
The Novel's extra i'll rewrite

A reader passes The Novel extra and takes the place of the haji who has ascended to Godhead but is it the world of the world to interpret or..... I copied a little from other reader's books. The book I wrote earlier had a lot of errors and inconsistencies. so I put up the book and decided to write this novel this way.

Kaan_ZEYREK · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

To reject

I was currently exploring previously created features in a Cafe system and fulfilled a few requests to the Truth agency. Just that my desk is facing a female placement This woman was yun Seung-ah

"Here you are."

"You don't know me, do you?"

His eyes staring at me were in the shape of an arc.

"Isn't it?"

Yun Seung-Ah asked again. I salute my head. There were very few people in this world who didn't know 'deputy leader Yun Seung-Ah'.

"No, I know."

"That puts me at ease. I'm surprised you just disappeared. There was something I wanted to give you."

Yun Seung-Ah gave me his business card with gold.

[Guild, Creator's Divine Blessing, deputy leader Yun Seung-Ah.]

Yun Seung-Ah continued as I silently stared at the business card.

"There's a lot to talk about, but unfortunately I don't have enough time. Study you too long, Hajin student-nim."

"There's something I want to ask. May I ask?"

He looked into Yun Seung-Ah's eyes. The beautiful brown eyeballs were absolutely calm.


"You destroyed the demons... Hm?"

In the novel, yun Seung Ah was quite selfish and manipulative, and at my museum event she probably watched the video footage so she came here to find me. That's why I don't reject it.

"Dont ask."

I returned your business card.

"Well? Um, Hajin cadet-nim? I think you misunderstand something. I'm interested in you as the vice-leader of a level 1 guild."

"Unfortunately, I am not interested in Guilds."

"I'll go. I have a lot to do. It's almost time for the midterms, you see."

I removed it before Yun Seung-ah. Surprised, his eyes followed me.

I quickly left the cafe.

What Yun Seung-Ah was thinking right now was none of my business.


When I returned home, the prize money had arrived. It was a clean 15 million won, unaffected by taxes. It was clear what I should do with it. I bought the shares of Packhorse Master without hesitation. With over 100,000 shares outstanding, I was probably the majority shareholder.

Wiing— Wiing— Wiing— Wiing—

An emergency alarm went off on my smartwatch.

The sound was like a phone's disaster warning, it couldn't be ignored. I put my magic power aside and turned on my smartwatch.

[The last person to see the World class apprentice is looking for 'Jin Hajung'.] [

The last person to see the world-class 'apprentice' is looking for 'Jin Hajung.]

So the second part of the story has begun. I wonder if I should act like who hajin? But this time it's Chae Nayunda returning. And I've been exposed, everybody knows I'm pretty strong.

Late night, Sunday.

Kim Suho was working out at Novice Fitness Center. Kim Suho was a regular visitor to the gym, but today's landscape is different from earlier in the year. The gym was full of students today. The reason for this was undoubtedly the approaching midterm exams.


After finishing a set, Kim Suho looked around while resting. Rare visitors Jin Hanjun, Kim Horak, Shin Jonghak, and even Yoo Yeonha and Rachel were there.

"Do you check on the girls?"

At that moment, a sudden coldness touched his face. Kim Suho jerked his head back in surprise. There was only one person who would play such a joke on him. Kim Suho looked at him. Yi Yeonghan shrugged and handed him a drink.

"So, are you?"

"No, I just..."


"...I just thought it was a rare sight."

Kim Suho gestured to Rachel with his chin. Yi Yeonghan looked at Rachel and nodded in agreement.

"I think you're right. It's the first time I've seen a real princess exercising in a gym."

Her gleaming blond hair and eyes like pure emeralds. Her figure showed no flaws and showed ostentatious grace and charm.

Even when he was sweating, he looked like he had just jumped off a painting. The girl, Rachel, was from the royal family of England and descended from a noble line.

"Who do you think you're going to marry in the future? Not with us, right?"

Kim Suho smiled at Yi Yeonghan's comments.

"Is this a mockery? What, you think you can marry her?"

"No, it's not. I agreed with you. I don't think you'd marry someone like us."

At that moment, someone else came through the door, Kim Hajin

I'm pretty angry right now Ok Everyone here is 17 years old but I'm only 19 in the real world and they can keep provoking me with their words, in short I'm not as patient as Hajin, even though I don't know my family, they think it's so easy to be an orphan. And they constantly think that they can crush someone, things are no longer verbal. After the last insult they wrote on my dorm room door they managed to drive me crazy right now These are future hero candidates, absolutely nothing will be wrong with them and I'm in the gym right now with this anger I hope no one tries to yell at me or I can really cause trouble.

After I walked through the door, everyone was looking at me as if a ghost had come. Then I headed for the treadmills and the only treadmills there were the princess's sides I went straight to one and put on my headphones and slowly increased the speed.

50 km






I just stood there and started running. Because I needed to calm my mind.

Kim Suho point of view

When Kim Hajin entered the gym, everyone looked at him because he's pretty famous right now, but I'm looking at him because he looks pretty angry right now, not because he's handsome or famous. Later, she went to the treadmill next to the princess, and when they saw the speed on the treadmill, not only me, but all the students focused only there because the speed started to increase to very high amounts. When 100 km reached 100 km, everyone thought that they would not be able to hold on even for 5 minutes at the most, but now she was running in that running rhythm for exactly 30 minutes. Even I'm not sure I can run this long at this intensity, even though I hide my strength.

"hey suho is this guy a monster"

"I don't know if he's a monster but he looks really fast and angry"

"He managed to get the attention of even the princess, look"

"Really it is"

Chae Nayun point of view

He didn't normally act like this, he spent time in school mostly hiding his strength and never tried to show up until the very last moment and seems pretty pissed off right now. I don't know if he's really a comeback after all, even before he came back he had some pretty big secrets and no one could find him unless he wanted to. But the thing that bothers me right now is why is Rachel running so fast next to him. A lot of girls around him look at his face and he shows his strength. It will be harder for me to get his attention, damn it.

Rachel's point of view

A very handsome student entered the door, a very familiar person, Kim Hajin is a black horse hiding his strength as he enters the school, but the thing is that he is running next to me at a speed of 100 Km delayed, very angry right now, it must be really impossible for a student I am running at 50 Km speed for about 45 minutes and I'm pretty weak compared to him maybe I should ask him for some advice


I had been running for 30 minutes at 100Km speed and it had attracted the attention of everyone, especially the main characters, and then notifications came to my watch.

"I'm going to destroy you bastard"

"I will kill you in combat training"

Actually I could find these people using Sp but the system refused to do so fearing that I would kill them

At that moment, I went to the punching bag and started doing punch-kicking and fighting skills.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kaan_ZEYREKcreators' thoughts