
The Omega in the Vampire Academy

Cecilia Everette has been a good girl all her life . Following rules have been the only way the omega could survive in the pack full of arrogant alphas . To escape the daily tortures , she decides to break all the rules and boundaries and attend the Vampire Academy, and after getting disguised as a vampire, leaving her pack behind . The only pain , she feels is of leaving her new founded best friend, Sepehr Winslow behind . But have she really escaped all her troubles or just added more to them by attending the academy and catching the attention of Atticus Montgomery and Theseus Montgomery , the two vampire princes . And for long can she hide the truth of her being an omega ? ------------- Sepehr Winslow has been the sole heir of the Winslow family , which is the most reputed and richest family amongst the whole werewolf empire . He is expected to marry a beautiful Alpha girl , which belongs to a reputed family like his own . But things take a quick turn when he starts to fall in love with Cecilia Everette , who is an unwanted omega and is abused almost all her life . Will Sepehr put all his family reputation on stake for an omega and marry her ? Or will he give up on love due to the whole family drama? ----------- Atticus Montgomery and Theseus Montgomery have been competitive towards each other since their childhood due to the pressure of the royalty , they were forced into since their birth . Their father decides to send them to Vampire high after homeschooling them, their whole life in order to make sure they get along well but tables turn when they get into another competition of winning over the heart of the new mysterious girl , Cecilia Everette. ------------ Read the whole story to find out who gets his fate connected to the Cecilia by the stars or will it be too late ? ------------ invitation code:Ny7W

_Mariposa_ · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Chapter 11

"When will we reach ?" Pryalis asked while nibbling on the bed . She was tired from all the journey and lacked sleep . She was still not fully healed and needed a recovery but due to all this , she wasn't getting the time.

"It's just around the corner . We will reach there soon" Thesues comforted her. He remembered the places very well , but this late at night , he was confused too.

The night was silent and under the light of the moon , they kept riding their respective horses. 

Truth to be told , Theseus was tired too and just needed a place to sleep . If Pryalis wasn't here , he would have slept under some tree in the forest . He has slept there many times and it was pretty comfortable for him now . He didn't fear getting bitten by mosquitos because he didn't have the blood that they needed. It was all great for him . 

Their eyelids were getting heavy with sleep.

"Look ! We are finally here" Theseus exclaimed as his eyes fell on the place he was searching. The sleep quickly vanished from their eyes due to the excitement of finally reaching the destination. It was a long ride afterall .

Around 3 am at night , they reached an lnn . It was located in the center of a town which seemed to be habitable by a very small number of people, judging by the number of houses on the side of the roads.

They got their horses inside the town and stopped in front of the Inn. 

"Is this place safe ?" Pryalis asked Theseus after getting down from the wagon . Her eyes were scanning the big board which was titled down and was barely being held back by the old nails . The metallic board with the name 'Cooper's Inn ' was rusted from the sides and the name was hard to read. Even the door of the place was in need of repair. The layer of wood was falling down from places. 

"Yes. It looks shabby , but it's safe and cozy . At this hour of night , this was the only place I could think of" Theseus explained and she gave a little nod .

She pulled up a tote bag from the wagon which had a dress and a pair of shoes which were gifted by Sepher to her. She tried to carry Pica who refused to go out. 

"Uh..she isn't coming outside Theseus" Pryalis complained and Theseus looked at her.

"Let her be inside. There are mortals too here and it won't be very safe to let her come out . It can blow our cover up"

He started walking towards the Inn and pushed the door open . A creaking sound was heard and Theseus rolled his eyes.

"Will it hurt them if they do a little oiling on the doors? " He mumbled. He has come to this place many times beforehand, and he was very much fine with how it was . But coming here with another person was a totally different thing . He wanted a good experience for Pryalis considering the fact that she was an omega. 

Pica was still in the wagon as Pryalis thought it would be a better place for her kifery. The cozy basket was something Pica loved dearly .

On top of that , she wasn't sure if creatures were allowed in the place. She and Theseus could easily get mixed with mortals but not Pica , due to her extraordinary look. Pryalis felt bad for leaving her there but she hoped that Pica would be safe at the end of the day. She decided to come and check on Pica as soon as the morning arrived.

Thesues headed towards the counter on which a lady was sitting. Her hair was dark black and came till her shoulder . It was styled in a pixie cut. Her features were like those of the French women and she had a petite frame.

"Are there 2 rooms available which are beside each other ?" He asked her . He wanted to ensure that their rooms were closed enough , so that in any case Pryalis needed him , he could help . She was his responsibility till the time he drops her at the gates of the Academy.

"Seperate rooms which are together?" She asked him back to confirm and he gave a little nod as an agreement.

She opened a dusty register from the side and wiped the dust off it while checking the vacant rooms.

"I am sorry to say sir , but that isn't available" She told him after a few minutes. 

"A little closer will do too . They don't need to be beside each other " Theseus told her.

"I am sorry sir , but there is only one room available. If you want you can take it . It's with double beds" she informed him.

