
The Nun From The Underworld

The Nun from the Underworld is a beautiful woman who shows up as a Beautiful Holy Nun, but in reality she's a demon. She is an old folklore told to kids who always misbehave and if they don't act correctly the Nun would kill them. The Nun is real and she stalks a man named Xander Roy because of his past as a kid. She constantly stalked him ever since he was a kid, but he was never afraid of her. The Nun decides to stay with him to try and get him to be scared of her. She does everything in her power to make him believe she's legit. Join the story of the Nun and the man of steel in the story of The Nun from the Underworld.

HyperHeaven · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Awakening The Saint (1)

I stood up and began to wander around to find the creepy sensation I've been feeling for the past few minutes. Estella and Candy got up to follow me. They followed me upstairs and noticed me looking around. The air grew colder which made Candy even more afraid.

I looked at my arms and noticed goosebumps all over my arms. I walked forward and walked into my old room. The cross I had on my door had been taken off. I opened the door and walked inside. A wave of memories rushed into my head as I stared at my old room.

My room remained neat and clean, but it felt different...More saddening. I couldn't bare to look at my room anymore and left. I walked down the hall to my parents' room and that's where the feeling was the strongest.

I knocked on the door. "Mom? Dad? Are you in there?"

There was no answer. I put my hand on the door handle and my heart thumped. I took my hand off the door and my cross began shining brightly. I took a step backwards and stumbled into Estella, who held my shoulders and noticed me panting.

"A strong demonic presence is in that room...Not just any demon. An Archdemon.." I said and panted.

Estella noticed I was sweating and looked at the door. She let me go and walked toward the door and kicked it open. She noticed my mom standing by her window then her eyes widened.

"Iblis..?" Estella said in shock.

"Iblis?!" Candy asked in horror. "One...of the Archdemons..?"

My mom looked back at us. Her eyes were a blank red color. She had six wings of fire and small red horns protruding from her back. She looked at my dad who was sitting on his chair.

"It seems they came here earlier than I thought.." My mom said.

My dad opened his eyes and stood up. "I guess we can begin then.."

"Begin what exactly?" Estella asked.

"Estella. We know you are the Nun from the Underworld. There's no point in hiding it anymore. We've known since Xander introduced you to us...all the dots connected together too perfectly and you know that." My mom said.

"Right. At first it was hard to believe, but after piecing everything together...We figured it out. Xander's random disappearances...his random scars...That cross around his neck." My dad said and walked toward us.

"What happened to you two?! Why'd you take down all of the crosses?! I prayed to God so He could protect you all and you go and make connections to Demons?! Archdemons at that!" I yelled.

"God?" My mom started and chuckled then looked at me. "He doesn't exist...God is merely just...false. I knew putting my belief in something so foolish was a terrible idea. Everything that's happened, you're telling me that was God's Plan? His Will? Your school burning down, the random deaths that's been happening, everything that's happened was his plan?"

I stared at them and walked forward. "That's not the point! He has done more for us and we deserve to give Him our ultimate praise! All of my friends didn't make it out alive, but I know they are in Heaven!"

"And you strangely came out of that alive..? You believe you're the chosen one? No...He allowed that to happen. The God you praise and worship is evil. Corrupt." My mom said.

"What?! He isn't! Who do you think wakes you up everyday?! Who do you think gives you mercy and grace despite all of your sins?! Sin is worthy of death, but He constantly forgives us! Mom, Dad...if you just pray one more time...I swear they will be answered.." I said.

My dad chuckled and laughed. "We've been praying for YEARS and yet...here we are. If you truly believe he's real then you're a fool. There is no God. There is no Messiah. Otherwise none of this would have happened...We would still be a happy family together! You wouldn't understand, son... because you still believe in a fairytale. Wake up to reality, Xander."

I was in disbelief at their words. The parents I once knew...were too far gone. I lowered my head and gripped my shirt, panting softly. Candy watched me with sorrow and took a step forward. Estella stopped Candy and felt powerful angelic energy from me.

My necklaces shined brightly. I closed my eyes and a few tears rolled down my cheeks. "You two...are not my parents anymore. You're now demons...Iblis and Behemoth. There's no coming back from this.."

I reached for my Cross of Saint Michael then my mom fired a powerful fireball at me. I groaned and crashed into the wall. I tried to get up, but my dad stomped on my back, keeping me down.

"Unfortunately, son...We can not let you do this." My dad said.

"Dad! Get off my dad you jerk!!" Candy yelled.

My mom looked at Candy and aimed a fireball at Estella and Candy. "Now that we have him down, it's time to get rid of you two. It's amazing how a Demon can play the role of an angel so well. Sadly, we can not let you continue any further."

Estella glared at my mom and protected Candy. She knew if she attacked straight on, she would be putting Candy in danger. "You can hurt me all you want, but you aren't hurting our daughter! No way can I allow that!"

"For a demon who's known for killing children...you certainly care a lot about about this specific child. A hypocrite aren't we? No matter, I'll send you both back to Hell!" My mom bellowed and the fireball turned back then she fired it at Estella and Candy.

Candy screamed and held onto Estella. Estella grunted and tried to dodge, but she noticed she was grounded by rock shackles. Her cross began shining then she noticed the fireball disappear. My mom looked surprised.

