
The Ogre's story

This is a story about a young ogre who is the weakest. follow him as he grows to become the strongest in this world as he travels to meet new people and companions on the way and learn new things as well. ( PS. this story is my first so there will be mistakes sometimes and it's kinda similar to Japanese novels themes I guess I hope you enjoy reading)

slenderdan123 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Ogre Chieftain

The next following day, the ogre child began to search for other food sources besides the berry bushes in the forest Aria, he walk carefully to tree to tree or anything he can hide if comes danger to him, he always looks around the area to see if they're are beast's nearby.

Sometimes, if he heard any sound he would panicly climb a tree ,hide inside a bush or dive inside a nearby hole or trying to dig a hole. Because of the silver fang Wolf experience, the young child always tries to stay calm however couldn't because he was worried and scared if the sliver fang Wolf or any other dangerous beast's might appear. the Quest for looking food might be longer than expected.

After a few hours of cautious wondering the young child found some plants that were kinda edible, however some weren't to his liking. some of the plants were bitter and not delicious like the berries for example a broccoli type plant that is colors is dark purple it tastes very bitter when eaten. the child also found weird looking mushrooms that have green spots on it. when he tried one he Began to feel very sick with his face turning slightly green and began to vomit it back out. mushrooms with green spots not edible.

He also found some nuts and acorn's near some trees. it was safe and edible to eat and can be found anywhere.

after some time it began to turn evening. while he was walking some few meters away North from the cave he stumbled upon a small stream of water that it was a few feet deep going down stream from looks to be a small hill. the area covered with trees with little lighting because it was evening made it look like a beautiful scenery. there were some fish in it however when the child try getting close to catch them the fish swam away after seeing the young child. even though he found food, meat was much more better he thought. thinking back the meat he ate from that bone was good. however trying to catch other animals in this forest is hard when he doesn't know how and there were some dangers if tried.

although he can get some leftover scraps from the other Ogres who were done eating. but it wouldn't be enough for him to survive so he had to deal with it for now with other alternatives.


few days later, near the den some Ogres were talking.

" did you see that weakling of an ogre going off inside the forest again?."

" yes, it seems he finally decided to go searching food for himself. do you think he come back?"

" come back!!?. hah .he wouldn't survive long anyways inside that forest full of beast's. he better off dead rather coming back here at all, hahahaha" the ogre who said that laugh.

" besides that, rather thinking about that good for nothing. the chief Said it almost Time to begin our hunt"

" hoho, did our chief found some prey entering our territory?"

" yes, some human caravans where seen aprouching from the west side of the forest road's, the chief told us to prepare, hehehe"

" I can't wait to try eating those humans, there meaty flesh taste's very good and juicy"

" hey don't forget the human women's, we could have a little bit fun with them before eating them."

" yeahhh!, hahahaha"

the Ogres enjoyed their conversation. until a small creature that looks like a goblin came by to them.

" what are you here for!?. hah!?"

" the chief ordered me to call everyone it's Time". said the goblin

" oh, finally!! let's go catch some prey"

the Ogres began their hunt for the human caravans near the forest Aria.


after searching for food the young child return to the ogre den. when here arive there he sees many Ogres going out of the cave. many of the Ogres seems to be carrying cut of tree trunks and clubs. some of them also seems to be holding Swords and Axe's. there were also Ogres who were wearing something similar to armor on parts of their bodies. the child who was seeing this was curious of where there are going?. because of his curiosity he decided to followed them by behind without the other Ogres noticing.

a few hours later, the Ogres stop moving to someplace that it looks like a road. the child was hiding behind a tree not to far from them so he can watch without being spotted. one of the Ogre's who seems to be the leader was given out orders.