"Okay . Give me a moment" he said and walked towards Pryalis to discuss if she was okay with him sharing a room with her.

Pryalis stared at him and he came towards her while gesturing to come a little away from the counter to ensure that the lady didn't listen to what they were discussing.

"What happened ? Are all the rooms filled ?" She asked.

"No..there is one room left" Theseus told her.

"Oh, why don't we take it ? You can sleep on the bed and I can sleep on the floor, "she suggested.

"You won't need to do any such thing . It's a double bed room . But my main question is whether you are comfortable in sharing a room with me or not ?" He asked her.

"Wait, are they the same joint bed or two different beds in the same room ? Either way I am okay. Having a roof on my head is a big deal anyways" Pryalis told him. 

She thought that to maintain distance they can keep a pillow in between. Sleep was her main priority now.

"Okay wait , let me ask her" Theseus told her and again went to inquire. 

The lady was playing a game on her phone and when she heard the approaching footsteps, she paused it and looked up .

"Yes ?" She asked him.

"Are there two beds or one joint bed ?" He asked the lady.

"Erm two joint beds," She told him.

"Okay . What's the price of the room for one night?" He inquired.

"It's 6 silver coins . And if you will stay till tomorrow, it's 12" she informed . Theseus put 12 silver coins on the desk without saying anything further and the lady put the key of the room on the table.

"It's room number 251. Please enjoy your stay sir . For today , the room service is over , but it will start again from 6 am" She informed and Theseus gave a nod and walked away upstairs. Pryalis quickly gave a quick bow while thanking the receptionist and followed Theseus.

They reached a room and Theseus put the key in the hole and twisted it , opening the locked door . 

The room wasn't very appealing in its look , but it wasn't bad either . It had a comforting mattress and on the name of decoration, there was a small vase with a painting of a lady hanging on the side of the room.

"Damn...this lady is beautiful," Thesues said and walked towards the painting. The painting was on a canvas . It was of a lady staring in front with her hands folded in the side . She wore a black gothic gown and her hair matched the gown. She was beautiful yet creepy.

"No way...he is crushing on a painting" Pryalis whispered and started to unpack her stuff . The painting sent chills down her spine.

Pryalis looked around the room to divert her attention from the creepy painting which seemed to be staring directly in her soul. 

"Why are paintings like this ? Staring deeply in our soles" She mumbled.

"Gosh Pryalis look , she can't keep her eyes off me" Theseus jokes .

"Yes of course. You are such a handsome man after all" Pryalis said cheekily while pulling her dress out . It was a night gown with pajamas to wear inside. It was dyed in a purple color and gave the look of velvet.

She wasn't very serious about what she was saying . 

"I agree" Thesues happily said, combing his hair back from his fingers .

"You know , I have never seen a handsome man like myself too," Theseus joked while standing and staring at Pryalis who laughed at his words.

"Wait...did I hear a laugh ? Lady...you are disrespecting my beauty" Thesues told her while laying on the bed.

"Pardon me, your highness" She giggled.

"It's fine...I will let you go afterall I am the best" 

Pryalis just walked over to the small washroom which was on the side to change her dress.

She locked the door and started humming while undressing herself. After she removed her dirty frock which was covered in mud and sweat , she opened the shower and started to bathe .

Pryalis was bathing and as the water was pouring on her head , she started to remember the memories of her past. The day it all started , the day when she attended the party .

I opened the shower and let the cold water pour on my naked body . A light gasp of relief left my lips as I felt the cold water hitting my body .

*Knock *


I heard the knocking on my room's door , and it made me curse under my breath . Can't I bathe in peace now ?

"Sweety ~" I heard my mother's voice calling me and it made me frown from inside . She sounded so...fake . But why was she faking sweetness ? I know her real nature .

"Yes Miss ?" I asked from inside, still in shock from the sweet tone .

"Come outside fast and please wear a cute dress . Miss Evalina Hyacinth is here to take you somewhere with her" My mother stated in her fake sweet tone , which she uses in front of everyone to show how great mother she is .

"Just two minutes" I said while trying to control my tears . I didn't want to talk with her right now . I just wanted free time and a break from everyone .

I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat and started crying in the shower . I clasped my palm against my mouth to control my sobs . I was just crying mindlessly . I didn't have anything in my mind right now . Just pain in my heart .

"Sweety~" she called again and I bit my bottom lip . Hard enough to draw blood and when I felt a slight metallic taste lingering upon my tongue and a slight pain on my lip , I took a breath in relief . The pain on my body , somehow relieves the pain in my mind and heart.

I closed the shower and ran my both hands from my forehead towards the back of my wet hair . I dabbed my body from the towel and then wore a baby pink trouser with a white pullover sweater .

I combed my wet hair and let it open so that it could get dry from the sunlight . I opened my drawer and applied my red lipstick over my lips without bothering to pay any attention to the mirror . My inside was a mess and today , I didn't want to bother to make myself look good . I just couldn't even after trying .

"Sweety !" I heard my mother yell from outside in irritation, probably due to the anger waiting for me .

