
The Novel's extra i'll rewrite

A reader passes The Novel extra and takes the place of the haji who has ascended to Godhead but is it the world of the world to interpret or..... I copied a little from other reader's books. The book I wrote earlier had a lot of errors and inconsistencies. so I put up the book and decided to write this novel this way.

Kaan_ZEYREK · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Martial Exams 2

"Yunseok, say cheese~"

"Wow, isn't that Kim Suho? O-Oppa, are you friends with him!? I want to take a picture together!"

Many students wandered around with their homes. The cadets who had been with their families since last Friday were staying in the same dormitory.

I walked in a single walk, watching other students laugh and joke with their families.

Actually, this scene brings back my good memories with my grandfather, whom I lived in the past. My only good memories were with my grandfather. Anyway, now I'm going to enjoy your new bring.

"Where are you going?"

He ran after me like a cat. I hesitated and invited my startup.

"Of course to the dueling arena."

"That's right, Horak nominated you~"

Yoo Yeonha was the winner of ignorance.

"...Is there anything you want to say?"

"Trying to stop him but he insisted on execution with you. There was no other option."


Yoo Yeonha has to give me the bullets by the way.

"Oh, also..."

Plug. He snapped his fingers. Immediately, a tall man came and handed her a suitcase.

"Here are 100 peak grade bullets. But if you need more, just let me know.


Just as he was about to pick it up, Yoo Yeonha suddenly pulled back the suitcase.

"But don't get me wrong. This is not a payment to save what I know."


Yoo Yeonha stammered a little timidly.

"B-This is... just a gift."

"Yeah, I got it, so put it here."

Reluctantly, I snatched the suitcase from his hand.

Then we walked to the arena with yoo yeonha.

"Oh, by the way, will Horak win?"

I paused. His question had a strange connotation.

"Will Horak win?"

just laughing at him

"It will win"

Actually, I wasn't lying. He will win because after I beat him well, I will surrender in the arena. So I will have lost.

"Then I'm going."

Then, at the direction of an officer, I went through the back door to the waiting room to get into the arena."

[Waiting Room 5]

This room was probably full of extras like me. People like Kim Suho and Chae Nayun were in waiting room number 1, which was closest to the reporters.

I opened the door. The 30~40 students talking among themselves immediately fell silent. His eyes landed on me. One, two, three… Three seconds later, they indifferently withdrew their gazes and continued talking.

I walked in and sat in a random seat.

"I heard you fought Kim Horak."

While I was resting alone, someone I didn't know started talking. His face looked somewhat familiar, so he was probably in my class.

I nodded without answering.

"Damn, Kim Horak must have flagged you. You shouldn't have been showing off so much."

I wanted to say something but gave up. Instead, I muttered to myself.

"Right, why do you keep leaving Cube? Are you really throwing money at cabaret clubs and brothels?"

It seems that these rumors were still circulating. I nodded silently.

"No way, are you really?"

But he interpreted my action as he wished. I opened my mouth with no other choice.

"No. I don't have any money, even if I wanted to."

Damn I wish I could but I don't have the money those damn rumors if I catch you all you'll beg for death I promise you.


The dueling arena was a miniature version of the Roman Colosseum. The central arena was slightly larger than a standard football field, and the seats surrounding the arena could accommodate around 5000 people.

The design was a huge success.

Ten minutes before the duel began, the guest seats were filled with people.

"How did you get such a beautiful seat?"

High-ranking Hero Oh Junhyuk asked in surprise while handing Seo Youngji a hot dog. The seats he grabbed were the very front seats with the best views of the arena.

"You're telling me to focus on the task, but you come here first thing in the morning to get the best seat..."

"Shut up and sit down."

Oh Junhyuk chuckled and sat down next to him.

"…Wow, definitely brings back memories, doesn't it?"

"You must be talking about bad memories. I remember you saying you got beaten so hard that you couldn't even watch mixed martial arts afterwards."

"…I've gotten better because it's always on TV. My son loves it too."

Mixed Martial Arts was one of the most popular sports worldwide. It was especially popular with children and teenagers.

The sport involved one-on-one or team battles between superhumans. Naturally, the fights were extremely flamboyant, magic power raged like storms and blows that split the world in two. The strength they showed served as an excellent motivation for young children to pursue power.

"Really? That's good to hear."

"Is that good to hear? Please, the world must be coming to an end. The demons are more active than ever, but nowadays, being a sports star ranks third in students' career path choices. They say they prefer going to the gym." rather than joining a small and medium-sized guild."

"I don't understand what's wrong with it."

"Can't you see what's wrong? It's because of people like you that the Association is in such a pathetic state..."

