
The Novel's extra i'll rewrite

A reader passes The Novel extra and takes the place of the haji who has ascended to Godhead but is it the world of the world to interpret or..... I copied a little from other reader's books. The book I wrote earlier had a lot of errors and inconsistencies. so I put up the book and decided to write this novel this way.

Kaan_ZEYREK · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Dungeon Trial 2

"Salamander? Does anyone here have a water feature?"

Jayden asked while stretching, but there was no 17-year-old student accepting water mana. At the very least, one had to have had realization to do so. Jayden didn't seem to expect much as he raised his sword without disappointment.

"I Can Use"

At that moment, everyone looked at me again, and Jayden's face became even more ugly, actually I can't help myself not to punch him in the face.

"Then you can block fire attacks"

"Yes but this is an artificial dungeon so they cannot breathe fire"

"Yes that is right"

"But if needed, I will come forward"

"Oh, there it is."

Jayden gestured to Salamander, who was loitering on the ground.

"...So you were right. I guess it's true that you can find dog poop if you want to use it as medicine."

"The other way, you idiot."

Jayden glared at me but silently asked Kim Jingyu.

"Wasn't I right?"

"What about?"

"A proverb. You can find dog shit if you want to use it as a medicine."

"On the contrary, you can't find dog poop even if you want to use it as medicine."


Realizing his mistake, Jayden looked at Yoo Yeonha, afraid that he had disappointed her. But Yoo Yeonha seemed uninterested in our conversation as she infused her magic power into her whip and prepared for battle.

"Get ready. Still, if it's a change, it should be a breeze. Huup!"

Yoo Yeonha swung her whip, which shot toward the Salamander's tail like a snake.


Salamander, whose tail was tied with Yoo Yeonha's whip, was unable to use his strongest attack, his fire breath.

Just then, as the warriors rushed forward to cut off his skin, Kim Jingyu shot an arrow in his eye.

In the blink of an eye, Salamander was killed.

There was nothing for me to do.

It's as easy as pie. That was great Yoo Yeonhssi. How did you instantly catch your tail like that?"

Jayden smiled back at Yoo Yeonha.

I took a step towards them, feeling smug at how easy the fight was.

At that moment...

Thwick I got stuck on a rock. I fell silently forward and instinctively clung to what was in front of me. It was most likely Yoo Yeonha's head.

At that moment, a trap was triggered and I quickly pushed Yoo Yeonha away from the poison arrow.

Yoo Yeonha stared at me and oka bian.


"You don't need to thank Yoo Yeonhssi. We're teammates after all."

"Wow. How did you know? I never felt it!"

Hazuki asked with genuine admiration.

"…snipers have good sense."

Perception or whatever, the main reason had to be my high luck. Eight of us had a much greater perception than normal people. If the others couldn't detect something, I certainly wouldn't have found it either.

That arrow was probably a magic trap. I mean, look at the power of this thing, it's completely burrowed itself into the wall! It was too strong to be a trap for training.

"That was so close. Didn't you get hurt, Yoo Yeonhssi?"

While talking nonsense, I approached the arrow.

After that, we walked without much talk.

After Salamander passed by his body, the landscape began to change. The dark environment began to light up, and plants and trees began to appear. Surprisingly, the trees were red like maples.

Also, a wind began to blow. But it was far from a refreshing breeze. Rather, it was a hot wind that made it hard to breathe.

"…So hot."

Jayden muttered as he took off his outer clothes. Jin Hoseung, Kim Jingyu, Lee Shaung, Hazuki and I also pulled out a layer of clothing. Only Yoo Yeonha remained fully clothed. He maintained his dignity even while sweating in buckets.

"Oh... It must be the field type."

Dungeons were generally divided into two types, Stage and Field.

As the name suggests, Stage Dungeons had multiple layers that had to be cleared sequentially, while Field Dungeons only had monsters that had to be killed until the boss monster spawned.

"Did the front team hunt everything down? There's nothing here."

After walking for about 20 minutes, Jayden yawned as if bored.

"No, each team had different entrances. If we had started from the east, the other team should have started from the west. Also, I can see a bunch of monsters ahead."


In the smaller craters ahead were four Salamanders and 11 Peanut Flames.

"15 total, Salamanders and Peanut Flames. Looks like it's going to be tough."

"This is very?"

Hazuki's eyes widened.


I raised my gun and Jayden sneered at me.

"Pft, what can you do with a gun? You can't even kill a Peanut Flare... jerk."

At that moment, I fired 5 bullets with my gun and 5 corpses of Selamender were lying on the ground, then turned to jaydene.

"There are 10 left, I leave it to you"

Then I leaned my back against a rock and waited for them as Jayden started to grit his teeth more.

Wow, it's over. Thanks to Yeonhssi, I managed to kill six people."

"...that's good to hear. Let's count."

We approached the mana puppets and counted the bodies.

One, two, three… fifteen.

We killed them all.

"Are we going to continue now?"

A light flashed in the distance as Jayden spoke with a smile.

Instinctively, I turned towards the light.

This was the salamander breath I was waiting for, I created a giant water barrier and neutralized the salamander breath. At that moment, the entire team gasped because if this flame had hit them, they would have been dead. I then shot at the salamander and the blood gushed out, everyone was even more shocked because the monsters weren't supposed to bleed out in this Artificial dungeon.

"They didn't tell us that this wouldn't happen. It was a Salamander. It's entirely possible for a normal salamander to naturally turn into a monster. After all, we're in a Dungeon, albeit artificially."

Upon Yoo Yeonha's calm entry, Jayden was silent. He caught his breath and calmed himself. Yoo Yeonha has always been like this but Jayden was quite calm for a high school student.

Meanwhile, the surrounding steam began to dissipate.

Everyone was wet from the steam and water.

"Are you ok?"

Yoo Yeonha asked me, probably because I was directly in line with her fire breath.

My luck was 9.1, so why did it fly towards me out of all the people? Was the world trying to tell me to buy more SP? Or was it because I was the only one who could block him?

Now that I think about it, it would be the biggest disaster for Yoo Yeonha to die.

"I am good."

"Quiet. Let's get out of here for now. What just happened... I'm sure we'll be compensated with additional points."

Yoo Yeonha spoke while looking at Salamander's corpse.

"B-what's in here? There's nothing here."

"We're almost there. The boss of the dungeon is ahead with another team."


"Yeah, let's hurry. It looks like they're in trouble."

Kim Hajin took the lead and quickened his pace.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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