
The Nonpareil of Resh (Act 1)

After a portal transports him to a planet on the edge of the cosmos, Gwyn Black finds himself in an alien world unlike his own. Strange denizens inhabit the world: a people that resemble a treasury of gemstones, a group who all have bony crowns adorning their heads, a tribe ruled by beastly giantesses, and an advanced nation of reptilian folk. The strange world, known as Resh, is one full of advanced science and groundbreaking technology. Magic of the past has become rare and the practitioner’s taboo. Towering cities fill the skies, and impressive machines help terraform barren land. Armed with a mechanical creature that can graft to his arm to grant powers, Gwyn must navigate the world as conspiracies and long-awaited plots begin to unfold and reveal themselves. Whether he will be consumed by a dark curse or embrace the path of a hero is something only time will tell.

Ochroleucous · Fantasía
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Excerpt from Needaimus Guide – Classifications and Types

Needaimus can be categorized into a variety of classes. The type cannot be identified by any distinguishing features and instead must be provided by the Needaimus. A project is currently underway to identify all known Needaimus and list their classifications in a database.

The types of Needaimus are as follows: Surri, Garku, Saient, Tenmont, Iki, Kishop, and Oneur. Seven in total. Knowing which type your Needaimus is will assist in accessing the full range of abilities available.

To briefly cover each type:

Surri: From the Bentulousian word for war, combat, and fighting. This type features capabilities tailor-made for battle. Historically it was considered the most atrocious type in peacetimes and the most ideal type during strife.

Garku: From the Zenotote word for travel and movement. This is an excellent type for salespeople and others who go great distances. It is often favored by civilian mortals but considered one of the weaker types by soldiers.

Saient: From the Hobusian word for construction, building, and manufacturing. This type was made for assisting hard workers in factory or construction settings. Having a mortal with a Saient Needaimus can improve production tenfold.

Tenmont: from the Zenotote word for study and research. This type provides unique tools for inquisitive minds to enhance study greatly. Unfortunately, this type can be the most difficult to apply, and many Tenmont are difficult even to use in their intended application.

Iki: from the Aqueenian word for cleanliness or shine. This type is great for at-home uses and is most commonly found among ordinary citizens. It tends to be the weakest one of all types by soldiers.

Kishop: From the Zenotote word for medicine and healthcare. This type excels in hospital settings but has also found uses by medics in combat.

Oneur: from the Zenotote word for odd, strange. This type is an open category in which anything that does not fit into other categories is placed. There is an ongoing debate as to whether more categories are needed to obsolete the Oneur or if the class should remain as is. This guide does not seek to participate in that discussion and recommends individual research.

Thanks for reading!

There were a few instances of use before, but characters will likely begin to talk about types more now that there is a reference for readers of what the made-up words mean.

To further detail the types, I figured I’d cover some of the users’ classifications so far.

Surri – Rheba and Grimes

Garku – Hal and Icarus

Saient – Gwyn and Adan

Tenmont – Fiona and Harlan

Oneur – Odell and Flora

Gwyn’s arm was healed by a Kishop user earlier in the story, though it happened offscreen. That character may be important later on, though.

If you remember Cecilia from way back, her Needaimus was an Iki type.

I will not elaborate on everyone here; there will be some in-story explanations later on as well, but to go into detail on a couple:

Harlan and Mirror – Designed to study changes in creatures over short or long-term time frames. When used on a creature, 2 Resh months (144 days) must be allotted before the ability can be used again on the same organism. She can use the ability on herself but often does not unless the situation is dire due to the long wait period.

Hal and No.5 – His ability is just a glorified, invisible suitcase. He can store whatever he wants in it, but the space is limited. He can launch things from it like Gate of Babylon but often doesn’t since he must manually pick up everything afterward.

Adan and Pont – I don’t think I ever named Adan’s Needaimus, but each one in the story has a name. He is using it as intended since he is the safety leader. His ability can create any safety equipment the user knows of. It would be almost useless in the hands of someone not well-versed in safety regulations.

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