
The Novel's extra i'll rewrite

A reader passes The Novel extra and takes the place of the haji who has ascended to Godhead but is it the world of the world to interpret or..... I copied a little from other reader's books. The book I wrote earlier had a lot of errors and inconsistencies. so I put up the book and decided to write this novel this way.

Kaan_ZEYREK · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Written Examination

Today was the day we were going to take the exam, I'm glad I have the System with me, I was comfortable because he said that he could answer every exam question for 5 SP.

"As I mentioned last time, there is a written exam today."

Suddenly, a test announcement was made. Heartfelt groans rose from the cadets. Looks like I wasn't the only one hearing this now.

"Really? I've never studied!"

No matter how much Chae Nayun came back, she wasn't very good at studying the exam.

"Now, now, calm down."

The professor silenced the students in a heartless tone before handing out the exam paper. After a few rustling papers, I also bought an exam paper.

Problem 1. Identify the 'Pygmalion' monster.

Problem 2. Identify the Nine Evils (Demons).

Problem 3. Identify the qualities that humans can manifest in the Phenomenal Realm.

Problem 4….

The difficulty and uncertainty of the problems were higher than I had imagined. Other students sighed as they looked at the problems. But I was different. The system had answers to all questions.

[Pygmalions are Fallen Ghosts whose intelligence exceeds that of humans. They cannot be seen in the Phenomenal Realm, and after possessing them, they behave like human beings. Because of this behavior, some argue that they should be classified as Djinn…]

So I answered all questions within 30 minutes. And I gave my exam paper to the teacher. The whole class looked at me when I did this they probably think I did them all wrong except for one person Chae nayun she knows I did them all right


So 1 Month passed. I spent more time hunting, Training and improving my weapon mastery, and I created a guild with the Book of Truth, which is the Feature of the System, of course, I am the only member and I made the Truth guild. For now, I set 100,000 won for answering each question.

Then I got a call message about the museum on my smartwatch, they were calling us to the wizard tower to reward us.

The meeting ceremony took place in a garden in the Association Tower, and many had gathered when I arrived. However, the conference ceremony did not seem close to starting. Kim Suho, Chae Nayun, Yoo Yeonha and I were forced to a ceremony rehearsal because we were going to get our appreciation from a dignitary, but the elder was late and we had to wait.

Meanwhile, Chae nayun tried to pass the time by constantly poking me Yoo Yeonha approached her ear

"Do you like it"

"Maybe A Little"

Yoo Yeonha did not expect to receive this answer from him. then continued

"eeee tell him then"

"No, he should tell me this first"

Yoo Yeonha looking at me more this time

"I can't say he's very interested in you though"

Just then, our name started to be read for the ceremony, unlike the book, the sequence started by saying my name first.

—Now, the certification ceremony will begin.

The host announced the start of the ceremony.

—The commendation will be given by the 37th level Master rank Hero Sir Yoo Sihyuk.

Yoo Sihyuk was surprised to see me at first. He knew all of the other students but had never heard of my name before.

Just as I was about to give my Gift by shaking my hand, he suddenly injected mana into me and turned to me.

"Would you like to be my student"

Having said that, the entire catwalk and journalistic Communities fell silent for a moment.

"Sorry sir I'm sorry"

After saying that, the Entire Podium got even darker

Because no one is so stupid as to refuse the offer of a master-level person himself. Especially a student who is a Hero candidate 1st reason right now my main weapon is a pistol no matter how much I want to use a sword, I can't do this right now and I'm sure I will earn more Sp if I refuse

Of course, he wasn't happy with my answer, he gave me a card and invited me to his course.

"Call me at this number whenever you change your mind"

The rest of the ceremony ended rather boringly and 15,000,000 won, which was the prize money, was deposited into our bank account.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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