
The Odd Weapons Meister

Who is Sheen? What is he? After getting hit by a truck so hard he ends up in another world, Sheen is forced into the unusual, to interact with the unusual, unusually. With an odd past and an uncertain future, he must remember what was forgotten, survive the other world, and decide his future. First weapon? A shovel. only doing this for a hobby open to ideas and helpful suggestions.

Someone13 · Fantasía
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17 Chs


After a while the movie ended.

"Doctor Brian..."


"This damn *************"

Woah man, it's just a movie.

...Is what I want to say but I haven't been able to speak for a while now. If I had to describe how I feel then I guess I'd say... thirsty? Yeah, thirsty.

"Elizabeth!!! Oh this blind, blind doctor."

After having a fit, the old man/demon looks at me like he just remembered something.

"...Oh! There was that!"

Don't smack your palm man, it makes you look stupid. While I was thinking that he comes over to me while holding a glowing rock in his left hand. Hmm? Why haven't I've done something? Hahaha... I would if I could but I'm a bit chained up. With my limbs chained onto some kind of surgery table there's not much I could do. Not to mention that knife in his right hand seems kinda scary. It feels like I'm getting cut just by looking at it, not that I can see it properly from my angle.

"Now, let's see here..."

Eh!? Why are you pointing that knife at my chest? Why does it look like you going cut me open? NO WAI-


Ngh! Did you just cut open my heart!? AAGGHH!!! As I was screaming to myself he put the bright white stone where where my heart was supposed to be. It began to shine even brighter as it felt soothing in all the pain. It felt like it was beating to replace my heart.

"There we go... That should do it."

This guy! Now he pulls out a green decorative knife out of his sleeve and cuts a zig-zag pattern on the wound. You trying to kill me!!! To my suprise the cut began to heal at a visible rate.

"Hmm... now to observe whether he lives..."

Weren't you trying to kill me just now!?


Just breathe. If you can breathe then you can live. Suddenly, I felt dizzy like all the blood rushed to my head. Ah... I'm dying again... I'm dying...