

In a dark forest that even the light from the sun unable to reach. A different dimension that connect one world with another. There are a hundred of monster that looks like a wolf being ride by a humanoid creature holding a sword, shield, spear, bow and arrow are running around the forest and toward them there is a person in a hoodie.

"Lucky me for them to run to me instead of just hiding like a coward. With this I can finish the job early."

The person said. He then run toward them with a speed of light and start to launch an attack with his sword. All the wolf rider are trying to fight him but none of them succeed.

All of them died except for one. The last one have a crown. It seems to be their leader. With a face full of anger and disgust he start to speak to the man who defeat his whole army

"Who are you. How can a mere human Defeat all of my army of elite soldier."

The man reply to his questions

"This is the strength of human who you look down to"

He said and stab the creature's chest. He then walk back to where he's from, a portal that sent him to the different dimensions. As he pass the portal he's being greet by someone.

"So how was the fight?"

"Nothing much. doesn't feel challenging ar all to be honest but at least stronger than the previous. Not sure if I can handle them in the future"

"Don't worry. We are working on to look for more 'Numbers'."

"Can't wait to meet some friend"

The man in the hoodie said in a smile whe looking at the back of his right hand. A tattoo Number 0