
The Novel's extra i'll rewrite

A reader passes The Novel extra and takes the place of the haji who has ascended to Godhead but is it the world of the world to interpret or..... I copied a little from other reader's books. The book I wrote earlier had a lot of errors and inconsistencies. so I put up the book and decided to write this novel this way.

Kaan_ZEYREK · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs


Group 10. Rachel, Kim Hajin, Skid, Lee Wei."

At that moment, Jin Joohwa announced the 10th group. I looked at Rachel sitting next to me. It's like he had me on his mind when his eyes met mine. He got up from where he was going, and I followed him.

"These chapters come."

Rachel and I followed a team with other members of group 10.

Meeting and personal right side into a waiting room opened a giant door.

"Come in."

Behind the giant door was a long corridor.

We entered. Soon the corridor ended and there were two doors on either side of the wall.

"Stop the front of the door."

The staff guided us to each door. I was on the same side of the wall as Rachel.

"Good luck on your exam!"

I gave Rachel an energetic cheer, and she nodded back.

"You have one minute to verify your monster and land."

Beyond the window in the door I saw the beast and the terrain I was about to encounter.

The land was flat. The monster was a Chrome Wolf.

Chrome wolves were monsters that graduated from low-intermediate 4th grade to 2nd grade. The burden was weaker than some of the other students had to face.

But it was difficult to fight him with a gun. It is not only difficult, but also very difficult. Anyone could tell that first-look bullets were bouncing off his skin.

I had prepared my gun and bullets that he was going to start the war soon.

The Chrome Wolves were monsters I created.

"30 seconds left."

Metal and dual lives and the vital point were in his mouth. While his combination of metal and property made it difficult to deal with, his weakness was unexpectedly obvious. An extreme heat that can melt metal and air, one of them.

I grasped the knife in my pocket. As a matter of fact, I would use the Stigma's magic power blade to heat it up.

"One minute has passed. Please enter."

The 10th group members entered the study area.

It was a small room of about 130 square meters. A place of earth and rocks was completed as a wolf crackled something on the other side.

He began to shoot the Monsters I came across with weapons.

After a while, a big explosion sound was heard. So it's time.

There is a problem. All monsters will be reverse summoned. Students should leave the exam area immediately…Tzzzk.

The speaker was interrupted by a static sound.

Then I looked at the wolf. And I shot him in the head with the desert eagle and it fell apart.


In a dark room filled with freezing air and breathtaking killing intent, a cold mutter of a lonely man rose up.

"I knew this day would come one day."

A language that should have been familiar approached Rachel in an unusual way. He looked at the man who appeared in the darkness. Even though the man was wearing a cloak and covering his face, Rachel felt like she knew who he was.

Rachel calmly recited his name by heart.

"...Ser Lancaster."

Alex Lancaster, former Captain of the Royal Guard and Rachel's former master.

A few years ago, the man who disappeared after his family was killed in the London Incident resurfaced once again with breathtaking killing intent.

"I'm honored that you remember me."

A thin smile appeared on his face. Rachel felt great resentment at his sinister smile. From him, he could easily see the path he was walking.

"...you sold your soul."

Lancaster nodded. He denied Rachel's claim.

"I lived my life for my country, but my country killed everything. I did not sell my soul. Only after I was abandoned by my country my master took my wandering soul."

For a moment, deep sadness appeared on Rachel's face. What Lancaster said was a painful memory for him too.

"...is that why you came to me?"

"Princess, do I look like I'm here?"

Rachel frowned. He then stabbed her with his rapier, which had simply passed through his body.

"I'm somewhere but not here."

Rachel turned around. The door of the room was tightly closed. Whatever the reason, no help seemed to be coming.

Lancaster spoke with a smile.

"There's quite a bit of chaos out there right now. Of course, if this were England, the Princess's safety would be a top priority. The lives of dozens, hundreds and thousands of people cannot be compared to the Princess's..."

Lancaster hesitated for a moment. His smiling face contorted mercilessly.

"The whole country would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives to save the Princess. After all, the Princess is England's only hope."

A satisfied smile appeared on Lancaster's mouth after he had said what he wanted to say.

"But that's not the case here. You're just one of many students here."

Rachel looked at him sadly. The resentment and anger in her voice made Rachel feel guilty. But Lancaster grit his teeth at her reaction.

"So you still won't take off your hypocritical mask..."

Anger and regret filled his extended words. Rachel took a small, bold step towards him.

"Sir Lancaster..."

"I'd like to talk a little more, but there's no time."

However, Lancaster rejected him before bowing respectfully.