I lowered my hand then grabbed my dad's ankle and pushed him off me. He looked at me in awe then watched me stand. My angel wings slowly emerged from my back. My cross shined a bright golden color. I grunted then bellowed and my angelic energy surged around my body.

My mom and dad groaned and guarded themselves from my energy. They watched me and noticed a faint halo over my head.

"The Soul of the Savior..." Estella said in awe.

"I am not Jesus Himself nor will I ever claim to be. I am not perfect in my own right nor will I ever claim to be...but I know one thing...anyone who dares to hurt the ones I love...will pay." I said and opened my eyes then they shined a bright blue color.

My hair turned pearl color and my aura disappeared. I grabbed my cross necklace and it transformed into the Sword of Saint Michael. My sword shined a pure angelic blue color.

"Who exactly are you..?" My mom asked.

I glared at my mom and dad then spread my wings. "I am a Divine Warrior of Heaven. I have been trusted by Michael himself with his sword...I am Xander Roy, The Angel of The Will."

My mom stared at me then laughed and held her stomach. "My son says he's the Angel of The Will! He actually thinks he can—"

My mom looked surprised when I appeared in front of her and struck her face. I grit my teeth and roared then launched her through the window. My dad looked at me and went for the attack on me, but I dodged it flawlessly. He went for another punch, but I countered it and bellowed, launching him away with my aura.

"Estella...Take Candy and leave this place." I said.

Estella nodded and picked up Candy then warped away.

"Let's take this fight outside.." I said and flew out the window.

My dad growled and ran after me then jumped out the window. I landed on the ground and noticed my mom land on the ground. My dad landed on the other side of me and his demonic aura surrounded his body. He began to harness Behemoth's power.

"Janice. Victor. I hope you're ready." I said.

"Using our first names now huh? You have officially lost your mind now!" My mom bellowed.

I appeared in front of my mom at light speeds then struck her with a roundhouse kick, launching her away. She groaned and flew up in the air. I warped in front of her and began to strike her with lightspeed strikes from all directions then appeared above her and slashed down, striking her. She groaned as she crashed into the ground.

My dad appeared behind me and went for a spinning kick, but I dodged it and elbowed his stomach. I pivoted in the air into a crescent kick, launching him to the grown. I snapped my fingers and blades of divine energy formed behind me. I flew down toward my father and slashed at him, but a burst of earth energy stopped me.

"I am Behemoth, the unconquerable beast of the lands. I am the grand masterpiece of your supposed God. If you believe you can defeat me then think again!" Behemoth bellowed.

I noticed a large bipedal beast rising from the ground. He was a large, purple, canine-esque creature with two bull-like horns and a flowing mane. Lava began to erupt and his giant sword rose from the lava and Behemoth grabbed it.

My mom bellowed and her body became a magma red and she began to grow in size as well. Her hair became flames and shined a bright inferno yellow color. She began to transform into Iblis.

A force of dark divine light began to shine around the area. I looked back and my eyes widened a bit. The man opened his eyes and looked at Behemoth and Iblis.

"Lucifer..?" I said in awe.

Lucifer was a man with short white hair, golden eyes, and had two black horns protruding from his head. He wore black and golden armor with a ripped white cape beneath his right cracked pauldron armor. He carried on his sides two katanas and on his left a broad sword. His broadsword was named Morning Sun.

"Hmph...These two have completely lost their faith in God, and usually I will never get involved in your battles...but this is one I can't let you fight alone. At least not until Estella gets back." Lucifer said.

I looked at Lucifer then back at Behemoth and Iblis. I readied my sword. "I thought you didn't like God because you wanted to be praised. I guess even demons like you still respect God."

"Of course I do. I used to stand side by side with Michael before my fall. That doesn't mean I no longer recognize Him and His glory. The only one who still hates God is Satan." Lucifer said and slowly unsheathed his sword. "Besides, I've learned my lesson even though I can no return to Glory. Just like Estella...I play a role in the Underworld in preserving the peace. I don't know what the hell that idiot Hubris told you, but I do not plan on invading Heaven."

"That's good to know." I said and stared at Behemoth and Iblis.

"You probably can't deal the final blow due to your unawakened weapons, so the most we can do is drive them away. Follow my lead, Xander." Lucifer said.

"Right." I said then summoned my Shield of Truth.

Lucifer and I flew toward Behemoth and Iblis. Behemoth targeted Lucifer and Iblis targeted me. The four of us clashed and a bright light shined.


Estella appeared back at our apartment and set Candy down. She looked pretty hurt and closed her eyes. "I can't believe it...They would go so low...Why..? Just why..?"

"Mom..." Candy said and held Estella's hands. "Go to Dad. I know he's hurting on the inside more than anyone could understand. You have to be there with him. You have to make them reach Salvation."

Estella looked at Candy then smiled at her. She leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I will, sweetheart...But I need a plan. I can't harm them with my Chains of Purification or my Eighth Crucifix. I need a plan...but there aren't many people I can ask for help."

"What about Gabrielle and Urielle? They should be strong enough to deal with the two." Candy said.

"Gabrielle is in Heaven preparing something, but I guess I can try to ask Urielle. She might be our only hope now..." Estella said and walked over to the large cross beside the TV. She placed her hand on it and took a deep breath then exhaled. "Heavenly Father...I pray upon thee for you to grant thy wish..."

~<To Be Continued>~