task to eliminate the boarez that entered to an unknown portal, the origin of the used portal is still not known due to its sudden appearance in the forest of dawn." Valerie reported in a respectful tone.

"I see, now can you explain to me what you have brought here in our world?" The man said which made the two nervous, how did even the person seating in front know about their presence without looking at them, they didn't even make a sound due to the texture of the floor.

"They wish to follow me, and I thought that we might need all the soldiers we can get to suppress the demon army." She explained.

At this point the chair rotated and the perosn seated was revealed to the duo.

He was a man who looked like in his mid twenties, his long wavy hair falls freely down to his shoulders, sharp blue eyes that seemed deep as the ocean, he was wearing a black military tunic with golden shoulder pads, it could be said that he is the embodiment of the word 'noble'.

When Ares saw the man's piercing eyes he could feel that all his secrets were revealed all at once, he felt an immeasurable pressure directing at the two of them.

Ares and Jin had a frown on their countenance as they felt the gravity around them increased, duos knees trembled and fallen to the floor with a great difficulty in breathing.

"They are nothing but a sacrifice to the demons in my eyes. Tell me what a mortal could possibly do against those barbaric bloodthirsty demons arising from the underworld?" He remarked with a cold expression, looking at the duo as if they were already dead.

Valerie paused for a minute before answering. "I see potential in them and a strong thirst for battle, especially the skinny looking boy. With enough training they will be able to defend not only themselves but also the people around them."

The man looked at Ares and Jin but this time there was a dim bluish glow un his irises and his eyes widened slightly, and a small smile could be seen on his lips.

"Then you will be in charge for their training, if they caused trouble in the kingdom you will be the one held responsible to all of their deeds. Understood?" The man spoke, in a serious cold tone as he look at valerie in the eyes.

"I understood." She replied as she let out the breath she was holding in.

"Now may i know the name of the two of you?" The man asked, looking at the duo, who was still down to their knees.

"Could...you please...retract first your....aura, sir?" Ares spoked with difficulty as he looked at the man in front of him.

The man just looked at him with cold eyes not having the thought of retracting his aura.

Ares's countenance looked pale and the same could be said to Jin, sweat covered their whole body as they struggled from the domineering pressure of the man.

"Fuc..king....asshole!" Ares cursed aloud as he stared at the man without hiding his annoyance to him. This surprised all the people present in the room even the man in front of them.

Jin felt like smacking Ares, he didn't know what gotten into his friend the man in front might even kill them.

"Hahahaha!" The man laughed as if he just heard the most ridiculous joke. He stopped laughing and stared at ares.

"I like your braveness, none of the people I've ever encountered spoke to me that way." He said a slight smile could be seen on his lips as he withdraw his aura that was pressuring the two.

"I am Ares, 17 years old." He said as he took a deep breath, a tinge of annoyance could be heard in his tone as he introduced himself.

"I am....Jin, also....17 years old." Jin followed with a puase in his every word as he gasped for air, looking very exhausted.

"We introduced ourselves how about you do it too." Ares said coldly.

"You punk, I've had enough of you! I'll just throw you back to your world if you dont fec that tone of yours!" Valerie grabbed Ares by the neck and scolded.

"Let him be." The man raised his hand and ordered.

*Cough* Ares coughed as valerie withdraw her hand and stared at ares with cold eyes.

"My name is Vincent Ouranós, and yes I'm her brother. I am the one in charge of this Division." Vincent introduced himself.

The two were amused by this information and looked at Valerie with weird eyes which only them could understand.

'no wonder they look alike!' Jin thought as he looked at Vincent and then Valerie.

"Well that is all for our talk." Vincent waved his hand and turned his seat, now facing the big window again.

"We'll be taking our leave then." Valerie bowed and opened the door, exiting the room.

"Train them well, Valerie." Vincent reminded her which she nodded to.

The trio exited the room leaving only Vincent sitting in his chair, a slight smile could be seen on the corner of his lips


Valerie leaded them to another building that looked like a castle and next to it was a bigger looking building that spread more than a thousand meters.

"Is that where we'll be staying?" Asked Jin curiously pointing at the building that looked like a castle.

"Yes, that is where you'll be staying, next to it is the academy where you'll learn everything about this world." Valerie explained.

The two listened attentively not ignoring every word she says. Minutes later they arrived to the dorm.

"Follow me we'll arrange your papers." Valerie said as they all walked to a hallway towards the administrator of the academy.

"Ah! M-Miss Valerie, what c-can I do for you today?" The woman in charge said with shaky voice, not expecting a high official to visit the school dorm

"I would like to enroll these two in the academy." Valerie said, pointing at the two.

"W-will do!" Said the woman as she walk towards the other room.

Couple of minutes later the woman comes out of the room with papers on a brown folder.

"Here are the certificatet, miss valerie. Their dorm will be room 158 on the third floor." The woman this time fixed her composure, she then handed the papers and the key to Valerie.

"Mm, thanks." Valerie thanked then walked out of the hallway.

While walking she handed the key to their room to Ares and said. "I'll take my leave now, you two go to your room and sleep early tonight, tomorrow at 7:00 A.M will be the start of your classes. understood?"

The two nodded and thanked her they then went to their room and slept for the night. Today was truly very exhausting for them, even now they couldn't believe they were in a another world.

Not even a minute Jin was already snoring, sleeping comfortably in his bed.

Leaning forward as his elbow rest on the frame of the window, Ares admire the stars on the sky, the star on earth could be barely seen due to the pollution high above. He took a one more glance to a specific constellation and closed the window.

He then laid on his bed and later on fell asleep, tomorrow will be the start of their new life!