
The Odd School

Cody Lockwood is just your regular kid in a family of not-so-regular people, with a genius gifter sister, successful hunters for parents, and an uncle infamous in the gifter world, Meanwhile Cody is born with no gift whatsoever and is taken off to the most boring high school ever or so he thinks, but his story is about to change, Follow Cody Lockwood as he explores the mysteries surrounding The Odyssey Municipal School, The Mysterious Changes Happening To Him And The Whackiness Of Highschool With His Highly Dysfunctional Roommates, This Is The ODD School Created And Written By The Ace Creative Network( Composed Of Stefan,Richard & Sam_El)

TheScarletStefan · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Wicked Day

"Monsters, Demons, Creatures of the night, even gods!!, now I know that sounds crazy but they all exist, living amongst us, within the cracks of society, hidden from the unsuspecting people by the government, but they can't hide it forever and one day, the truth will come out and I'm gon..." The door suddenly blows wide open like a hurricane flew by, interrupting Cody as he tries to release the secrets of the world "Cody would you shut up and stop trying to put me outta the job by releasing that to the world, what's wrong with you, it's your first day at this new school, so hurry up, get dressed and go!!!", Cody's Father Fed up with his usual antics "C'mon David I don't wanna to go to that trash normie boarding school, it could never be for me, it's giving Muggle Energy" Cody folded his arms, dismayed at the thought of such a boring place with normal problems "First of all, Never call me David, Secondly, You know the reason you're going to this school Cody, As much as you wanna go to Gifters Academy just like your sister, We gotta accept the truth here, You're a normal kid, you didn't get the gift Cody and it would be too dangerous to send you there with all those Gifters around, Anything can happen over there," David says as he walks slowly towards Cody "Yeah yeah Emma,The amazing prodigy you're all proud of," Cody says as he turns his head away "Look Cody, Emma might be a gifter genius but you're incredible yourself, don't put down that creative mind of yours kiddo" David Sits beside Cody reassuring that they loved him and Emma all the same"and who knows, maybe you're a late bloomer and someday you will get a gift too, but for now get your bags let's go drop you off at your Magical New School" David Ruffles Cody's hair slightly teasing him"Alright sheesh stop before you mess up my hairline old man, Fine I'll be down in a few" They share a mutual smirk and David heads towards the door David Leaves the room and Cody puts on the school uniform, If not anything else, at least the Black and red styled uniforms looked amazing and the blazer was definitely killing it, these people had a taste, he grabbed his packed bags and headed towards the stairs when he suddenly remembered there was one thing he couldn't leave behind "Oh you're coming with me buddy, got a lot more to secrets to decode from yer" Grabbing a red book with a weird symbol inscribed onto it. "Oh my gosh, that's the school uniform!!, It looks so good on you Coco" Cody's Mom, Marilyn, says as she rushes towards her boy "Now stand let me see you, i've gotta take a snap of this,awnn you look so good in this filter" Marilyn overpampering her son as usual"Mom quit that, it's kinda cringe" "Marilyn could yer let the boy go, it's his first day of Senior high you know, he's going off to that normie school, and trust me, they've their own personal brand of hassle." Cody's uncle walks into the living room, cutting the air of awkwardness"But he's grown up so fastt, I'm Just trying to capture this moment as a totem," She says while pouting "Oi Johnny, Cut your sister some slack, she just wants a picture" David arrives wrapping his hand around Johnny's shoulder "Alright Cody strike a pose, this pic's definitely going to the collage" Taking what felt like an overwhelming amount of pics in a minute "Mom you're gonna give me a stroke with all these flashes, can't I go now" Seeing as she's had her impromptu studio session "Alright Fine, I'll go pack some lunch for yer" Marilyn heads towards the kitchen "Heyy Code, come over here for a moment" Uncle Johnny waves at Cody to come towards the couches "C'mon, Open your hand," Johnny tells him while pulling something out of his pockets "Oh, he's tryna gimme some cash? sweet" Cody thinksAs Cody opens his hand, Johnny places a glowing oval sapphire within his palm"Huh, I thought you were about to give me cash or something, what's this stuff?" "Pfft, I aint got any on me besides this is much better, it's a gem of protection, I got it from a scary looking old witch in an artifact shop, Apparently It was created by a powerful gifter and it's said to grant the gift of luck to its wielder during moments of danger, It might just look like some antique stone but keep it on yer, I sense something from it" Uncle johnny had the gift of perception himself and if he's saying this, then there could