

- 10001…10002…10003

- Until when do you plan to do that? You're overreacting…

- If it bothers you so much, you can go somewhere else... I'm barely halfway through my daily routine.

- Heee, do you call that routine? you're crazy…

- You would not understand…

- Well, it's not that I care much what a stranger like you does.

- You don't have much tact when speaking huh.

- Ought?

- Not that I'm personally interested, but you won't have many friends like that.

- haaaaaaa... that doesn't interest me idiot, there are more important things you know, like what you have there.

Tylos stopped and began to see what the girl was talking about, she pointed to her sword that was next to her little luggage in the corner of the room, he turned to look at her and said:

- What happens to her?

- It seems to be a relic, where did you get it.

- Relic? My teacher gave it to me.

- You don't even know that you have something so important?... I guess you're only good for swinging the sword.

-  I'll take that as a compliment.

-  I can see her?

- Just don't cut yourself.

- It's incredible, this material, this essence, I've never seen one, but I'm sure, it's as impressive as it should be, but something doesn't add up... you know, it's our job to gather information about these artifacts, but I've never seen it anywhere. part or book about this one in particular, but it's clearly special, it's said to be carried by the five great heroes, and you don't seem to be one of them.

- Nor do I want to be, and what are those relics supposed to be?

- It is said that when the world was plunged into chaos, the five elemental maidens became corrupted and with them the core of the planet was eaten away more and more to the point of creating that hole that lies in the center of the world where, you know, that one existed. city of beginnings. To free the land from devastation, it was the five great heroes of legend who stopped their madness and murdered them. Only with these divine weapons could they finish the job, thus achieving eternal life and unimaginable power. When I saw you brandishing that sword, I was certain that I was in the presence of one, but since I had never seen it in any book nor have, I ever seen it. heard about it, I mean, almost all existing knowledge is in our possession right now.

- What do you mean by all the knowledge?

Tylos asked while he thought to himself whether or not to believe what Lariat was telling him, since the story about how the fall of the ancient world had happened was very different from the one his teacher had told him.

Divine powers were able to finish the job, thus achieving eternal life and unimaginable power. When I saw you brandishing that sword, I was certain that I was in the presence of one, but since I had never seen it in any book nor have I heard of it. I mean, almost all existing knowledge is in our possession right now.

- What do you mean by all the knowledge?

Tylos asked while he thought to himself whether or not to believe what Lariat was telling him, since the story about how the fall of the ancient world had happened was very different from the one his teacher had told him.

And without letting him blink, Lariat opened one of the doors in the room and when Tylos looked out he saw something impressive, a huge snail-shaped library that went down and down and you couldn't see its end.

- WOW…

- That's all you have to say... I mean, here are the answers to everything that exists and you just say wow... it shows that you don't appreciate knowledge.

- Forgive her young man, she gets too excited when it comes to those things, but do you think we could take a look at your weapon, you can hold it if you want.

Elise hinted with her eyes that she should do it, so her curiosity got the better of her and she agreed, after all, they wouldn't go to the trouble of showing her all that for nothing.

- You know young man, as my granddaughter says, here is the knowledge of everything that exists in this world, or so it should be, however, obtaining such knowledge is not so easy, the library itself is something unique and mysterious that has passed from generation to generation by our family, but unraveling its mysteries can be both useful and dangerous, the story of the heroes is nothing more than a fable, because I have not found anything about it here, yet.

- Let's examine it okay.

- I'm in your hands.

-In fact I can say that it is a material that I had not seen before, but rather than containing energy, I could say that it is empty, so it is simply a conductor of power.

- But how is it possible, if we have just verified that it does not have magical energy.

- You would let me hold it young, it should react to me.

Gwydion took the sword and tried to imbue it with energy, but like it was a sponge, absolutely nothing happened, and he didn't put it away either.

- This is really strange, how can you do it?

- Since I acquired it, I can do it, so I wouldn't know how to answer you.

- I see, I guess you're some kind of chosen one or something.

-I don't think I deserve that title, it is just a valuable memory of my teacher, and one that I treasure in his name.

Lariat went down the stairs with a small lit lamp that was lost in the darkness, it took about half an hour and then he returned and, in his hands, he had a huge book that he had trouble carrying, then he placed it on the table, opened it and said:

-Behold the saviors of our world, the immortal heroes who drove away the darkness that was eating away at our hope and gave us the gift of a new opportunity to continue living. "It says here"

- How many times are you going to read those legends, you should know that it is not entirely true that the things they say there are true.

Tylos approached and curiously said:

- Could you show them to me, I had never heard of them

- Oh, that's the attitude, very good, their names are... unknown, but we do know what their weapons are:

Bow: with it he pierced the heart of the wind.

Spear: I unravel the unbreakable shield of the earth.

Staff: illuminated the deep darkness, vanishing it and burned the roots.

Sword: he cut the veins of magic that lay in the earth where it flowed being one with nature.

Scythe: he beheaded the fire so that his fathoms would no longer burn the world.

Tylos stared, absorbed in the drawings in the book, and in his head, he felt a huge scream that made him fall to the ground, writhing in pain, screaming while he saw the silhouette of people desperately trying to hold him down.

- You, no, don't do it, don't... resist... no.

Images passed through his head, he could not describe them, only his tears flowed non-stop as if he felt great agony.

- Close the book Lariat, what the hell is happening, they made a connection, is something like that possible?

- What are you talking about... he is resisting

- Does it now, it's a resonance, who is this boy, it intrigues me more and more, because there would be one more weapon, is he a hero? Or maybe something else?

- He doesn't look good, let's put him to bed.

They laid him on a bed, although they could barely move him, his weight was enormous, something that really surprised them, because his height and muscles did not match.

Elise decided to stay with him while she recovered.

Meanwhile, in a part of the world away from all contact with civilization, on top of a great mountain where a huge storm was taking place, they appeared, like leftovers in the great storm, they arrived in a moment and sat on stone chairs that made a half-moon. surrounding a great throne.

- I guess you felt it too.

- It can't be him. Not now.

-Your signal from him is too weak for it to be him.

- We would already know about him if he had survived.

-His energy is quite different; it is just slightly similar and "dark".

-Maybe he is a family member

-It can't be, he left no descendants.

- For now, let's just observe, time will prove us right.

- It's true, we shouldn't bother the master.

His voices could be heard echoing throughout the storm, because there was no one there to listen to them, only the wind that faded their whispers until they disappeared.