

After Zeke gets to learn about his family's secrets at a very tender age, everything about his life unfolds drastically............

Lukas_Muigai · Horror
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2 Chs

The Unfolding..

On May 2nd 1986, the night was enveloped in darkness the stars and moon obscured by thick clouds that stretched across the sky like a heavy shroud. From their site they seemed to want to unleash their fury upon the world below by unleashing a relentless downpour that battered against the earth with unabated force.

In the heart of the storm settled amidst the sprawling layout of the countryside, a solitary figure braved the elements while their footsteps splashed through the puddles that were created in the uneven terrain. The symphony of thunderstorms a cacophony of sound that echoed through the darkness with primal fury, where lightning danced across the sky in serrated veins of light that shone brightly through the entire house.

Just below all these chaos, I stood by the window watching the road and there was something peculiar about the street light's flickering that caught my attention, whenever the lightning struck it would light off and back on when the lightning was gone. As I stood still fixated on the light, something happened...a dark figure appeared out of the blue just under the street light and I immediately froze in shock looking at it....

I came back to my senses when I suddenly got a pat on my back and heard the gentle loving, worried voice of my mother asking," Zeke honey what are you doing up past your bedtime?". I turned around and looked into her assuring eyes that restored back my sense of security. She picked me up and continued "what were you staring at down there, mmm? common lets get you back to bed". I was placed gently on my bed and she kissed me on the forehead, "goodnight cuddles" she told me, then proceeded to switching off the lights and moving out of the room....

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with a slight pace

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