
Difficult decision

Author's note:

I'm aware of the slow pace of the story but I'd rather write this story more like a book than a web novel. The reason is that I want to give credibility to the relationship that Egan and our elf will share. Moreover, I prefer that the rise in power of our two heroes be justifiable by their experiences, their training and their trials.

Novels tend to rush history, lore, relatins, and anything that gets in the way of the action. But it gives relationships without depths, very superficial romances and fights where the protagonist gets a powers up with each new opponent without any explanation of his rise to power.

Even if I try to do my best to reconcile your expectations and how I like to write a story. There will be at least one time skip during their stay on the island but they haven't left yet. They just aren't ready to join Eragon's original storyline.


I take advantage of my new support to find the next high point where I can work on digging in the other part of the village.

Egan doesn't surprise me when he conveys his hunger and thirst to me.

Noting the difficulty with which I move, I realize that I will no longer be able to leave the village. I could no longer help with the hunt or accompany him to the waterfall.

"Egan I won't be able to accompany you to the waterfall for a while, you'll have to make the trip alone." So listen to me. »

He stares at me and waits without moving.

"I won't be able to walk around for a while so you'll have to hunt and get a drink alone." I immediately sense his panic at my words.

"Don't panic Egan, if my plan works you won't need to hunt soon but we still need water." I might be looking for a way to fix this when I finish what I started yesterday. »

"I'm going to create a rope so you can carry a bucket in your mouth but you're not allowed to swim in the waterfall, there seems to be a danger there even if I still don't have it identified. »

"You can't go further than what we have already explored together, you can hunt animals but never more dangerous than deer. »

"If you encounter danger, you flee and join me, if you wear the seal, you let go and join me"

"Do you understand me Egan?" I am very serious if you have any doubt or if you are not sure to understand something, tell me now! »

I wait for his answer and he mentally sends me the memory of each order then imagines the situation and shows me his reactions. He waits for me to validate his mental message and then moves on to the next one.

When we have dealt with all the subjects I sigh. "That's good Egan, you got it all figured out so please don't play the fool and follow the instructions." »

"You are still young and you have to grow up before you can face other predators. Remember, whatever the danger, however small the risk. »

"I am so sorry to leave you alone in the face of danger when you are so young. I'm really ashamed that I can't protect you, if I had the choice, I wouldn't have left you alone until I was sure that you were in no danger without me. »

"Remember that each day you survive, you get stronger. Don't run away as a defeat or a shame. Because in your case if you survive one more day, it's your victory. Keep that in mind Egan! If your pride can't bear to run away think like a winner: every escape, every defeat, every humiliation hold each one back and swallow your resentment because you have an Egan power. »

"The power of infinite potential!" Every day you get stronger, bigger, smarter, wiser. Then there will come a day when you can avenge yourself in any way you want on each of the beings who have inflicted this shame on you. »

"Don't forget Egan a dead man loses everything, survival is a victory even if it's bitter. This is a truth especially true for you."

"If you haven't understood everything, remember what I have just told you and try not to forget it, you will understand quite quickly. »

"I wish you were stronger and older but it's time for you to leave the nest"

"Go hunt, go feed yourself and don't forget the rules we set"

His panic seems to have ebbed and only his determination is noticeable now.

I never took my eyes off him during my entire monologue and he seems to have taken it seriously. I can't do anything more and I'm still exhausted. I haven't fully recovered from draining my strength with my magic last night.

I go back to bed and this time I do it alone. Strangely, I feel uncomfortable when I go to bed alone, I quickly took the company as normal and acquired. I really hope not to make mistakes by allowing him to go hunting alone.

When I wake up, there's not a sound and Egan isn't there. Going down I find a bucket of water filled on the ground and smile despite my concern.

"I really hope I didn't make the wrong choice and that he will be fine"

I go out to find a high position to finish digging holes all along the perimeter of the village. Once I find a satisfactory position, I sit down and start the same work as yesterday on the other half of the village.

When fatigue catches up with me again I decide to stop, I don't want to be so exhausted tomorrow morning. I'm less tired than the day before, it's strange but I feel like I have more energy. Sweat runs down my face and I'm already irritated that I can't clean myself. I must not smell the rose now.

When I get up and then turn to go home I'm surprised to see Egan lying right behind me. I haven't heard it happen yet, when I practice magic I need all my concentration and it works even better in a resting position with my eyes closed.

If I don't want to die one day from this inconvenience, I'm going to have to work on this problem and that's good since I won't be able to move too much for a while.