

  The light from the sun illuminated the room giving it a serene look perfect for having time alone. Music sounded distant in her ears and all she could see is darkness and emptiness.

  Inside her as she closed her eyes, oblivious of her surroundings. It felt like she was been thrown into a bottomless pit where she kept falling.

  Suddenly, a light emerged from the end and her face was lined with smiles. Finally, it was here. But why does it still feel like she's in the darkness?

  The song had begun to echo like it was a dirge made for someone and when she turned her head, she was whirled by what felt like the wind into another dimension where she stood in the middle of the forest. Her forehead was laced with beads of perspiration. The air was misty and her throat sore.

  "Hello?" She managed to call but there was silence t first.

  "Who's there?" She heard shuffling footsteps, almost like the owner was trying so hard to walk unnoticed or unheard.