
The Ogre's story

This is a story about a young ogre who is the weakest. follow him as he grows to become the strongest in this world as he travels to meet new people and companions on the way and learn new things as well. ( PS. this story is my first so there will be mistakes sometimes and it's kinda similar to Japanese novels themes I guess I hope you enjoy reading)

slenderdan123 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Encounter with a Human

" seriously!?, god dammiiit!"

the child saw a Human man jumping up and down near a wagon. he seems to be angry about something.

" haaah~, I knew I should get it replaced, the god damn wheel broke. now It has tree wheels, who has a tree wheel wagon?. freaking nobody does!."

the man was angry because one of the wheels on the wagon was broken. because of that his wagon cannot move with only tree wheels it will only topple down when moving.

" damnit, ok now I should stop whining about it. ok stay calm, take deep breaths. haaaa huuu~{ inhaling and exhaling}. alright I am fine now, let's see the wagon's condition. the wheel broke it can't be fixed it needs to be replaced . it might take a week or so~~." continue mumbling with himself.

the human man was talking with himself mumbling words that the child couldn't understand or hear what he is saying.

the child had found a human. he was surprised and curious why a human was inside this deep in the forest of calamity Aria, but that wasn't all he thought about, the child have found a Human he suddenly got an idea if he successfully killed this Human he could have human meat but not only that if he showed them his head or any of the parts of his body to the other Ogres of the tribe he could be accepted by them..., he couldn't miss this perfect opportunity!.

the human man was crouching down near a broken wagon, this was his chance!... the child thought. he picked up a nearby stone that looks kinda sharp. his plan is to stab the human behind his back while he is unguarded. the child walk slowly until he reached behind the human. he ready his sharp Stone holding it in both hands aiming at his back. his heart began to beat quickly. { thump, thump,thump~}. he was ready to kill.

" alright!, let's do... ouch!. my head!?."

when he was about to stab him, the man suddenly got up and hit his head on the child's head making the child fall backwards on his back on the ground.

" ugh, that hurts,it feels like I just hit a hard rock. what the... an ogre!?. a child Ogre!?"

the man look around and found the child who was on the ground holding his head. he also felt pain after being hit. the child got up and was staring at the man with a glare while holding the sharp Stone.

(" what should I do!?, I left my sword inside the wagon, dammit!. I should have been more prepared!. even though this Ogre is a child he still dangerous. I am unarmed right now..., what should I do? , run away , grab my weapon?. the kid is holding a Stone. let's wait and see what he do.")

" grrr!.." the child growling at the man.

the child readying his stone in both hands started to run at the man in front of him trying to stab him but suddenly.

" aaah!... argh!?"

the child run and suddenly fallen over to the ground. he was holding his foot. it was bleeding. his foot has a small pointy rock stuck to it. because of that he is in pain.


the man who saw all of it happening in front of his eyes, saw the young Ogre showing a painful expression. he doesn't know what to do in this situation. it was kinda unexpected for him.

" ummm, are you ok?"

the Ogre respond by growling at him,. " grr!.." he couldn't do anything than that. the man saw his foot and the little rock stuck in his foot.

" um, wait a sec!, I just got something for you, wait here, don't go anywhere!, ok?"

the man rush back to his wagon and brought something back, it was a small veil of liquid. the liquid inside it was light blue in color. the child saw that the man was getting closer to him, he was growling a little louder at the man " grr! ahh!" but the man ignored the child and got closer.

" it's ok, don't be scared, I won't hurt you, I just want to help you relief your pain."

the man open the cork on the veil and lift it up on the child's injured foot. the child was shivering in fear when the man got closer to him, he closed his eyes afraid of being killed, there were tears emerging from his eyes. the man pull out the small rock and pour all the liquid from the veil on the child's foot. the injured foot began to shine and completely heal in an instant like the injury never happened in the first place.

" ok, it's healed without problems"

the child opened his eyes after no longer feeling the pain from his left foot, he look at it, it was fine, the young child look at the man who was standing a little far from him with the now empty veil. the child got up and started to walk closer to the man.

" hey, what are you doing?, hey your fine now right?. why are you getting closer!?"

the man saw the child getting closer to him, he was started to get worried, because he helped the child Ogre without thinking of what happens next, he thought child was about to attack him again.

" hey!, I helped you so, stay back!, don't get closer to me!"

but the child didn't listen of what he said and got more closer to him and showing a angry face at the man. the man started to step back after the child got more closer. he was trapped because there was a cliff behind him, he got nowhere to run, he was cornerd

" come on!, I helped you so please go back!!, I don't want any trouble so g... aaa!!"

without realizing the man had lost his footing and fallen at an edge of the cliff. the place where his broken wagon was near to a freaking cliff!. some rocks had fallen off where he was standing that is the reason why he is holding on his dear life on the edge. his hands were holding on the edge of the cliff, he was struggling to hold on and his hands were losing his gripping.

" ahh!!, hey! help me!! , bring me something to pull myself up heyy!!, please!!"

the man was calling for help from the child Ogre. but he did not respond he only look at him down below without any emotions and left from his sight.

" hey!!, don't leave me like this.., please help me!!"

(" ahh.., damn... is this is what I get for helping an Ogre?..., am.. I.. going to die...?")

the bottom of the cliff was deep, if he were to fall, he would surely not survive.

but before he could lose hope,he suddenly see something green in front of him, it was a tree branch, the man heard something

" argggh!!"

like a child's scream as if telling to grab it. the man without hesitating grab hold of it and started to climb back up from the cliffs edge.

he finally reached the top and was exhausted, the branch that he was holding was from a small little tree that was luckily closed by the cliff, but the one that extended the branch was none other than the child. because the man see he was holding the branch down where he was at.

" huff...huff... thanks kid you safe me.."

the child went closer to the man again, the man was tired so he didn't move from his spot also realizing that the young Ogre wasn't a treaht to him.

" huff...huff..., wha.. what?"

the child got near him and grab hold of his left hand for a second and let go of it after putting it inside. the man check, it was berries a handful of it. the man look back at the child. the child was showing an unhappy face to the man and started to go back home.

" um, thank you kid, for giving me this and helping me earlier"

the child stop a few feet from the man, and look back at him still showing an unpleasant face.

" gerrr,....hmph!"

the child continue walking back into the forest. after he left the man smiled while looking at the berries in his hands.

" what a weird Ogre... mm!?.. it's good!"