
The New students

Chasing the darkness away is equivalent to licking your back-Impossible


"Oi!" Someone shouts from behind her and her heart beat spikes again.

She pressures her feet to run faster,

'I shouldnt have slapped him, but he cant touch me.' she thought to herself.

The loud footsteps get closer.

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" She screams as she runs.

He chuckles evily

"I've found you sweety. You're mine now, grab her!"

The men catch her and take her, "No!" She screams louder "Stop! Let me go! Let me go! Leave me alone! Stop it!"

She struggles but its no use, they're stronger than her, they take her to the man.

"what do you want with me"

She choked out.

He grabs her face and whispers one word that changed her life forever.


"No! Please! I don't want to! I'm just a child! Please! Let me go! Please! No!"

"No!" She jolts awake screaming, causing the few people in the class to stare at her.

"Weirdo" someone whispers and everyone just takes their eyes off her, already used to her strange behavior.

She looked to the clock and sighed. 7:45am.

"I must have slept off again" she whispered to herself. No one regarded her behavior. They had already decided, sooner or later, they will throw her in the asylum .

The warning bell went off and Cordellia quickly stood up from where she was sitting and went to the backseats.

She knew some of the students were afraid of her but she never exerted that power. She was always quiet even when it was it was uncalled for.

The bell for first period went off and Cordellia recounted what subject they were having first, History.

She smiled. 'Finally, a subject I love on a Monday morning' she thought.

However, the history teacher didn't walk into her class but the principal along with one, two, three, FOUR!

Four new faces?

"Good day students" the principal said "As you've all noticed, we have four new students today. Please introduce yourselves"

The class was silent and undisturbed as the Five introduced themselves. There was a brunette girl who was slightly tall and a red-head who looked too young to be in the senior year.

"I am Emmaline Linton" the brunette spoke, her voice enchanting as her accent was thickly British.

"My name is Iris Hayda " the red-head said almost immediately after, her accent also British.

"My name is Mack Terran" the blonde guy said with a wink and a few girls giggled while the principal sighed.

The last boy did not want to talk. The principal looked at him expectantly but he frowned back and Emmaline turned to him, an eyebrow raised and he huffed.

"Alex Hunter" he huffed, his British accent the strongest. They were all British!

"Please take your seats, your teacher will be here shortly" the principal quickly said and left.

'is it just me or does all these seem too rushed?' Cordellia thought to herself.

She placed her head on the table and raised her head back up quickly when she heard chairs being taken out all around her.

" Stop! Don't sit there! "One of the students yelled.

" Why?" Emmaline asked, her perfectly shaped eyebrows raised.

" Cause that girl at the corner's mental" the student rushed out.

Iris chuckled" well in that case... " The four sat in unison, circling Cordellia.

The student was left bewildered, wondering what sort of people they were.

" Hi! " Iris seemed to be overly excited and Cordellia always avoided such people. In fact, she wanted to just disappear as the presence of the four was extremely suffocating.

Something about them was off, she could feel it strongly. It was the kind of feeling she got whenever she was too close to Aunt Lela and that same feeling was come from Iris the most.

Unbeknownst to Cordellia, the four also felt the same about her.

They all felt like they should be wary of her, like she was someone they were all afraid of, the reason they'd come to this place.

'Iris, are you sure this is the person? ' Emmaline asked with the special bond they'd created. After all, none of these four were humans.

'I'm pretty sure. She can obviously feel our presence too, she looks so uncomfortable ' Iris replied.

'I still can't believe other creatures apart from werewolves could mind link each other' Mack laughed and the two females proceeded to lecture him.

Alex sighed and rubbed his forehead, blocking out the banter that was giving him a headache.

The teacher had entered the class and had started to teach but he didn't bother listening. A vampire like him had already learnt such things when he had enough spare time.

Alex looked to his right, the girl was sleeping. She looked stressed and on edge but he couldn't ignore that dangerous aura from her either.

He decided to ignore everybody and just go through all the classes in silence.

After all, Emmaline had made sure that they were in the same class as this girl.

She looked so weak.

The bell rang and the girl jolted awake with a slight jump, her eyes wide and her posture rigid, as if waiting for an attack.

She sighed and wiped the side of her mouth that still had drool on it before packing her things, ready to bolt to the next class.

"Hey. Can you take us to the next class? We're having Geometry too" Iris said to Cordellia while the other three waited.

Cordellia sensed something was wrong but didn't say anything, she only shrugged and gestured with her hand to follow her.

Emmaline took a good look at the girl, nothing about her seemed strong but her aura...

Cordellia led them to the class and the next two periods the same occurrence repeated itself.

'Maybe after the lunch break, I'll loose them' Cordellia thought to herself.

"Cordellia, come have lunch with us!" Emmaline called when Cordellia didn't leave the classroom after everyone had either gone to the cafeteria or gone out without the schools notice.

" I'll pass " Cordellia silently replied.

Emmaline didn't push it, knowing that she'll get suspicious if she did.

As they left, she spotted the prefect who had attended to them previously go into the classroom. She tries to lag behind to listen in on their conversation but found they were speaking in hushed tones.

There was something seriously off about the girl.

They concluded at the end of the day.

They knew what their mission was, and it was to protect the supernatural world's existence from the humans and a certain person:

The white eyed demon.