
Is she blind?

Never expect everything to go right for you.

The universe itself is stingy, you may give and give but can never collect.


(Thirty minutes before the Arrival of Cordellia)

"My Queen." The maid bowed as the Queen stepped out of the court.

"How is he?" She asked the maid she had assigned to care for her husband.

"He's awake. He wishes to see you." The Queen gave a nod and waved her hand, dismissing the maid.

She went straight to her husband's room and to his side.

He raised his head at the sound of someone walking into the room.

"Melantha?" The king questioned as the steps of the person felt familiar.

Melantha reached out a hand and caressed her husband's face. He had aged well.

One look at the couple and you'd think she married a man twice her age but if you knew them, you would know that she was decades older than her husband.

"How are you dear?" Her voice went soft as she stared at her husband. It pained her that she didn't age as fast as he did.