be some truth to it if he wasn't fucking with Cody. "Thanks, Uncle Johnny, I'm not sure what danger such a boring school could have but I'll keep it on me in case I fall down some stairs or something" Cody chuckles"I have a feeling that you're gonna enjoy that school code, there's gonna be some surprises waiting for yer but make sure to take care of yourself kiddo, and don't go off attracting too many babes now, it can be a hassle" Cody wonders what there possibly could be that would make him enjoy that place, whilst Johnny ruffles Cody's hair "I'm convinced y'all have a secret plan to ruin my hair, cause what's with all the ruffling today, I gotta look good for school today" trying not to look like a total mess when he arrives "Oii Cody, Get yourself here, we gotta get going or yer gonna be late " David Shouts from outside having gotten the trusty minivan ready to head out"Well Uncle Johnny, Gotta get gone, I'll see you around," Cody says to him as he runs towards the door, waving goodbye "Damn, I'm gonna miss that brat, but I have a feeling things are about to get interesting for him, Oh well, now where did Marilyn keep that leftover lasagna" Johnny heads off towards the kitchenCody goes outside and packs his bag into the minivan, ready to head out "You all set?" As Cody goes outside he packs his bag into the minivan and is ready to go, "Yeah, yeah I'm all set" Cody wears a sad expression "Then let's head over there" David drives away, Cody finally begins his first journey away from home as he watches the buildings pass by, he reminisces upon seeing the old oak tree he and his sister would play around whenever she came back home, well that they used to play around since its been quite a while she returned, guess things must be pretty fun over there huh"Listen, Cody, When you get to that school, please no mention of monsters and demons, You're gonna have enough high school problems already, You wouldn't wanna be called a freak now would yer" "Your father's right you know, you can't go around revealing the job willy nilly, do you understand coco" Marilyn tells Cody seeing as exposure would wreak panic and hysteria amongst the people and even Cody knew this, That's why he never seriously published any of the videos he's made to expose them.Yeah, Yeah, It's not like that would be a problem anyways, seeing as I have nothing to say to any of them, we definitely will not be talking" Cody believing that none of the kids there would be any fun"Hey hey that's the wrong approach to looking at things coco, if i was secluding myself back in the days, there's no way I would have met the love of my life, Your father" Marilyn holds onto David's Arm"And that's how you became everything to me honey", David looks into her eyes romantically"Could yer just watch the road, ugh kill me" After what felt like excruciating hours of driving and listening to his parent's old lovers playlist and flirting, they finally arrived at their destination; Odyssey Municipal School, A relatively large school that seemed to have been transported straight out of a 90's movie, seeing as the architecture of the place was ... to put it lightly, Really Vintage, Right off the gate.They get down from the minivan and begin unloading the luggage they had brought along with them, David then turns to Cody to make sure he gets the message one final time"Cody remember, This is just a regular school" Cody sighed at having to hear this for what felt like the millionth time today "Yeah yeah obviously it's just a normal school that blew their renovation budget" Cody's father points towards him "Seriously kiddo, no talking about the job" Ughh we get it sheesh David take a breather and relax already"Gotcha Dad, Not a word from me" Cody reaffirms Marilyn rushes in to cut the conversation and smothers Cody with a hug that seems like she would never let go, whilst Cody gets slightly embarrassed especially with so many people passing by to get into the school premisesNonetheless, Cody hugs his mum back "I'm gonna miss you so much coco" she says as tears roll down her eyes, she's always been so dramatic and kindhearted "I'm..gonna miss you mom and you too Dad" David Joins in on one last family hug for the road"Alright that's enough hon, don't wanna kill his rep on the first day of senior high" David says as a bunch of girls walk by giggling at their family hug, then he proceeds to rip Marilyn away from Cody's body...barely "Oh and one more thing, Coco take this with you" Marilyn pulls a big box kit out of her bottomless purse and hands it over to Cody"What's this, a first aid box?" Cody wonders, whilst Marilyn explains that it's something of the sort but for gifters filled with handy things like potions and medicines that work well against parasites, body snatchers, certain monsters, and the flu."I appreciate it Mum but why are you giving this to me? I'm not a gifter and it's just some regular place, I don't know when I'd need this""You don't know coco, you might find it useful when you have the flu or to get rid of bed bugs, really effective y'know, And also your