" we're here! now go into position and wait for our chieftain's signal got it!?. don't let those humans know we're here!."

after giving out the order the Ogres went into hiding near the roads behind trees or bushes anywhere the can hide themselves before the caravans arrives.

the child was wondering why there are hiding?. soon not long until his questions were answerd he spotted that seems to be moving wagons on the road not far from them. he can see humans walking beside the wagons side by side while talking. there were unaware that there enemies were preparing to attack.

soon not long there were walking at the center of the road where the Ogres were hiding. suddenly!, one of the wagons got destroyed by a giant Boulder. the boulder was large and destroyed the wagon into pieces of wood without any traces left. the humans were shock and dumfounded until the Ogres started attacking them.

" that's the chief's signal!, attack!!"

all the Ogres got out of there hiding places at once and started killing humans one by one.

" it's an ambush!, the Ogres are attacking us!"

" how can this many Ogres appear!!?."

" it's the forest Aria remember, what else's can it be to have many monster's like this showing!."

the humans were in a panic of the sudden attack by the Ogres. one of the humans who was the leader was trying to give orders to the panic people.

" everyone stay calm!, get into formation and attack! there just dumb monster's!. prepare your swords and spell's!, help the wounded and help the mage's to prep..."

before he can finish his commands his head was hit and eblitirated into many chunk's after being punch by an ogre. with blood gushing out of his former head.

" quit your yapping and die humans!, hahahaha!"

" sir Gerald, is dead!...."

" wasn't he the strongest swordsman in the guild..."

after losing their leader there faces turn pale. everyone in the human side was dying one by one. some of them were trying to escape but were killed immediately by their enemy. their enemy don't want to let them escape alive.

after half an hour of intense fighting it got all quiet. all the humans were killed. either being crush , cut , or smah into chunk's of meat there were none survivors.

" they're were weaker than we thought! hahahaha."

" yeah , remember that human pleading for his life it was funny!."

" we don't need the chief help this time because there weak."

" damnit!, we don't see any human women!.

I thought they have some! in there little group!"

" yes, it's a pity I thought I could have a taste of some delicious tender meat. but maybe next time"

the Ogres were enjoying their little chat until their leader gave order's.

" alright everyone!, the chief ordered us to bring all the dead humans back!. you goblins will bring back all the stuff from those wagons also!. and clean the area !."

after being told, the goblins soon appear from the forest to bring back all the stuff from the wagons or any useful stuff back to the cave. the Ogres began to collect the human corpses and moving away destroyed wagons and debry from the road.

The child who witnessed that was surprised and amazed of how the Ogres fight and easyly defeated those humans until suddenly.

" you little one, what are you doing hidding here?."

the child was surprised and look behind him. he saw a giant ogre who was bigger than the rest of the Ogres and bulkier. the ogre has two big Horns on his head and his skin was closed Brown. the child was afraid after seeing this ogre because he was showing a menacing and dangerous Aura. by instinct the child knows this dangerous.

" I said what are you doing here?, can't you speak?"

the child was quivering. he thought he would be killed by this Ogre.

" if can't speak fine. go help those goblins and bring back anything useful or food now!!."

after being told the young child hurryly joins the goblins to search inside the wagons. the Ogre the child met was the Chieftain of the ogre's. the strongest and powerful than the rest, they all follow him and listen to his orders.


after the successful hunt the Ogres enjoy their newly caught human meat but the child hadn't gotten any and was driven away by the Ogres. they don't want to give this meat to the child because it will be a waste on this weakling, even though this child help them bring back those supplies.

after a couple days the child continue to search for food in the forest. he was a little upset and jealous of the other Ogres eating human meat. he thought if he could find a human and defeat it he could enjoy human meat too. but he couldn't find any and he was still a child. when he was searching food in a rocky Hill he heard a loud yell.

" god dammiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!"

the child was stardled and went to investigate where the sound was coming From?. Then he spotted a human man that look angry jumping up and down near a wagon.

the child found a human!

hello there it's author San here, this chapter was a little longer than the previous chapters. I am trying to give some details on this story. and I hope you fellow readers enjoy them. don't forget to leave a comment if you want. bye see you guys later.

slenderdan123creators' thoughts