
It's a nice thought

"You know, Sensei, you could just explain everything in the beginning instead of only telling me when it's necessary. If I didn't know any better I'd say you didn't trust me, your precious student, inheritor of your "Will Of Fire", the legendary Shinobi in the making, The one who everyone calls… Hatchling, of all things. I mean like seriously it's in the goddamn bingo book now that names never gonna leave me." 

Orochimaru didn't respond which i expected, he hasn't responded at all to busy looking at something over there. Whatever it is he seems rather pleased.  

"You're dismissed," Orochimaru said walking past me and out of the lab. 


You demand I'm here every day with the threat of snakes if I don't show up on time and all I did was vent. Don't get me wrong, Orochimaru is a great listener but I kinda wish he'd be a little more proactive with my training. It's only a matter of time before everyone figures out I'm not another Kakashi and can't live up to the expectations that have been put on me. 

Grabbing some books from Orochimaru's personal library, I leave the building. 

What to do with my free time

Let's see i could train my Ninjutsu 

Or I could work on some seals. I have a few ideas I've been meaning to try out. 

Actually I should probably get certified as a medical Shinobi, I still don't have enough hours.

The amount of freedom that comes with being Orochimaru student is quite nice. So as much as I want to complain it's still well worth the drawbacks. 

Typically I would have to work with the hospital putting in hours at a time but all I have to do is say Orochimaru's name and I'm free to come and go as I please. Orochimaru is quite popular… Well, the idea of Orochimaru is quite popular. I'm certain if those who look up to him got to know him they'd lose some of that admiration, or become another one of his fanatical fans like his subordinate in R&D.

I don't like being around them, especially when they start calling me Hatchling. 

I shutter a little just thinking about them. 

So I've been researching weaponry a lot and I've realized something. Shinobi have a lot of bombs of all kinds and yet I've not read about anything involving shrapnel. I even browsed quite a few weapon shops looking for anything like a frag grenade.

They've got big bombs, flash bombs, smoke bombs, bath bombs, poison bombs, and a couple other types i don't see myself ever using. But nothing involving fragmentation.  

Surely they exist somewhere. I doubt the idea of fragmentation bombs hasn't crossed someone's mind. They seem like the perfect weapon to use against a Shinobi. 

Perhaps that's why they don't seem to exist. 

The reason I bring this up is I'm going to make some. Not exactly sure how yet but I have a few ideas. 

But I'm definitely gonna keep them to myself. 

If by the off chance they really don't exist I'd rather be the only one who has them.

I wonder what other inventions of my previous world could give me an edge? 

I can't think of anything right now but it's something to put some thought into.

I wonder what took me so long to do this. I think about doing it pretty much every day I look up here. 

Taking a seat on the First Hokage's head I slide forward until I'm sitting on his headband. 

Am I going to get in trouble for this? 

Oh well, that's my future self problem.

With the sun nearly gone. The village is slowly beginning to light up.

This world is quite beautiful.

Expanding my senses I try of acomposs as much of the village as I can. I can feel everyone, so many different Chakras, all unique in their own way.

It's impossible to describe.

Like trying to explain color to the blind.

Despite my good mood a heavy feeling is always present, a doubt, that all of this is an illusion. Not the world I know that's real but this content feeling I get when I think about never leaving the village and becoming one of its pillars. To embrace the lie that is the Will Of Fire and maybe turn it into the truth. 


What do I know? 

I'm just some kid.

I laugh at my own joke.

This village could be the most honest place in the world and I'd still doubt it. I could see my life here, ideally I'd work in R&D pursuing all the answers I want. Traveling whenever the opportunity presents itself. Maybe I'd even find someone to spend my life with, have some kids. Become a Sensei and take on some Genin. Maybe even pass on all my Fuinjutsu to one of them. And that's just my life, there'd be Kakashi's, Guy's, Obito's, Minato's, and Orochimaru's … I guess he can be a part of this little dream too. He can be the weird Uncle everyone tolerates. 

A perfect ideal future.

That's never going to happen.

I won't be there to get my own Lab.

I won't be there to get excited about traveling.

I won't be there to meet the elusive one who I'll spend my life with.

My kids will never exist.

Those Genin are going to get some other Sensei.

My Fuinjutsu will live on through journals like Hatake Nõka, I'll never be able to see the one who ends up this my journals.

I'll be Kakashi's enemy.

I'll be Guy's enemy.

I'll be Obito's enemy.

I'll be branded a missing Nin. 

I'll give up everything for my own selfish reasons that won't make sense to anyone but me.

The worst part of all of this is I know Kakashi will hate me.

Leaning back I look up at the moon. 

It's much bigger than the one I'm used to. 

I like it.

I wonder what's out there?

Does the moon have chakra?

Do other planets have chakra?

Or is chakra unique to this world?

So many questions.

it's my birthday tomorrow so have another chapter.

Tortoisecreators' thoughts