
I don't know where you came from!

When its gets dark,

There'll always be a light.


Cordellia stared at the ceiling of the cell she was in and tried to remember how she got there. The last thing she remembered was screaming in Cody's room.

Apart from the dream she just had, she didn't remember anything else.

The dream. She felt like she had some connection to that person she saw in the cottage. She knew it wasn't just another version of her as she could never be like that.

The lady has whispered a name.

"Zelda" Cordellia let the name roll out of her mouth.

The name sounded so familiar, as familiar as her name.

She shook her head. "That's not right." She whispered to herself. She looked around her and whispered to herself again.

"I need to get out of here."

She stood up and with one push, forced the cell bars open.

The other prisoners huddled together in fear, something they had never done and watched as Cordellia maneuvered her way out of the dungeon.

The elf guard who was head of the guards looking over the dungeon was startled when Cordellia suddenly appeared.

"H hey you! What are you doing out here? How did you get out?" He tried to exert some sort of authority but failed when Cordellia glared at him.

"Which way is the fastest route to Aliki's chamber's?" Cordellia asked instead. Somehow, she had a hunch the lady was responsible for her abduction.

She heard the guard's confused thought on why she expected him to answer.

Cordellia then did something she never did before. She placed her hand on the Elf's forehead and took in a deep breath.

The paths in the castle appeared before her eyes and Cordellia sighed in contempt.

"Thank you for your help"

She easily sidestepped the guard.

Zipping faster than a vampire, she ran through the castle. The servants didn't notice anything, all they felt was wind rushing past them.

Cordellia ran till she reached the top floor of the castle. Somehow, she felt Aliki was there.

Her guts were right. Aliki was rushing out a room and Cordellia smiled to herself.

She followed Aliki silently for a full minute before Aliki felt it and paused.

Cordellia gave the kind of smile that would frighten children if she was a haunted house character.

"Hello Aliki" she whispered and Aliki turned around, screaming.

The guards rushed over and Lela yanked her door open, ready to erase any existence of danger. What she didn't expect was to see her deceased sister's adopted child.

"Lia?" Lela quickly walked forward and pulled Cordellia into a hug.

Aliki hummed in confusion while the guards shifted their weight from foot to foot, unsure of what to do.

Aliki signalled for them to stand by.

"What are you doing here mpwa?" She asked and Cordellia shrugged her off.

"I'm the demon Aliki must have told you about. I'm also sure you know what happened at home." Lela was shocked.

Cordellia had never spoken to her like this before.

"Lela, tell me, in front of all these creatures. Am I truly a blood relative? "Cordellia's eyes had been bloodshot before but now they were watery.

She normally wouldn't remember anything after Zelda but this time, she remembered. Well, she only remembered after coming in contact with magic.

The guards felt uncomfortable witnessing such a scene and wished to be dismissed but Aliki had forgotten about that.

"Answer me please Lela. This is too much for me to handle. " Cordellia didn't want to believe the voice in her head that had suddenly been activated.

It was all too much for her. She couldn't hear it before because she had been focused on finding Aliki but now ...

"Lela answer me please. It's too loud!" Cordellia began to shake Lela until the woman had had enough.

"Yes! You're not ours! Alderon gave us to you in exchange for locking Cassandra's abilities! I don't know where you came from! " Lela screamed and Cordellia fell to her knees.

"Mama?" Alysha spoke from behind her mother "Why?" It was in a soft tone but Lela felt guilty for keeping such a secret.

Cordellia gripped her hair tightly and tried to suppress the voices.

"I told you. Remember those times she never showed you care or love? She always treated you differently? Only the little one loved you because he didn't know. You couldn't protect that one person. Look at you."

They each said one sentence at the same time and Cordellia let out a wail

"Make it stop" it was quiet and the guards felt sorry for her.

Aliki watched the whole thing unfold with a horrified gaze.

How come the one who had told her with all sincerity that she was adopted was just finding out now?

She looked up and saw the guardsmen still waiting.

"You're dismissed. It was a false alarm" she cleared her throat and tried to pick Cordellia up.

What she didn't expect was for Cordellia to electrocute her.

"Let me" Alysha gave Aliki a soft smile and successfully pulled Cordellia up.

Cordellia didn't realize what was going on and was going back into that trance like state, soon to let Zelda take over.

"Please allow us to be in the second room. I'm afraid she and mama will have a fight when she comes to ."

Aliki couldn't refuse the girl and allowed her.

The fourteen year old girl had matured too early. Leaving her to be extremely responsible, thoughtful and powerful.

In the Royal castle, the Queen received the message from the carrier bird and sent it back to the Fae's Castle.

She read the contents and frowned.

She closed her eyes and whispered a spell, searching through the memories of the one who wrote the letter.

She gasped and opened her eyes.

"No Aliki, you've made a huge mistake."

She called for her messenger and sent word back to Aliki.

Aliki, this is all a misunderstanding.

Come to the Castle at once and bring the girl with you.

I need to see her in person.

The Queen got up from her seat and burnt the paper in the nearest candle.

"Sable must hear this." The Queen whispered to herself with a huge smile on her face. "I've found my daughter"