In the middle of his sentence, Oh Junhyuk felt an extremely battle-thirsty look.

"…Who is that man?"

He glanced at the seat across the arena.

A man was giving a menacing look and gritting his teeth. His fearless and unbridled smile was clearly aimed at Oh Junhyuk and Seo Youngji.

"He's been doing this for a while. He must be a fan."

"A fan? Can he see we're disguised?"

"I guess so. Ah, it's starting."

The host announced the start of the day's duels, and Seo Youngji immediately pulled out her laptop.

"A typical assistant manager... OK, who should I look for?"

"Kim Suho and Chae Nayun. Top of their class. And I guess Yi Yeonghan and Kim Horak too."

"Oh! Are two of the top 6 here? Who are they fighting?"

Kim Suho and Chae Nayun were well known even within the Association. Even Oh Junhyuk, who doesn't like to watch duels, couldn't help but be interested in their match.

"Kim Suho fights Yi Yeonghan. Chae Nayun fights Joseph. Kim Horak fights Kim Hajin."

"Except Kim Horak"Kim Hajin, rank 934"

"...Rank 934? Isn't that too low? Is there anything special about it?"

Seo Youngji raised his glasses.

"There are bad rumors about him. My cousin in Cube told me he's pretty unpleasant."

"Oh, so Kim Horak is punishing a criminal. I get it, I get it. Who would have thought that Horak had a sense of justice? He's also sacrificing his own grade to do that..."

Plug. Seo Youngji closed his laptop.



Oh Junhyuk crossed his arms and leaned back on the seat.

The first duel was between the two students mentioned above.

—The first duel is between the 18th place Kim Horak and the 934th place Kim Hajin! How will Kim Hajin overcome the ranking gap between them? Why did Kim Horak nominate such a low-ranking student?

The unfortunate hosts did their best to add excitement to the match, which ended with an obvious result.

A mana barrier has risen around the arena. It was to prevent the attacks of the two students from leaking out.

"This must be him."


a most seem to have chosen suitable competitors. So, who is Kim Hajin?"

At that moment, a very handsome student entered from the door of the arena. And the entire arena was quiet because The Boy was so handsome that everyone dropped something from their hands. It was as if God had descended to the earth. medium

"Wow, he's really handsome."


I took the stage under the leadership of the staff.

First I studied the arena thoroughly. A translucent mana barrier surrounded the arena, with thousands of spectators staring down.

"Oh~ Kim Horak."

I smiled and waved my hand.

"How were your written exams?"

I provoked him, but Kim Horak put on his glove without speaking. So I raised my gun.

Actually, I wanted to provoke him. Let's play a little.

"Hey referee, can I listen to the music"

"Where did this come from"

"I'm concentrating, if you don't mind, you can check the headphones."

"Everyone who listened to the talk in the arena was looking at me"

I gave the headphones to the referee. After checking it he said it was ok so I put on the earphones and turned on the music and waited for the war to start.

Meanwhile, Kim Horak was looking at me wildly.

"Hey man, calm down or you're going to hit a wall."

The referee counted backwards to start the fight. And whoever began the war, Horak rushed forward with all his might. But it was pretty slow for me when I loaded my gun. And who I fired with anti magic power. Kim Horak hadn't even thought of defending the bullet. The bullet from the gun moved so fast that a huge bombshell sound was heard in the arena. And then Kim Horak flew to the end of the arena, not only the ki reinforcement, but also himself. Of course, the barrel of the gun in my hand was broken.

"Hey what happened in the arena? Like that"

"Is the person opposite Kim Horak really 934 rank"

There's too much talk in the audience seats

"I think he must have given all his strength to that bullet, look, even the gun was broken and who didn't finish the cocking"

At that moment, Kim Horak was trying to resolve the situation in amazement. He didn't understand what was happening.

Even I didn't expect it to be this strong. Kim Horak stood up again and saw that my gun was broken.

"Count this as your bad luck, your gun is smashed. You will be beaten by me now"

At that moment, I started laughing wildly.

"Did you really say you were going to beat me up? Unfortunately, my friend, you will not even be able to reach me.

Only my laughter could be heard around the arena.

Kim rushed forward again and started attacking me with his fists, so I threw all his fists with foot movements, then I threw a violent punch on his stomach, causing him to fall to the floor. But what I realized a little later was who Horak had lost consciousness. I didn't even have a chance to surrender.

The referee raised his hand.

"Winning Rank 934 Kim Hajin"

Damn, I didn't even want to win. Hey, isn't this guy supposed to be a martial artist? Why was it defeated so quickly?

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