Tears started to fall down her eyes while remembering the daily tortures which she was facing when she was at her house. She must have escaped the place and was in another safe place , but the memories weren't leaving her mind.

The water kept falling down on her back and she wiped her face roughly with her palm . Her locks were all wet and sticking on her body . She traced her finger through the reddish scar which she had from her mother's beating .

She still remembered clearly why she got it , it was for simply forgetting to turn on the hot water , due to all the chores she had. Her mother had broken one of the wine bottles and poked it tightly against her belly which made it bleed. It was right beside the scar which she got after coming in the fight between Sepher and the other Vampire. It was a sign which constantly reminded her of the old life which she left behind . The tortures which she bore on a daily basis . She choked on her own tears and cried silently 

She couldn't help but feel suffocated by the nightmares of her past and started scratching the healing skin where the scar was , till it started to bleed a little . She hissed in pain and was about to scratch more when she heard a voice from outside.

"AHHHHHHH!" She jolted and turned off the knob of the shower . She wiped her tears from her palm and in a hurry she quickly wore her brassiere which she had worn the whole day. She then slipped in the dirty gown not caring much about the sweat and dirt which will stick to her clean body. She needed to know what had happened and why did Theseus screamed . 

Questions kept coming in her mind with different scenarios of even her parents and Sepher's mother coming to find her here and attacking Theseus for information regarding her. Her hands were trembling as she took each step.

 Without caring to dry her wet hair , she headed outside. Her wet hairs stuck to her back making the back of her dress wet completely.

Her eyes widened as she saw Thesues jumping on the bed with horror filled eyes. He was looking down on the bed and quickly looked at her side with fear.

"What happened?" Pryalis asked him in disbelief when she found nobody else in the room who could pose a threat to a goddamn vampire !

"There..."he gulped nervously while pointing down the bed .

"What's there?" Pryalis asked and now she was feeling nervous. 

'Is there a snake under the bed?'She thought to herself but still decided to have a look.

She crouched down only to see a small rat on the side which was sticking with the wall for its dear life. She looked up at Theseus in shock ,

"Were you scared by a little mouse?" She asked him.

"Mouse? Of Course! It's a DAMN RODENT ! SCARE IT AWAY !!! PLEASE!!" he screamed . He was freaking out with every passing second.

Theseus was terribly scared of rats . He remembered how a rat chewed up the ear of one of his bunnies when he was just a child and he got this phobia that rats will chew him up too.

Pryalis simply crawled down and picked up the rat with a slight frown from its body . It was wiggling her hold making her coe at its cuteness. Pryalis loved every furry creature . Even if you present an alligator in front of her with pink fur , she won't think twice before cuddling. 

"EwW you are holding him !!! Throw him out ! Make him drunk or put him in a drum ! Do whatever but just take this disgusting thing out from my eyesight" Theseues freaked out. He couldn't believe that Pryalis would ever hold any such thing in her hand .

Pryalis frowned at his words and gently petted the head of the tiny little creature in her hand and pecked its head. 

"Let me drop you outside," she said and opened the room's door .

She gently put the rat down and it ran away at full speed. Pryalis waved him goodbye and came inside. 

Theseues stared at her for a few seconds and then carefully got down from the bed . 

"Is it gone?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Yes " She told him while completely forgetting about her own breakdown.

"Great...now bathe again" Thesues told her and grabbed her wrist while dragging her towards the shower.

"I have already bathed" she protested 

"But it's not enough . You have touched a rat . Bathe again" He told her and opened the shower on top of her head. Pryalis wiggled to get out of the strong grip but he just dug his fingers on her shoulder and pushed her gently against the wall.

She gulped at the closeness. 

"Bathe properly sweetheart" He told her with a serious look in his eyes . He turned on the knob of the shower 

"Before I bite your neck up" he added her and her cheeks felt a hot rush in them. 

The water soon started to fall down on both of their heads slowly while rolling down their faces towards their lower bodies. They both were getting wet by the shower's water and Theseues kept holding her to make sure she got fully cleaned. He didn't mind himself getting wet. He hated rats and he hates the fact that someone who would be sleeping beside him , has touched a rat and not bathed.

To escape the deadly soul piercing eye contact , Pryalis looked down only to see that his whole shirt was now wet and slightly transparent while sticking to his well built body.

"Your dress–It's... it's visible" She told him while pointing towards his chest and Thesues chuckled with the familiar mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Yours is visible too...but did you find me complaining ?" Theseus's questions made her eyes go wide in shock.

She looked down at her own body , only to see the brown dress sticking on her body like her second skin and the texture of her brassiere visible . She pushed Theseus away in disbelief while screaming "PERVERT!!!" .

Although her clothes were not visible but still , she felt uncomfortable in even letting an unknown man know the complete shape of her body , but this made Theseus laugh and he walked in the room while leaving Pryalis alone in the shower.

Pryalis opened the door and slammed it again in anger to let him know that she was pissed and started changing her dirty dress to the new one which was a beautiful nightgown.