
The Odd Weapons Meister

Who is Sheen? What is he? After getting hit by a truck so hard he ends up in another world, Sheen is forced into the unusual, to interact with the unusual, unusually. With an odd past and an uncertain future, he must remember what was forgotten, survive the other world, and decide his future. First weapon? A shovel. only doing this for a hobby open to ideas and helpful suggestions.

Someone13 · Fantasía
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17 Chs


That night, all the emotions came flooding in. The fear of dying, the guilt of killing, the rage at injustice and all the fatigue from working. At the end of it all, all that was left was a sense of numbness. Why am I trying so hard to live? Why am I going through this? What's the meaning of life? I wasn't going to find any answers so I simply went to sleep.


"Ma... Mao... MAOU!"

"Damn it, Madusa! I'M UP!"

Satan was a Demon lord who was unmatched. He fought the so called "Heroes" and built his own kingdom. However, people feared him for being too strong, hence they began a war. A war that would lead to an incident known as "heavens falling" and change the world known as Htrae (h-tr-er).


"Gramps! Gramps!"

The First King Hades lied there motionless with a white thunder spear in his chest. Satan then looked up at his murderers, the heroes. They had wings to fly, halos full of mana and golden armor. The army from the sky. The demon army had crumbled and the throne room had been breached. All that remained was a lone man holding a corpse.

"I don't care anymore..."

Satan gently laid his grandpa down and looked around him. He was the only one left.

"Bastards! YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL!!!"

Satan raised his pitch black blade and stabbed it into the ground. Releasing all his mana and resonating with all the energy in the world, he only had one thought.


The world itself then seemed to shake and cave in on itself. It was the end of the world and the king had died standing...


I opened my eyes and got up in a panic.

"What was that! A dream!?"

Calm down man, calm down and think calmly.

"It was too realistic to be a dream... A memory? But my name is Sheen and I've never been in a holy war... what was that?


In the end I gave up on it too check on my trap. In there seemed to be something like a green kid being bitten by a huge dog. A goblin and wolf... loot!

I take a ladder I made from hardened mud and sticks and safely reach the bottom.

Hmm? Why didn't I jump? There are spikes down here! You expect me to jump? Anyway, back to loot I just dragged out. I try looking through the spikes and here's what I found:

3 corpses (rabbit, goblin and wolf)

1 club


A bunch of teeth


"Not much to get, huh?"

Welp, nothing I can do about it. I try using the horn from the rabbit as a knife and cut off their fur. I would have done the rabbit yesterday but I wasn't sure how smart animals can get. But now I plan on eating instead of using it as bait.



Yeah... magic doesn't need a chant but I was freaking bored. That said, cooking in the wild isn't easy... or maybe I'm just a bad chef. Anyway, while I was eating I heard a rustling in the bushes so I immediately picked up my shovel. What, it's the best weapon I got, ok?

Ahem! So what came out of the bushes was another wolf. No, 3 wolves...😲. Ok then... back away slowly... back to base.

While I was backing off with my shovel they started growling at me.

Show no fear. Wolves can smell fear. Wait, where did I hear that?

While I was thinking useless thoughts they leapt at me with jaws open.

I'm scared. Really really scared.

While screaming on the inside, I placed my back to my base and swung in front. I hit the right most wolf in the head with a clang (remember, I'm using a shovel) and threw it to my left so I wouldn't have to worry about my right. At the same time I moved into that same right like I was swapping places with it.

The other wolves landed where I was and got ready to chase me. I turn to run so I can get to the ladder on my house. The 2 remaining wolves leapt at me from the behind so I turned to them while running and swung to keep them behind me in case they cut me off from the ladder. I managed to reach the ladder but I didn't have enough time to climb it before I felt a presence on my back. I swung my shovel around and hit the wolfs teeth with the shovel head while ignoring the numbness in my arms. I hear a clang and a crack and kick the damn thing to get it away from me. I can't even catch a breath before another one comes from my left. I don't have any choice but to block it with the handle of the shovel. When it had its teeth in, that was my chance to throw it towards the other wolf. They both fall to the ground and before they can get back up I swing my shovel like I'd die if I didn't (because I would). By the time I noticed it, the fight was over and their corpses glowed a dim light that flowed into me.


After climbing the ladder, I laid there while trying to catch my breathe. Looking back, the fight was a hard one. The wolves seemed odd somehow. Like they didn't have any leader... ah! the wolf in the pit trap was a bit bigger so maybe it was their alpha. Haha... lucky. But why did they come back? All I did was loot and cook... pfft. They could smell it. Stupid! I let my guard down! Wolves travel in packs idiot! Sigh... I nearly died so many times. I was just lucky as hell. Hmm? Why didn't I use magic? That's like asking a person to draw a picture with one hand while writing an essay with another. Spells are about mental image but it's hard to imagine a fireball while whacking a beast. Sigh... I need practice. But then again, I'm new to this and it's not like you can prepare for reincarnating. Sigh... Back to the battle. The first wolf was eliminated from a direct hit to the head. Lucky. The second and third ones got in each others ways and chaotic without a leader so they weren't really at their best. If they were organized with all 4 of them then... gulp. I could easily imagine myself getting torn to shreds. So... what did I get from all of that?

1.Experience - I feel stronger now

2.Materials - fangs and stuff

3.Aim for the head first - I'm mean that in more ways than one. Groups are easier without a leader and most things can't live without their brain.

4. Climbing is inefficient - safe but slow

and 5. Shovels are awesome.