
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Inside The Novel (1)

My life was hard, I was a young boy from Korea that had moved to a country named Guatemala in central America, as such I was an outsider as most would say.

I was in a completely different world and could barely speak the language it was not until the fifth grade in school that I was able to understand most of what was said.

It was a harsh life and due to my experiences being bullied and falling into the scheme of many of my 'friends', that made me do certain things for our friendship that I was able to tell the mood and facial expression of others quite easily.

I knew when some were angry or when some were annoyed at my appearance or way of talking. It was years later when I was at the end of my school life that I was finally able to completely adapt to everything in this country, then I received the news from my parents.

"We are moving back to Korea"

I didn't understand, as a matter of fact, my stress just went up even more at the sudden news, I didn't want to go back. As a matter of fact, returning would only make me an outsider once again, with me not even knowing how to formulate any sentences in Korean anymore, I would just be bullied once again.

And like any day, I decided to read a web novel to escape from reality, sometimes even imagining myself as one of the main characters. I decided to read my favorite novel called "The Legendary Luminous Hero".

It talks about an overpowered character in a world of swords and magic. The story starts in an academy for heroes and later advances into the fight against demons. It was an overused format but entertaining nonetheless.

But unfortunately, no chapters were uploaded for over a week, it was then that I came to find the news that the author of the novel had passed away in a tragic accident.

I was shocked and only got more depressed at that moment.

It was then that my levels of stress got so high that I had a heart attack, I tried to scream but no sound came out, I collapsed on the floor and my vision went dark.


It was then that I woke up, hyperventilating as it was just moments ago that I had a heart attack, but after 3 minutes I regained my calm as I wasn't feeling any pain anymore.

It was then that I noticed that I was in a small room with only the bed I was on, a small desk, and a bathroom to my right.

Seeing this new environment I wasn't sure as to what was going on, and as the typical troupe of any transmigration novel, I decided to head for the mirror.

Instantly after getting up from my bed I noticed that my height was quite small, almost as if I was back in middle school when my height barely reached half of my dad's.

then I saw a young-looking kid with red eyes and white hair with a not so muscular average-looking body that was of course that of a child.

I suddenly remembered this character's description in the novel, Keith Devans, a side character that was the typical bookworm that was in charge of the library like in any other book.

After looking at my appearance, I had a sudden thought.


Then a screen popped up in front of my eyes.


[Name: Keith Devans]

[Age: 17]

[Titles: Bookworm]

[Height: 130cm]

[Overall Rank: G]

[Strength: G- (Potential: F-)]

[Agility: G- (Potential: F+)]

[Endurance: G- (Potential: G+)]

[Magic: G- (Potential: A+)]

[Inteligence: D+ (Potential: S+)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: D (Potential: Unknown)]



[Martial Arts]



-[Truth Eyes]

(Description): Allows the user to view the overall current rank and future potential of individuals. Allows the user to appraise objects and artifacts.

-[Avid Reader]

(Description): Allows users to easily retain the knowledge of any book and increase the speed at which the user reads.


The words written in the status were in a language that was unlike any that I have ever seen but for some reason, I was able to understand it, it was then that I thought to myself.

'Hahaha, there is no denying in it, I'm inside the novel'

But what caught my attention was the skill [Truth Eyes], it was a skill that was never mentioned in the novel and I don't ever remember the character Keith having such ability as he was just a poor commoner that stuck to the library while not doing anything productive apart from recommending books to the protagonist.

Suddenly the memories of Keith returned to my head, surprisingly unlike other novels that I had read, it didn't hurt at all and it was more like absorbing some knowledge out of nowhere.

In the memories, I just received, I came to the realization that the beginning of the story would start in a month with the start of the academy school year in August.

Now I was unsure as to what to do, I had a new overpowered skill, but I was unsure if I wanted to interfere in the story as many of the future events are necessary for the protagonist's growth.

After around 30 minutes of thinking, I decided that I would strengthen myself enough in case I might suffer at the hands of unfortunate events in the near future but not enough to stand out and ruin the story, I was also able to notice that Keith had a great talent in becoming a magician even having talents that would reach A+.

A+ is a rank that would be on the higher scale of the talents in this world as talents reached from G- all the way to SS+, which none of humanity apart from the future protagonist would achieve, so having both an A+ in magic and S+ in intelligence would be considered extremely talented.

It was then that I heard someone yell.

"Kei, come downstairs breakfast is ready!"

I immediately knew who it was, Keith's mother, Amanda Devans.

According to the memories of Keith, she was a nice mother that has done her best raising him alone after my father passed away 3 years ago while also providing enough for Keith to go to the most prestigious academy in the human realm, Embers Academy, named after the Hero that fought against the demons 100 years ago, and the ancestor of the rival in the novel, Aso Embers, as well as the source of his ego.

I wondered how such a nice mother and upright mother raised such an introverted son. It was then that I remembered my mother and father from my previous world, surprisingly I didn't miss them, as a matter of fact, I was relieved of finally escaping my sad reality.

"Kei, I told you to come downstairs!"

I immediately headed downstairs and sat down in my usual spot or Keith's usual spot when eating, then I noticed Keith's little sister, Emma Devans, of 2 years was sitting on the couch watching the TV.

Then my mother arrived with the dishes and I helped my new cute little sister sit down on her seat, my new mother was quite talkative which was quite different from what Keith is inside his memories.

"So are you ready for the Academy?", my mother asked.

I thought about what to say so as to not sound so different but I just decided that there was no need to act as both Keith and my personality were quite the same, as both of us are quite introverted and not that talkative.

So I responded with a simple, "Yeah".

After quite a while of talking about how my life in the academy was gonna be, I went back into my room and like any other transmigratory that went inside a noble, I decided to write about the whole story and parts that I remembered so later on, I wouldn't forget them and have them on paper.

-I'm a new author and this is my first work.

-I would greatly appreciate it if you were to give feedback instead of just trashing my work so I'm able to improve.

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