
Chapter 21 : Physique Transformation

On the Spade Pirate Ship.

"That's amazing, Ace! You actually defeated two Marine vice admirals," Thuce exclaimed in surprise.

At this moment, Ace, covered in wounds lying on the deck, smiled, "It wasn't just me. Another Marine vice admiral was defeated by Youta!"

Ace's mood at this moment was undoubtedly very complicated. It wasn't easy. Finally, among the members of his Spade Pirates, there was one who could help him.

The other members of the Spade Pirates were also very surprised. They never expected that the new member recruited by Ace would have such combat power! They had agreed to play poorly together, but who would have thought you were actually a master?

At this moment, Youta, still bleeding from his head, walked over. "Ace, let me help you with your injuries first."

"Ah... um..." Thinking of Youta's treatment method, Ace felt a bit hesitant. "I think maybe..."

However, Youta had been coveting Ace's body for a long time, so he didn't give Ace a chance to continue. With a wide-open mouth, he swallowed Ace directly.

"Yikes! It feels so scary!" The other members of the Spade Pirates showed expressions of fear on their faces. Even though they knew it was Youta's Devil Fruit ability to swallow people, the visual impact was still too much for them to bear.

It seemed that this time, Ace was quite seriously injured. Therefore, it took several minutes before Youta finally spat Ace out.

"It feels strange to be swallowed whole," Ace gasped for breath as he stood up on the deck with excitement on his face, feeling completely recovered. "My injuries are completely healed! Although the treatment method is a bit strange, Youta, your move is quite effective!"

"But how about your own injuries, Youta?"

Youta opened his eyes, which had been closed all this time, hiding the excitement in his eyes. "Hehe. You'll see how I deal with my own injuries soon! Check out my ultimate move - 'I eat myself.' Never seen it before?"

With that, he opened his mouth wide, and his jaw size became exaggerated. Starting from the bottom, he swallowed his entire head, then his neck, and then his upper body...

Soon, Youta, the whole person, was completely swallowed by his own mouth, leaving only a constantly squirming mouth on the deck.

The members of the Spade Pirates were silent for a moment, looking shocked. Finally, with a scream, everyone panicked.

"What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? Youta swallowed himself!"

"Monster, monster, monster!"

However, soon, the mouth on the deck opened, and with a swish, a figure was spit out from it, and Youta appeared again.

"It's an illusion, it must be an illusion!"

Thuce rubbed his eyes, looking intact, with his injuries completely healed, and even Youta's body lines were more muscular than before, murmured a few words.

However, although the crew of the Spade Pirates was in a panic, Ace, besides being surprised at first, was very curious.

"It's amazing. How did you do that? Can Devil Fruit abilities really do this?"

Not only could he self-heal, but Ace also keenly felt that after Youta went through the scene of eating himself, his entire demeanor changed, and even his strength seemed to have increased faintly.

Ace's feeling was not wrong. With his self-sacrifice, according to Ace's body data, Youta finally underwent the first round of self-transformation. Although this kind of physical transformation could not completely reach Ace's own potential standards, it also gave Youta about eighty percent of Ace's potential.

This was because Youta's increase was only in potential, so Ace only felt that Youta's strength seemed to have increased slightly. If it were fully realized as strength, Youta's improvement would be completely concealed.

As for the change in the whole person's demeanor, it goes without saying. Feeling the vibrant and limitless potential of his body at the moment, if there were no change in Youta's mental state, that would truly be deceiving.

"The Swallow-Swallow Fruit is no worse than your Flame-Flame Fruit, it just requires some creativity to use," Youta said with a smile.

"Darn it, if only our Devil Fruit abilities could be exchanged, I would also like to try the feeling of eating myself with the Swallow-Swallow Fruit," Ace said with a pitiful look, his thoughts all turning to the Swallow-Swallow Fruit.

For him, the power of the Swallow-Swallow Fruit was secondary, and the fun was ranked first. It could be considered a typical adventurous pirate mentality.

After this battle, it seemed that the Marines had stopped pursuing the Spade Pirates. Instead, not long after, they sent an invitation to the Seven Warlords.

Of course, just like in the original work, Ace quickly rejected the invitation of the Seven Warlords. After that, the Marines raised Ace's bounty, and they didn't forget about Youta either.

"Defeating a Marine vice admiral only gets a bounty of sixty million?" Youta looked at the bounty in his hand and sneered.

"Don't say that. Except for you and the captain, the deputy captain Thuce also has a bounty of twenty million. So a bounty of sixty million Berries is already high!" a Spade Pirates crew member wearing a skull mask said.

"You guys are just too weak! What Spade Pirates? It could be simply called Ace and his thigh ornaments!" Youta secretly scoffed.

Thinking back to when Ace was executed, the Spade Pirates didn't even show their faces. It should be noted that at that time, they had also been absorbed into the Whitebeard Pirates. In terms of the current atmosphere of the Spade Pirates, saying that they didn't dare to rescue Ace because they were afraid was definitely nonsense.

In this way, when Ace was executed, they didn't show up, there were only two possibilities.

The first was that their strength was too weak, and Whitebeard didn't bring them along to play.

The second possibility was even worse. Because of their weak strength, even if they participated in the Summit War, they didn't make any waves. Perhaps they weren't even seen by anyone, and in the end, they didn't even leave a scene for themselves.

Glancing at the bounty, Youta didn't care about the bounty at all. After all, with different perspectives, he couldn't appreciate the bounty culture of the pirate world at all. On the contrary, he remembered the secrecy regulations of the ninja world very clearly.

In the ninja world, there were few ninjas who stood out, and even fewer who could survive after standing out! With Youta's current strength, he didn't think standing out was a good thing.