
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · Fantasía
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62 Chs

End (1)

[Keith's Tent][Keith]

I opened my eyes after what seemed like a long nap, and I was able to see that Iris, had already left my tent.

It was already 5 in the afternoon, but I still didn't get out of bed, because there was nothing to really do.

Normally the demons would be aggressive at this time, but considering the fact that a contractor went against its master and the injury to Botis, I don't believe they will be attacking anytime soon.

Contractors are one of the main parts of the demon's power, meaning that now that one had gone against its master, there probably would be some kind of investigation of the sort in the demon realm.

It didn't really matter to me, as the moment Amadeus shows himself, I will probably rush against that bastard.

I was thinking of the possible reasons behind the demons' passive behavior until I heard footsteps approaching my tent.

I stood up and saw the figure of an angel so I let her inside and guided her to a chair.

Iris then grabbed her watch and started to take something out.

It was a brown bag similar to Baggy's body, which she put on the table.

"I brought you some food"

"Oh, thank you"

"No problem"

She then handed me the bag and I started to eat the sandwiches inside, which were actually pretty good compared to the food from the demon realm.

It was only after I was done eating that she started to ask me questions about the skills and a lot more, even mentioning the formation of dungeons and the sorts.

At this point, I had already explained a lot relating to the skills but dungeons were something even I knew almost nothing about.

The author called dungeons, reminiscent of the past but that was due to the fact that a lot of human history was amongst the artifacts inside of dungeons.

I explained to her that dungeons are just gates to the past in which monsters exist.

Because that was exactly what the author mentioned, but this time she asked me something I wasn't expecting.

"Then does that mean there is a chance of an ancient demon existing inside those dungeons?"

"Ah, mmm"

Now that I think about it, the moment the author stopped posting soon after the demon king was slain.

But in the last chapter he posted which was called the Beginning After the End, there was a mention of a dungeon deep below ground and then the cliffhanger explosion that the author liked to use but this would happen 9 years from the start of the novel.

We continued to discuss many things relating to dungeons, skills, and even talents.

This simple routine of talking all night and discussing the many things about this world had become some sort of reality escaper, just like the novels were for me back in my old world.


And just like that 2 weeks passed with no signs of the demons attacking.

The past 2 weeks were actually pretty relaxing, I was able to sleep a lot, eat a lot, and also talk about many things together with Iris.

It was also enough time for Lashar to be completely healed and ready to fight.

Today it was barely 3 in the afternoon, and Iris would normally arrive at 5 to 6, so I decided to finally head outside of my tent.

The moment I got out, I received looks of disgust from everyone and heard many of them murmuring amongst themselves about my appearance and more.

'It's not like I wished for this either'


I decided to head into an isolated place, and after walking for a while, I was able to see a big rock and decided to sit on top of it.

I looked at the sky and wondered about my life inside this novel.

I made the alliance happen 8 years faster, I became an essential part of the story just with my appraisals, and now I'm even joining this war just to satisfy my desires.

'I could have just lived my own life'

I worried about the storyline when there was no need to do so, the protagonist would have gotten strong enough either way and survived either way, but I decided to become strong enough to protect him.

'Why did I even reincarnate into this world'

'What is my purpose in this life'

I kept having thoughts like that and before I even knew it, the sun was already coming down, but I decided to stay in this place wondering about my life.

Although there were definitely happy memories now and then, I also experienced many sad things that I had never had back in my old world, like the pain of losing someone precious to you.

*Pita Pita

"Are you crying?", Said a cute girly voice.



"It seems like you are though", She said almost in a mocking voice.

She then started flying and sat next to me at the top of the rock.

There was a moment of silence, but I started to explain my existential crisis and purpose in life, of course, not mentioning the novel or anything relating to that.

I explained the pain of losing someone and of course a lot more relating to Emma and my mom, the demons, and of course Amadeus and my feelings towards everything.

"And that's it", I said after explaining everything.


It was then silent once again.

"Then just do as you please", She said.


"There is no one stopping you from doing what you want to do, there is no need for you to follow any law or anything like that, and what if there is no purpose for you in this world, just create one yourself"

Words that I thought about every day and continued to think about even now, but hearing them from someone else truly makes you feel different, almost as if others believe in your actions as well.

Although they were truly just simple words that anyone could say, it made me feel relaxed for some reason.

And thinking about it now, wasn't Iris also a reality escaper from me, someone that allowed me to feel at ease.

So with that, I gave her the biggest smile in the world and decided that from today forward, I would protect her at the cost of my life.

I stood and told her to call a meeting for all the commanders, which she did reluctantly but decided to do so in the end.


[Union's HQ][Keith]

"So why did you call us here for", Said Bres in an angry tone while staring at me.

"Well, we still have to wait for one more person to arrive", I said.

Currently, I, the chairman, Bres, Leo, Iris, and Lashar were all in the room, but I had told Iris that it was necessary to call someone else for this meeting.

And soon enough a nerdy-looking elf arrived at the tent.

He looked nervous as everyone was staring at him after just arriving but I told him to take a seat, and he did.

"Now then, I called you all here today because I need to give out some important information for the fight that will probably be happening tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?", Leo asked.

"Yes, it will probably be tomorrow", I said with a confident look on my face.


"Well, the spy from the demon army has healed up after all"

A look of confusion appeared on everyone faces and all of their heads snapped in the direction of Lashar.

"Haha, that's a fun-" Just as Lashar was about to say something.

"That is the truth", Said the elf.

Everyone widened their eyes and before I could even catch it with my eyes, Bres was already on top of Lashar and holding him against the ground.


"Kuh, WAIT", Lashar screamed but I tied his mouth using my string.

In the novel, Lashar was a bad wizard or that was what most would believe him to be, but in fact, he was just acting as if he wasn't a threat because he didn't want to harm the demon side.

Even the injury this time was probably just a show.

I let him go for 2 weeks because he was unconscious but since I want to protect Iris from any possible danger it would be best to kill him now.

The reason why Lashar was discovered to be hiding his power and then becoming known to be a spy, was thanks to the research done by Ciel.

She was able to find that the rank of a magician is both decided by their mana and their mana control, meaning that Lashar being an SS ranked was impossible with his mana control.

While the rank of physical users is ranked based on the 3 main physical stats, the magicians, archers, and gunslinger ranks are based on their mana and either mana control or accuracy.

The reason why archers and gunslingers need mana for their rank was that they need to empower their bullets to be able to actually do any damage.

But with that out of the way, I used my string arts and immobilized Lashar.

Leo then let out a sigh and asked the chairman, "What do we do with him?"