
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasía
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62 Chs

First Battle (1)

[Union's Commander's HQ][Iris]

After yesterday's Lich appearance, we have been on alert for any sudden attacks, we had a meeting regarding the Lich, and with my light chains, we should easily be able to deal with Lich's summons.

I was currently in a meeting, with the other commanders and the human that had come here for the peace treaty.

The only reason why I agreed was to know more about skills and how they are bestowed on certain individuals. Although I was more curious about the appraiser and his knowledge.

They were talking about the strategies, the demons would normally use.

Like having a contractor within our army transform into a demon and cause damage to the lower-ranked teams.

It was mostly our chairman speaking to the human to help her understand the demon's strategies.

Then our archer, Leo, returned to the HQ.

"So, how is it going out there?", I asked.

"It is not looking that good if my assumptions are correct", Leo said in an exhausted voice.

Bres, our giant, then asked, "Why? Is something wrong?"

"There is a demon sitting at the edge of the cliff, he is wearing a fox mask that covers only the upper part of the face, he is as small as a child, and he doesn't have the iconic red or black skin of demons but still has two horns on his head"

"Anything else?", The human asked.

"He is wearing a white suit and a beret hat", Leo replied.

"...Keith", she then muttered in a low tone.

"The appraiser?", This time the chairman decided to ask.

"Yes, he has an iconic beret hat that was way too big for his head", The human replied.

Lashar, our dragoon, then asked, "Couldn't you just have sniped him down, Leo?"

"No, he has others hiding behind him, I assume it is Amadeus or Yuki"

After a few seconds of silence, the chairman then gave us an order, "Prepare for battle, I don't think it will be long if we consider that the appraiser is also here today"


With that, we all started to leave the HQ, until the ground trembled and a loud roar screeched throughout the field.

In the distance, I could see the previous undead lord, but this time, I could see thousands of troops coming from the demon side.

An alarm started to be heard in the camps and multiple of our soldiers started to prepare.

I together with the other 3 commanders then headed out to the center where, Leo, had spotted the 2 dukes, Yuki and Botis.

Leo then stopped and got in position to shoot an arrow, but before he could do anything, a large pillar of ice was headed in his direction.

Bres was able to block it thanks to his skill [Magic Shield], but then Botis started to prepare a poison spell, while Lashar was preparing one of his own.

I stopped in the middle of the air and started to chant my light chains but before I could, I heard Leo's voice yelling at me.

"Iris, dodge!"

I instantly started to swerve in the air and I was able to notice that Amadeus who now had his invisibility turned off, was only moments away from killing me.

I decided to head down and stand behind Bres, as it was the best position to keep myself on.

I started to use light chains once again, 4 magic circles appeared behind me in the air, and a chain shot out from each circle, unfortunately, a large wall of ice was erected from the ground, blocking my attack.


[Demon's Camp Cliff][Keith]

The battle had started between the (SS) ranked, I could see multiple spells being launched, and I also understood why none of the two races, had actually advanced.

They all pretty much countered each other, the ice from Yuki can easily block Iris and the elf.

Bres can also block spells from both Botis and Yuki, while Amadeus can sneak around and aim for the weak back liners.

Of course, Amadeus is then countered by Leo, with his great vision. The dragoon is pretty much just a high leveled magician, nothing really special. The only thing that the demon side is missing is a tank, like Bres.

The ground then trembled and the huge wall that had previously been created by Yuki broke down and created quite the cinematic scene.

The 3 dukes posed menacingly, while the 4 Union commanders were all standing in a formation to fight against the dukes. They stared at each other until a large explosion was heard from the left, which caught all their attention.

It was Lucia vs the undead lord, but of course, the undead lord even if it is cut down by Lucia, would always get up, again and again, and again.

The sword Lucia was using was also a debuff if we consider that enemies like the undead lord don't really have blood to provide for her.

Lucia had high agility and could easily go running around and dodging everything the undead lord sent at her, but this was not a battle where you could just kill the opponent but a battle of endurance, and a Lich's summons would never ever lose on those types of battles.

The (SS) rankers, pretty much only stared at the undead lord for around a second, as Botis instantly launched a poison bomb at the direction of the 4 commanders.

Of course, the giant, Bres, was able to block the attack.

The battle continued with Amadeus turning invisible and trying to sneak around, just to be spotted by the archer.

Iris threw her light chains just to be blocked by the ice, and Botis threw a spell that was blocked by Bres. The dragoon was pretty much just launching spells but they were also just easily blocked by Yuki's ice attacks.

While the light chains being stopped made sense as they only affect dark and demonic energy, the fact that the spells from the dragoon were also getting blocked just shows how weak of a magician he really is.

In the novel, he was a haughty character due to his dragon blood, but he was extremely weak due to his lack of mana control.

The battle continued on all fronts and many hours passed until it started to get dark, due to that, both armies decided to retreat.

While you would normally expect demons to have the advantage during the night, that actually wasn't the case, the only thing that would happen was a decrease in visibility for both sides.

I told Baggy to return his summons and he did, although when his summons arrived, the 9 warriors had 8 bodies they were carrying, with them.

Amadeus who had just arrived, saw the scene and asked, "New summons?"

"I believe so, my lord"

"Hmm", And with that, he left for his quarters.

I checked the bodies of the guys he killed and found only 5 that were good enough.

One was a magician-looking elf, he was ranked (A), and was holding a large staff.

I told Baggy to summon him and a black circle appeared under the elf's body, the body then disappeared and Baggy summoned him again.

A wizard in black robes, with a black magician's hat, soon appeared, he had purple-colored eyes and was holding a huge staff.

[(A+)Baggy's Undead Fire Wizard]

'A wizard?'

Wizards are a specialized magician class, that only uses one element, for example, Yuki could be considered a wizard as she has mastered her ice magic, so for this undead to be a wizard, it was overall a great find.

The other one of the five that I picked was another magician but I wasn't sure, if he was a magician or an alchemist, because of his weird attire, which looked like a scientist but had also a magician's hat on.

He was ranked (B+), so he should be able to reach (A-) at least when resummoned, so as always Baggy used his skill and the result was a [(A-)Baggy's Undead Alchemist], although good in a sense.

An alchemist whose main focus is on healing wouldn't really help the summons very much, but I could probably use him in the lab back at the castle.

The other 3 were also magicians, and after going through the same process, we ended with 1 (A+) ranked undead fire wizard, 3 (A) ranked undead magicians and 1 (A-) ranked undead alchemist.

There were 3 other bodies from magicians as well, but they were all ranked C+.

It seemed that Baggy really wanted magicians in his summons.

Currently, 15 summons from the 50 that Baggy can have, have been used, so I should have some leeway on what to summon next.

The battle today, and like any other day, ended with a tie.

Although considering we have 5 more summons, it actually isn't that bad.

I went to the commander's tent, where everyone was already present, and stood behind Amadeus like always.

Botis then looked at me and asked, "Anything good?"

"Yes, I have a new fire wizard ranked (A+), 3 magicians ranked (A), and an alchemist that could possibly be put to work"

Botis then raised his brow in interest and asked, "Can he make potions?"

"He should be able", I said.

Well, I could already guess, that he would use the undead as a poison maker since he wouldn't die from messing anything up.

The talk after that mainly focused on ways we could push the enemy's back, and it was decided that using the undead lord and protecting it with Yuki's ice, so we are able to push forward.