
They're here

"Melaine pleause eat something"

There was no reply.

"Your mother would be worried sick." No reply

It had been like this for two weeks now.

Melaine would sit in the same spot staring at Zelda's body without moving until Melantha comes back and forces her to eat and move.

They had hidden in the one place obscurum wouldn't have expected them to. After all, Duana had already overthrown all the kingdoms under Auguruim.

Unknown to most people except Duana and some royal family members, Auguruim was an empire of kingdoms that once were.

Duana had taken over and history had repeated itself as she was ruling them all with the empire's name as Obscurum.

Melantha and Adalrick had gone out to confirm if their spot had been discovered by any creatures.

Aliki sighed in frustration.

This girl was much more trouble than she looked like.

You'd think with one twin half-dead, the other would be mellow.

Yes they would but their quietness was maddening.