"Fairwell Princess, please be well."

However, it turned into a black mist and disappeared.

"To wait…!"

Suddenly, an assassin leapt out of the fog, waving his sword. Despite being abrupt, Rachel was able to toss her rapier and defend against attack. At the same time, the attack sword sliced ​​off a piece of his qi. He was stunned by the weight behind the magic power.

But it wasn't just the assassin's magic power that was surprising.

The assassin's movements were agile and sharp. Left wing and shoulder. His sharp attacks pierced through Rachel's weak spots. The two swords slammed into each other and a sharp metallic sound resounded. Hot sparks ignited and flesh blood shot into the air.

Against the assassin's aggressive maneuvers, Rachel could only stay on the defensive. However, as the fight continued, more scratches appeared on his body. As the pain got more intense, Rachel had to admit she couldn't beat the hit man with standard tactics.

He took a gamble.


The assassin did not miss the opening he made on purpose. A deep knife appeared in her wrist, and Rachel dropped her rapier. Sensing his victory, the assassin dug deeper.

At that moment, Rachel's rapier reacted. The rapier was still attached to his magic power.

Rachel's sword shot toward her neck as the assassin moved to pierce Rachel's heart.


However, this annoying situation was interrupted by a terrible vibration and a violent explosion.

Rachel lost her balance with the assassin. The assassin's sword could not reach Rachel's heart, and Rachel's rapier could not pierce the assassin's neck.

The room roared with another vibration. This time the right side of the wall collapsed. Rachel and the hit man both turned to the wall.


Another shock wave seemed to pierce the wall. The assassin then raised his sword, and Rachel grabbed her rapier with her left hand.


After the second shockwave, the hitman attacked Rachel, whom Rachel narrowly escaped with a side roll.


I was shooting at the wall with my gun. But he was standing firmer than usual. I concentrated my magic power in my hand and started punching the wall. After a while I knocked down the wall. Rachel was wounded, the assassin charging at her.

Using my footsteps art, I threw the assassin against the other wall and shot the dersert eagle in the head. My bullet had turned to dust after hitting him.

"Am I injured somewhere"

I regret asking this. Because blood was flowing everywhere.

Rachel's then started to bandage her wounds. And I was quite happy with the bloody bandages that were my reward.

I then gave him an external healing potion and waited for him to recover from his minor wounds.

Lancaster Alex.

He was one of the characters I created about England. As an enemy who appears in the middle stage of the story, his aim was to overthrow the British government.

Such a dangerous enemy had grown stronger and appeared earlier than intended. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it.

If I knew it would be like this, I would have created more accurate characters.

Of course, there were many other honest characters. There was a secret service agent named James Jone from MI6 for Rachel. His love and devotion to his country was unwavering, as it was based on the well-known 'agent'.


A faint gasp sounded. I looked at Rachel. He was sweating, but he must have overcome the pain as he looked so much better than before.

Rachel staggered to her feet slowly and greeted me.

"Thank you."


Suddenly the electricity came on and the darkness that filled the room disappeared. Naturally, our meeting was suspended.

Rachel and I walked to the door.

Grabbing the door handle, we slowly pushed it open. Although it closed tightly before, this time it opened without any problems.

After I left the room, I looked at the examination rooms on the other side of the wall. It seems that the other two students were not able to escape in time as their bodies were lying on the ground.

A mixed feeling came over me, but I knew I couldn't do anything about it.

I guided Rachel and started walking back. I could see with my own eyes that the waiting room was in disarray.

Rachelle meanwhile we arranged a meeting place for practice. We decided on the forest where we met him last time.

That's when I heard someone walking towards us. Rachel got her guard up. I just smiled when I saw him.

"Thank God we got the electricity back..."

It was Kim Soohyuk's voice. He was walking down the hallway while he was communicating with someone on the radio.

"What are you doing here? No, why did you come back here?"

"Come back?"

"You guys..."

Kim Soohyuk paused mid-sentence as if he remembered something. From his reaction, I also had an idea of ​​what was going on. There were definitely demons that could create illusions with form.

"The other two are still inside."

"Oh, shoot! You two wait here. No, run to the infirmary!"

We nodded at him. We were on our way.

After the great commotion, in the quiet shadow of the now empty waiting room, darkness suddenly rose and grew until it formed a human figure.

The figure belonged to a short, cute boy.

A deep smile appeared on the boy's face.

"Boss, Boss! I just saw something amazing!"

The boy named Droon came to observe Kim Hajin at the behest of his boss. He couldn't hide his excitement at what he saw now. He finally seemed to understand why the Boss was so interested in him.

