
The octa

in the year 2170 scientist discovered a rare type of luquid discovered in antartica they then discovered that it contains unique dna structure hence they begin the project octa that will bring the world in a disaster!

GoldenGlass · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 13:Showdown: Angelo vs Argon

On the previous chapter Francis, Angelo and Michael travelles to toledo to go to madrid, when they were travelling they encountered a group of people wearing robes they were called "Enhanced warriors" what do you think will happen?

"Enhanced warriors? who sent you guys here? which member of the octa sent you here? " Michael asked

"fools do you think we will tell you" trace said

"that's right do you guys think we will tell you? " Argon said

"enough talking, Argon you take care of that man over there and Trace eliminate that man over there it seems like that guy is their leader" Roland said

"understood" The two responded

"so i'm taking you on huh, too bad i want to fight that guy, it's fine we are just gonna crush you anyway" argon said with an arrogant voice

"don't underestimate me you bastard! let's go! " Angelo replied

"hmm, so the leader is my opponent just from looking at you i can tell that your strong" trace said

"well thanks for the praise, let's get started" Michael said

"say boy, do you think you can beat us? before the octa conquered earth we were skilled assasins we have more experience than you" Roland said

"tch, stop talking let's just fight"

The athmosphere became intense and all of them were ready to fight, Michael came up with an idea, he teleported everyone to a different location.

"You two listen, i'm gonna teleport us to a different location each of us is going to fight one of them one at a time so we can get a higher chance of winning" Michael said

"Understood" the two responded

At Angelo's side:

"hmm, so your friend teleported us to a different locations incredeble, now let's fight show me what you got"

Angelo blast a wave on Argon but argon dodge it easily

"is that all you can do? " Argon said

"don't be too arrogant i'm just starting" Angelo said

Angelo then creates four illusion of himself then went to attack Argon

"let's see if that guy dodge that"

"hmm, not bad it's not a bad combo illusion and energy interesting, it's my turn now"

"s*it he's coming"

Argon unleashed a bunch of steel spikes on Angelo, Angelo tried to dodge but the spikes were too many so he coudn't dodge all of it so he took a little damage from the attack.

"impressive you managed to dodge some of my attacks"

"shut up" Angelo said

"this guy is strong, i might lose if i don't do something i need to think of a plan"

Angelo then created bunch of clones then the clones released a energyball

Argon then blocked it with a steel wall, "do you think that can damage me?" Argon said

Argon then dashed to destroyed all the illusions and punched Angelo, but it was another clone Angelo then appeared in argon's back lunched a beam behind him

"did i damage you? HAHAHAHA"

"damn you, i will kill you!"

Argon then covered himself up with iron then lunched iron spikes on the ground, Angelo then jump on the ground to dodge it

"phew, that was close"

Angelo then released energy ball, but it didn't pierce through argon because of it's tough iron

"you think that puny attack can pierce through my armor? "

"that armor is sure tough i need to find a way to pierce through it"

Argon then throw a iron blade to Angelo but Angelo counter attack with his energy slash

"this fight is going nowhere should i use this skill now? "

Argon then charge at Angelo and punched him at the stomach, Argon's punch hit Angelo really hard it caused Angelo extreme pain.

"I need to endure this pain, i have no choice now if i don't use that skill i will lose"

"this is the end for you, you bastard" Argon said

"that's what you think HAHAHAHAHA

Angelo then use his newfound skill the he learned while he was sparring with Micheal, the skill " realistic illusion", with this skill he deploy 4 realistic clone that can damage the enemy for 3 minutes

"using the same skill over again won't change anything" Argon said

Angelo then charged at Argon covered his fist with energy Argon tried to block it but he was shocked that the four clones were actually damaging him too

"Wha-what how? i thought his clones were just illusions so why is it damaging me"

Angelo's punch is slowly piercing Argon's tough armor, but argon push him back and use his ultimate skill "thousand steel blades"

"so your finally using your ultimate move, so it's probably time to use mine too"

"what he has more skill!! "

Angelo smiled and deployed his ultimate skill "giant energy slash", the slash was able to defeat Argon's blades then go through his armor.

" no, i can't lose here if i lose now everything i gained will be nothing, my sacrifices will be nothing"

In italy before the octa's invasion:

Back then i was a skilled fighter i always like to fight and i always win, in this world you need to be strong in order to survive that's when i met Roland.

"Hey you, why are you looking at me like that huh? do you wanna fight? "

"sorry but i don't fight weaklings"

"who are you calling weak? you really pisses me off"

Argon tried to punch Roland but he easily blocked it, Roland then kicks Argon in the stomach then punches him in the face, he was down to the ground but stand up then punches Roland in the face but Roland didn't move a inch.

"hmm your quite skilled, i underestimated you your strong wanna join my team?"

"HAHAHAHA, strong my ass i didn't even damage you, "

"so do you wanna join my team? "

"I'm in, but let's have a rematch after this"

"I'll think about it"

Back to the present:

"I can't lose here, i still need to complete my


Argon is in his final breath unleashed his ultimate move "Million steel slashes" the slashes sliced every building within it's path.

"sh*t i need to block this attack or i will be sliced into pieces"

"try to dodge that punk that is my strongest move! "

"i need to decide fast on what to do or will will die, should i use my strongest attack? "

In that moment, Angelo thought of an idea that can block the attack, He invented a skill that can block that attack.

"i don't know if this new skill will work but i still need to try"

Angelo casted his new skilled called "Emperor's eight layered barrier" his skill consist of eight strong layered barrier that can absorb attacks, As the blades were near Angelo, his skill slowly absorbs the the attack until it disappeared.

"You blocked it? but how? this can't be"

"well it looks like i won" Angelo said

"spare me please! i promise i won't come back here just let me go"

Angelo hesistated for a moment but he let him go.

"ok fine i'll let you go"


As angelo were walking back, Argon stabbed him in the back, but Argon was surprised that the one he stabbed was only an illusion Angelo then appeared on the back and sliced his head.

"i gave you a chance and you ruined it"

Argon vs Angelo

Winner: Angelo