
My Life So Far (Plot)

Hey you, yeah you, what if I told you I was a king? Would you laugh or would you believe me? Well, anyway I was a former king, want to hear my story? Well ok so here I go, I was once a king (Alexander Quackaton III) of the ducks, we were the most advanced kingdom so advanced that our cars were sh*t proof so that those neighboring pigeon kingdom peasants couldn't sh*t on our cars. But you know being a king is very tiring every day it's work work work work! Until just yesterday something weird has happened, no not weird something extraordinary happened! I got reincarnated as a s̶l̶i̶m̶e̶ I mean duck. Yesterday (the day I came to this place) I have found out this place is called "North America" sounds weird right? I couldn't find a trace of my kingdom or my royal bodyguards I was actually kind of relieved to be free for once. But being free came with its own downsides, you see when I was a king I had everything done for me meaning I didn't have to prepare my own food, wear my royal crown, and putting on warm and cozy socks. So basically I went to this thing called a "park" and I found some ducks but all of them weren't so bright except this one duck her name is "Elizabeth" her appearance and name reminded me of my childhood friend who died because of the duck virus hepatitis. I asked her where I was and she replied with the sweetest voice saying "You are currently in prospect park young sir". She looked about my age which is 22 and with such kind manners! I'm pretty sure there was no one in the duck kingdom that had such manners! So I kindly thanked Elizabeth and went on my way to explore this strange new world. I don't know why but I was just resting for a little while in the park's lake and when I woke up people started throwing bread at me! Well, I like bread but being thrown bread at your face? At least food isn't too hard to find for ducks with these "humans" around me. But this place has something that I really cannot ignore and that is PIGEONS, but this world has yet to achieve sh*t proof cars *Alex sighs* well at least I know some of the things here for instance this "manga" thing we had something similar to this but it was called "zanga" and the characters were ducks, not humans. At last the day came to an end I ate some soggy bread which actually tasted good and rested in the lake until dawn.

"I found some ducks but all of them weren't so bright" lmao this is why you go to school kids

TheDuckGuycreators' thoughts