"His gift is not only anti-magical, it's also about weapons, he also has very good magic power control."

For now, come back. I will listen to you later.

However, Boss cut him off coldly.

"…Ok my love."

"Boss is no fun at all." The Droon grunted inside as he turned dark once again. Then, he texted another group member.

—Jungyeong, how was the Snake Dragon? did you kill

Staring at a clear ocean breeze, Oh Junhyuk was sitting cross-legged on a rock. He was still trying to understand what he had just witnessed. A Serpent Dragon had sprung out of the sea, but...

"Oh Junhyuk!"

After everything was settled, Seo Youngji arrived. Oh Junhyuk turned to him.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that a Serpent Dragon appeared?"

"You knew that and were you this late?"

"I ran into a problem on my way here. The monsters suddenly escaped from the Lab... I had to get it done before I got here. So, where is the Snake Dragon?"

"He was chased deep into the ocean."


Snake Dragons were members of the dragon family, but that didn't mean they were terribly powerful. In terms of the Association's standard ranking system, Serpent Dragons ranged from high-mid 1st rank to high 7th rank. Compared to some of the other monsters that Heroes of their caliber had to face, Serpent Dragons weren't particularly frightening. First of all, Serpent Dragons were not offensive. They did not know how to fight and were afraid of pain because of their intelligence.

Of course, a Snake Dragon finding a Cintamani[1] was a different story.

However, what Oh Junhyuk witnessed was shockingly unrealistic.

"Someone provoked the Serpent Dragon."

"Is he provoked?"

"Yes. His eyes were red. He was clearly angry."

The Snake Dragon that shot down from the sky with its huge mouth was undoubtedly oppressive.

"How did you chase an angry Serpent Dragon?"


Thinking back on what happened, Oh Junhyuk didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Looks like you need to beat him until he regains his sanity."

He remembered what he had seen ten minutes ago.

The glove-wearing giant man stood in front of the Snake Dragon and punched him. It was a simple, straight punch, but the shock wave from the attack was enormous. The ground shook and the leaves of the trees fell completely. The fist shattered the Snake Dragon's hard scales, broke his bones and smashed into his muscles.

The enraged Serpent Dragon's bloodshot eyes instantly straightened.

"...you want me to believe that?"

"Don't do it if you don't want to. Oh, by the way, I want you to put someone on the wanted list. I filmed him with my smartwatch. He's the suspect in yesterday's police murder case."

Oh Junhyuk sent a video to Seo Youngji. It showed the giant man's face and build. Seo Youngji lowered her head as she checked the video.

"Tell them to contact me if they find it."

"…From where?"

"Nothing. It's been a long time, but I found someone I want to fight with."

Oh Junhyuk grinned.

The Cube Monster Incident has become a hot topic all over the world.

The demons involved were kept secret, but Cube received a massive global backlash, as a Serpent Dragon and several other monsters seriously injured two students (I thought they were dead, but it looked like they were unconscious).

As a result, the rest of the combat exams were suspended.

The result of the duels would be hidden, then another monster battle would take place. Finally, the group rescue mission scheduled for Friday was canceled entirely, given the circumstances.

Classes have also been canceled until next Thursday.

I started feeding Evande with the blood I got from Rachel. Actually, I gave him some of my own blood. But this rate was very low because it would be better to say I wanted her to be like Rachel.

"Wow, it's been so long."

On the other hand, Chae Nayun returned home. His family's home was a traditional Korean house with tiled roofs and eaves. However, that was just outside. The interior of the house was spacious and elaborate and in no way different from a European castle.

"Welcome back, young lady."

A servant greeted Chae Nayun with a warm smile.

"Long time no see, grandpa."

"I was very worried. I'm glad you're safe."

"Only two people were injured. None of the regular visitors were injured either."

Chae Nayun greeted the butler who had guarded her home for thirty years.

"Right, is the item I ordered here?"

"He arrived yesterday."


"Oh and Cube sent some documents."


The servant shook his head.

At that moment, Chae Nayun remembered something. Anonymous Report who hajin wrote earlier went straight to his room and searched for the report.

The style of the report was still the same, the only difference was that he criticizes him about the Sword, clearly stating the good aspects as well as the bad aspects, but overall the report summed up everything about the Sword very well.

Then Chae Nayun thought of something.

"Wasn't Kim Hajin's main talent not related to weapons?, so how did he have such good sword skill and knowledge that he had something before I came back? Or he doesn't have a problem with the Sword as there is no one returning now. I hope he doesn't have any problems in the future."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kaan_ZEYREKcreators' thoughts