
The One after my Heart

[Novel contains MATURE CONTENT] "Are you here to kill me?" she asked, slowly stepping backwards as she felt her heart pounding wildly against her chest. "It seems that way", came the reply from the figure in black, standing across her, blending into the shadows of her room tonight. Her back soon went against the wall behind her with no more room to manoeuvre. She knew she was no match for him, and resisting was futile; hence she gave up with a bitter smile. She decided to face the inevitable, thinking might as well die with some pride like some sort of poetic gesture. "Alright, let's get it over with then. Make it quick please", she said, looking into those captivating ice-blue eyes of his. She then slightly turned her face away, closing her eyes as she held her breath nervously. "Tell me something", came his demonic lazy seductive voice and she sensed him close in the distance between them. Her eyebrows winced slightly as she felt his touch and opened her eyes to see him raise her chin facing towards him. That devilish attractive face of his wore a teasing smile and was barely a few inches away from her own as she felt his cool breath brush against her own face. The space between them was so close that she could almost feel the warmth of his body since there were barely a few inches of distance between them. Her heart couldn't help but start beating wildly as she felt his fingers caress her cheek and then warmly cup her face his right palm. With his right thumb, he idly brushed her lips taking his sweet time as though he were appreciating its texture and was memorising its curves, and then he slowly said, "If I spare your life…...will you give me your heart?" She looked into those mesmerising ice-cool eyes of his that were now busy gazing at her cherry like lips. But then, at the next instant, she saw his eyes slowly look up into hers and noticed his pupils slowly turn into a hypnotizingly blood-red colour. And then she heard his words murmur like a devil's whisper as his lips approached her own soft one's, "And if I give you my heart, will you give me ......your soul?" ***** Synopsis: Meet Kyra Walker! New Yorker. Orphan and a survivor at heart. Foxy and charming in her own way. A gorgeous independent young woman with dreams and plans of her own, as she tries to make a place for herself in the world. But everything is suddenly turned upside down when Kyra gets knocked out one night on New year's eve and wakes up to find herself in a whole new different place! As Kyra finds herself lost in a whole new chaotic world with her life under threat constantly, not to mention being pursued by a mysterious handsome man as she tries to escape from his devilish self and possessive clutches; Kyra must somehow find her way back home. The only question is- How?! And will she be able to? ***** What you will find within: Badass MC's along with unique side-characters, Romance, Action, a solid unique plot, Comedy, mystery, and of course lots of entertainment! The starting few chapters might seem a little slow and over-detailed to a few, so I hope you will bear with it, since the pace does speed up eventually. ***** Join me on: Instagram- author_jun Discord server- (coming soon) ***** Original work. Contracted to Webnovel exclusively. Please do not copy and post on other malicious fraudulent websites. The credits to the cover solely belongs to the rightful owner. Stay safe, stay healthy! Happy Reading!

Yan_Jun · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
95 Chs

Fallensky (1)

The sky had once more turned tranquil and dark as clouds gently made their way with the wind. The smell of burnt ash and mud spread out all around the manor though. Luckily the manor remained unscathed under the tedious effort and attempt of the Dartwoods trying to protect their home.

Fiona and Tricia were now busy trying to wake up their children as they worriedly approached their children's sides and they checked their pulses. They had to wake their children up in case they had to retreat and run away.

"Stephen, Selena, wake up! Hurry up and wake up."

"Fenton, get up son." Tricia patted her son's cheeks with a worried expression on her face.

Kyra who was at the back, for one, sure was glad that all the deafening explosions had finally stopped. See, wasn't it so nice when things were just peaceful? Just talk things through instead of going all freaky and life threatening. Dialogue and communication was as that mattered.