uncle kinda mentioned I should hand it to you, and y'know when he has a hunch we definitely have to listen" Cody wondered whether uncle johnny was trying to send him a message with all these weird things he'd been doing todayMarilyn is then dragged off by David towards the car seeing as left alone, she'd be there all-day"Be Good Kiddo" David tells Cody as they start to drive off"We'll come to visit now and again, take care coco" Marilyn waves goodbye to Cody as he's left alone waving his parents goodbye"Do you think we made the right decision there David, bringing him here of all places?" Marilyn says with a worried look plastered on her face"I'm sure everything will turn out fine as she said, she wouldn't lie to us, let's trust in her words," David says as he reaches out and holds Marilyn hands Cody takes one good look at the school, the antiquity of it all, and yells in his head "This is going to be the lamest three years of my life", Suddenly a man dressed in a full custom black suit that seems awfully dignified, especially with the Frenchman mustache he had going, walks outside to the school yard where Cody was lamenting and approaches him"Young Man, You're Cody Lockwood, Are you not" He spoke with a clean British accent that made him sound a whole lot like Alfred, He informed Cody that the orientation for new students had already been underway within the school halls, and he would escort him down there after they had dropped off his luggage within the waiting room from where he would pick it up after they had ended. Cody knew the reason for his lateness was none other than his parent's excessive PDA and quickly picked up his luggage Cody notices what seems to be a crescent-shaped mark on the man's neck and wonders what a strange-looking birthmark it might be, meanwhile, Cody enters the hall and notices all the seats to be nearly filled up when a blonde-haired girl waves at him to come over to her side, where there's surprisingly a spot open "Do I know that girl from somewhere, shit it doesn't matter right now, I'll take any seat I can get" Cody runs over to her side and sits beside herThe principal then begins congratulating the students on their entry into the school and briefing them on the school's rules and regulations, during this the blonde-haired girl asked Cody if he has any recollection of her, to which Cody frantically scans her face trying to remember seeing as he's usually good with faces."Ehnn you don't remember me Cody, fine maybe this will ring a bell" She then puffs up her cheeks, squints her eyes, and calls out his name in a husky voice as if lard was stuck down her throat. Suddenly Cody remember a certain girl from his childhood who spoke that way but it couldn't be her, she was soo different from back then, heck her hair was even different and she no longer wore her glasses as usual, what's even more remarkable is the fact that she even recognized him. "Hold on a sec, Jasmine!!, Is that actually you? You've changed, like a lot!" Cody was shocked at what seemed to be one of those crazy online before-and-after stories"Yeah I know I look a bit different, i guess that's what happens when you become a shut-in after your favourite anime character dies" They both laugh away the time, catching up and what they've been up to, then before they know it, the orientation seems to be over without them hearing a single thing. The Principal rounds up the orientation by telling the students that may they have a a magical time at Odyssey High School, which quite frankly Cody was slightly starting to buy into that idea, which was not brought about by the absolute coincidence of running into Jasmine here, maybe his parents knew and set him up, they're cheeky enough to do it.They are directed toward the notice board where they had been assigned, Cody notices he has been assigned to a room with a peculiar number, Room 666 whilst laughing at how absurd it is. Jasmine recognizes her room number, room 69 another weird number off in the girls dorms, and leaves Cody to go check it out.Cody manages to locate the door matching his number in the boy's dorm with his luggage"This must be the room huh, Damn wonder what kinda people are on the other side of that door, hope they aren't total weirdos or sumn" Cody opens the door, ready for what lies on the other side, only to be greeted by a pillow smack to the face the moment he steps inside "Who the hell threw that huh" Cody looks around to notice three other boys within the roomhaving what seems to be an intense pillow battle going on, "Huhhh, who the hell said that...hol' up is that the new roomie?" One of the boys asks the golden-haired dumbass who just interrupted their deathmatch "That's enough you idiots, let's welcome our latest brother in grand style shall we" A huge boy jumps down from atop the top bunk, landing with his brown bristled hair swaying in the wind even though it wasn't that high of a jump, he walks towards Cody who still stands close to the door baffled by what he had walked into."But before you can become one of our brothers, we gotta get