
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Cómic
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33 Chs

The System

"Bea, my husband will be here soon." Standing outside before a door, a young red man was listening to the sound of his wife saying these words.

"So what is he finds out? would he even have the balls to do anything about this? I say we just come out to the public." A male voice sounded, making the young man sigh softly while looking towards the sky... the cold hard truth about the matter was that the man was telling the truth.

Did he have the balls to say anything about his wife cheating on him? without his wife he was nothing, he had no school education, and no stable income other than door dash which he has been doing. and even then, it wasn't even his car he was using, but his wife's old car. A car she was going to throw away but let him just use it as she was too lazy.

He had nothing. He was a 23-year-old version, married for 5 years now. Push for a divorce, his wife would take everything under her name, meaning he would return to living on the streets with absolutely nothing. it was sad... but the only path ahead of him was to wear the green hat and keep his head down.

Sighing, he opened the door. this shocked the 2 who were inside, he looked at his wife who was half naked, and the man who she was cheating on him with. He knew him, the next in line to take over the Saber Tooth Family position as its head. it was a powerful family which was above even his wife's family, no wonder she would want to sleep with him.

"What, you want to fight?" Jacob asked with a sneer, he didn't run behind this trash back out of fear or anything. it was just that their actions would be looked down upon. so he hides it.

Sighing, he had nothing he could say to Jacob. he went to his room where he laid back, rethinking his life. he pulled out his phone, and pulled out a number... he looked at his uncle's number for some time, before closing the phone. it was his uncle who helped him go from a homeless man to marrying into this family... he wanted to call him, but what was he going to say? he felt too embarrassed to call him after 5 years without speaking to him. That was even more so after he helped him out so much.

"the world runs on money... if only I had the same opportunity as others." He said softly. his parents were at the peak of their youth when they had him, they didn't want to have him at the time as they thought it would slow down their dreams. but they had no choice and gave birth to him. So he was an unwanted child, with parents who felt like he was destroying their dreams.

He was neglected growing up. He couldn't even go to school and spent most of his time inside. they didn't hit him, but the verbal abuse still hurt. it changed when they actually wanted to have a child and gave birth to his little sister. things only got physical from there, the whole family took pleasure in having him as a punching bag.

when he was 18, he was thrown outside without any warning. being a teen who knew little about the outside world, without knowing what to do or expect, he lived on the streets and had to turn to a life of crime to survive. luckily, before he could get caught or anything, his uncle found him and gave him this life.

Marrying into the Smith family was like a dream come true for him. sure they were no saints and bullied him the same as his parents... but for the first time, he could sleep on a bed, eat at the dinner table, and wasn't treated like some dog. so although life was still hard, he was grateful.

For a long time, his wife had made it clear that she didn't like him. going as far as forbidding him from even looking at her for too long. but he was okay with that, so long as he had a place to stay, what more could he want? 

He would be lying if he said he didn't love his wife. She was the first woman he had ever fallen in love with, he tried to be the perfect husband but came to realize that she would never love him

but now a new man had entered her life, she would want to get married, and soon he would be thrown out. he will be back on the streets soon. 

"Alex, now that you know I'm sleeping with Jacob, I have no reason to hide anything from you." the door opened, and without even bothering to care for what he was doing, his wife spoke while looking at him disdainfully. 

Alex looked at her, and could only see the same look she had always given him. a disdainful, indifferent look. it was like she was a goddess looking down upon a mortal.

"I'm here to tell you that tomorrow James will be coming over. I need you out... we might be out of condoms, so I want you to get up early in the morning to rush off to get us a pack." She said causing Alex to lower his head in deep thought.

In the past, even if he knew his wife was cheating on him, he wouldn't have cared because he didn't know what cheating would have meant. but in these 5 years, he taught himself to read, write, and also understand the outside world.

"... Do what you like." Saying this, Alex got up and walked past her. leaving her stunned,

"Where are you going? do you have the face to get mad at anything? All you can do is stand there... in fact, you should be thanking me." She said coldly, Alex didn't say anything as she was right. he left, and went to his car... well, her car.

"This is my life..." Alex mumbled to himself and headed towards a bridge... he was tired of struggling. he parked near the bridge and just walked to the bridge. looking at the river below, he sighed as he couldn't think of anything to live for. from birth his life was shit, and he was too beaten down to find a reason to live.

Just as he was about to jump over and enter eternal peace, he saw something flashing in the river. he quickly realized it was something from the sky, so he looked up and saw a shooting star. He looked at the star for some time, wondering if he should make a wish.

but such thoughts flew out of the window when the star suddenly turned, shooting towards him. He was about to run but just gave up. What's the point? this was a better way to die so he closed his eyes. Even with closed eyes, he could tell that the star was getting closer and closer as the light was getting brighter until he was swallowed.

he was stunned and tried to open his eyes, just to find himself within a white void. He was confused for some time before his eyes landed on a glowing orb. 

{A host has been found to meet all of the requirements.... before the bonding begins. The system would like the host to pick one of the listed systems below.

Anime System

Bloodline System

Primordial Chaos System

Lust System

Multiverse System

Talent System




Pokemon system

Omni Money System

Omniverse System

Note: I'm a system without form, therefor I can be anything from the listed things above. Of course, I'm currently weak and would need you to do a huge amount of stuff to grow stronger, which in return would make me stronger. So pick your system host.} a robotic voice sounded, I was left stunned for some time while looking at the many systems before my eyes landed on the Omni-Money system... what ran the world? 

Although I was hidden from this world, thanks to marrying into the Smith family, I was able to get a phone. with that, I was able to see the world for the first time. I saw many things such as novels, movies, cartoons, and anime. It was my way to escape the cruel reality I was within.

"Before I pick, what do you mean that I meet the requirement?" I asked softly, I didn't even care if the system was bad or not. What is the worst thing that could happen now? My soul is devoured? So what.

{... not everyone has the soul needed to bond with a system. At the same time, even fewer people can see the true form of a system. you were able to see the system shooting through the sky searching for a host... that's impressive.} the system said to which I nodded lightly, by the system words, I guessed there might be other system users. the fact this is a newly born system kind of proved that.

but this brought the question, what type of world was his world? was it a cultivation world or was it something else? 

"I pick the Omni Money system," I said softly, 

{The Omni-money system is a system that takes the path that money can buy anything. With this system, you can buy anything such as improvements to your capability, use a store that has anything, and so on. this system doesn't need the host to be powerful, although the price for items would reflect the host's strength. it also has a selling function where the host can sell something they own, for money.

Is Host sure he wants to take this system?} the system asked, making me think for a moment.

"what are the prices for stuff" I asked softly, unsure if this was the best choice to make realizing it would be pricy.

{... host need not worry about the price. you will have a starter pack, plus many of the prices would be at a discount. every system has some kind of starter pack.} The system said before I asked a few other questions, and after hearing the answers to them, I picked the Money system.

{beginning the bonding. the host would be knocked out until the bonding is complete... bonding starts in 30 seconds.} the system said while Alex returned to reality. Alex found himself on the ground of the bridge before he got up and ran towards the car, before locking everything and locking the door, just as the time reached zero and his world went dark.