yer name runt, it's important to know cause what name yer have, it decides our look, can't be rolling around with a brother named Paul or some shit, Ain't nobody gon take us seriously." Cody realizes that he got the one thing he didn't ask for; a total bunch of weirdos, today's just been full of pleasant surprises, he then decides to get the whole thing over with so he could at least get a bed to lay on, it was tiring standing all this while damn it. With a smirk on his face, he introduces himself "The name's Cody, Cody Lockwood, Nice to meet yer", The big guy looks at Cody with an intensity that makes his brown eyes almost seemed to turn bloody red, he then says to Cody to break the long silence "Cody Cody Cody CODY LOCKWOOD, Yer name's wicked runt, Welcome to the room of kings" the rest of the boys begin to chant kings! kings!!, kings!!! and suddenly the big guy puts his hand in the air silencing them, he says "Oh hol' up, how rude of us, we didn't introduce ourselves, I am Murdock, 11th grade, You can call me, The Emper..Suddenly he's interrupted by another one of the boys "Aint nobody care about your goofy name you bum", Murdock turns to face the Curly haired dumbass who said that, "The hell did you just say Devante" He smirks at Murdock with a devilish grin, then turns over to face Cody "As the big lug already said, I'm Devante but you can just call me dev, 9th grade, I'm sorta the most athletic outta this ragtag bunch, so you can expect me to be conquering in future pillow battles" For someone who fit the description of a runt with his short stature, he seemed to have this confident demeanor about him and excellent legs to boot, Cody wonders whether everybody in this room were all delusional, because it was kinda looking like they stuck all the weirdos in here, he suddenly looked to the top of the bed to see one of the boys quitely reading on the top bunk, could he be...somebody normal in this room, cody smiled albeit internally at the possibility of someone who could relate to, especially since he was reading manga, he could tell he was one of his cultured brethren, suddenly devante notices his fixed gaze on him "You're probably wondering who that bundle of energy is huh, that's Stefan, he's also in the 11th grade, he doesn't talk a lot or follow in our craziness even when we rope him into it ,but he's a pretty chill guy" suddenly marks looks over in their direction and he gives a silent nod noticing them, suddenly a voice comes crashing in from the corner of the room grabbing everyone's attention "OIII OIII, Now that all yer underlings are done introducing yourselves ,It's time for the real boss to show up innit" walking almost majestically and with an aura of narcissism, devante sighs thinking to himself "not again with this idiot" as he was seemingly a pain in this room, cody unfazed seeing as this was a normal thing in this dorm had gotten used it, then the last boy climbs untop the top of the second bunk facing everyone and wait...he has a cape on, really? , he turns and faces Cody and tells him to come over to his "majestic" presence after Cody walks over he then proceeds to jump down right in front of Cody landing perfectly before him if anything this room did have a penchant for theatrics, cody faces the boy, The cape, the spiked up red hair, the way he was on sneakers indoors and a black shirt that says the one on it, it was clear as day..that this dude definitely has chunnibyou ."I am The One, who stands above all others, I am known by many names but you will address me as Crimson, the Radiance of the 11th grade" Cody thinks to himself that this dude was definitely the most troublesome one here and that is most definitely not his real name, talmbout crimson.. "Why you so ashamed of yer real name crimson, yer bum" Devante teases at his facade, mardock butts in saying that crimson is a real wicked name, so he approves of his delusions, Crimson cackles and says to them "I will take part in no such trivial argument, instead there is a more pressing matter we must attend to" He signals the boys to hurdle up, Mardock realizing what he's talking about goes over to their side along with Devante whilst Stefan decides he'd have no part in THAT this year and proceeds to continue as he was, "Yeah I know what you've got in mind crimson," Murdock says in agreeance along with Devante also nodding that its time, Cody stares in confusion as to what's going on here, what thing? , Crimson holds cody on his shoulder and tells him "It's time for you to become a true member of this room, no of this school, it's the toughest thing you'll ever face, but don't worry we will walk you through it so you don't know die like one of the dudes last year" Okay its official Cody had thought these guys were telling the worst practical joke ever or had lost their mind, whilst he was still trying to comprehend what the absolute hell they were talking about, Cody looks towards Devante who just puts on a full grin and tells him "Welcome To The Odd School"

Might Work On This Chapter Later On

TheScarletStefancreators' thoughts