
The nightingale: Song of the Damned

Welcome to Hell! Why are you here? For power, magic, or perhaps love? Don't worry: you are not alone. You are surrounded by hundreds of other lost souls, called nightingales. Among the dead, Alice is one who sold her soul for her own purpose. However, her path changes with an unexpected encounter with a son of Hades that the Moirai orchestrated. "Dear bird, are you ready to plunge into the underworld for him, to redeem your love and find your place in this world?" fate asks. But can Alice achieve her goal and return to the living, deceiving death itself? This journey through the dark depths of the underworld is filled with magic, dangers, and adventures. Discover a new world where every step could be your last.

Alexandra_Krivonos · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Trust Nothing, Hope for Nothing

Alice rubbed her eyes, trying to chase away the sleepiness.They had spent an entire hour wandering through the corridor, and, to be honest, it felt more like a patrol than a pleasant stroll."Are we in the royal palace right now?" Her voice sounded out of place against the white stone walls.She had never been in such places. The luxury hung heavily around her neck, making her feel uncomfortable.Cassandra took a few more steps on the floor laid with intricate emerald mosaics before responding:"No, this is Emidius's residence. He hates all these remnants of heritage, just like I do."And then, for some reason, she added:"It's one of the few things we truly have in common."The demoness buried her nose in a report she had taken from the neighboring room and began twisting a lock of hair around her finger. Despite her businesslike appearance, her thigh was visible through the high slit in her skirt. To Alice, she seemed like just a woman now. A woman of incredible beauty, with a voice that carried a note of weariness.They were alone. Perhaps that's why Alice gathered the courage to ask:"What are my duties?""To play the role of a beautiful symbol and not cause any headaches."The demoness raised her head, looking deeply into Alice's eyes, so deeply that Alice felt a burning in her brain."That won't be a problem, right?""Of course not," Alice replied, smiling softly.Caution is the best weapon. That's what the Reaper had taught her."And what about... his majesty's feeding?" Alice asked hoarsely.The memory still held the sharp remnants of pain from the demon's touches on her soul. It was like an internal hematoma that couldn't be healed with external means."The heirs of the gods don't need to feed on human remnants," Cassandra's smile turned venomously slick. "The soul is merely chaotic energy. Demons replenish it through you because they cannot extract it directly from the surrounding world, whereas humans receive it through physical contact from them. It's a closed loop. In your world, there are similar relationships, for instance, when a parasite, such as a worm, attaches to a host and maintains its life for its own benefit. This process is vital for the parasite since the host's death could deprive it of a food source and shelter. The parasite might even protect the host from other infections that would be much more dangerous or even fatal to it."In an instant, Cassandra was beside her, flicking Alice's nose with a snap of her fingers. Alice barely flinched. The demoness's voice cut through her ears like a blade:"The gods were born from chaos. They were its embodiment, just like the world itself: cruel like Ares, cynical like Helios, sensual like Eros. But this is merely a prelude to explain that divine blood freed us from the need to replenish chaos in such a filthy way. As for my nephew... The incident in the attic was just a boyish rebellion, extremely unfortunate. After all, I would have valued a dead nightingale much higher than just a lifeless body.""Killing a nightingale is punishable by death," Alice repeated Emidius's words, hoping to find protection in them."How fortunate we are in a place where so many people are willing to go to the gallows instead of the next crown bearer," Cassandra ran her hand along Alice's cheek and, before stepping away, lifted her chin, forcing her to look into eyes that burned with an imprint."Don't worry, little bird. We've already agreed that there will be no problems with you. Right?"Alice nodded. Her lips curled into a smirk. Don't worry."I need to sign some documents quickly, so wait here.""Last time you said the same thing and then disappeared for forty minutes," Alice countered. In front of her was once again an ordinary woman without the blue flame in her pupils."A whole pile of reports had accumulated. And I just didn't want to come out."The last remark was clearly unnecessary, causing Alice to narrow her eyes and furrow her brows. She always did that when she was angry or certain of her righteousness."Alright, this time I'll try to finish faster," Cassandra threw back over her shoulder, disappearing behind another door.Alice only nodded weakly and approached the arch leading to the inner garden.The events of the day merged into a continuous anxious tapestry, and she had no idea how to escape it. The smell of iron clung to her nostrils, as if it had seeped under her skin. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, images of mutilated bodies flashed, imposing grim visions and disturbing thoughts. Everything was happening quickly. Too quickly. As if another second and she would crash into a wall at full speed, and her brains would splatter everywhere.Meanwhile, flower petals lazily swirled in the air."If I feel nothing, then everything happening is just a stupid dream. Which means I'll wake up sooner or later."Her hand slowly extended forward to catch one of the petals and rub it between her fingertips. But nothing happened.Alice wasn't a girl from Wonderland, and escaping from Hell was much harder than just wishing it.Voices nearby drew all her attention. Around the corner appeared the twins from the competition. However, now they were accompanied by an unfamiliar young man.His face was long and somewhat reminiscent of a jackal or a stray dog, ready to pounce at any moment. The man had short ash-colored hair. Dyed, because a keen eye could spot the black roots. When he smiled, which was rare, dimples appeared on his cheeks, unexpectedly softening his stern features.His stance was as straight as a soldier's, making him almost indistinguishable from the brothers. Perhaps this was the result of many years spent in joint training and daily routines.The stranger wore a dark gray, tailored suit adorned with feathers the color of melted milk. Feathers..."Hey, nightingale, long time no see. Has that annoying prince gotten on your nerves yet?" yelled the demon. It was the one who had argued with Emidius. The one famously known as a real pain in the ass. "My brother is still available, you know."Marcus placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, laughing loudly. Lucius quickly shrugged off his fingers and gave Alice a faint smile."Why didn't you choose a dead man?" she wondered aloud. "Let me guess... You believe in the genuine bond between a nightingale and a demon?"Alice licked her lips, addressing him. He exuded a calmness she sorely lacked. It felt as though they were old friends, and his presence could soothe the wounds of her ravaged soul, make her heart beat a little steadier."This..." Lucius began."He did choose, but one idiot was quicker," his brother interrupted.The stranger with them tugged on Marcus's jacket, lowering his voice:"You're embarrassing them, cut it out. You're a terrible matchmaker, I'm about to sink into the ground.""This has been pissing me off for the second day. I just can't understand why the prince chose her too. He never showed interest in traditions, let alone girls. What changed?" Marcus retorted.Alice smirked slightly."Though I did notice her among the crowd. She looked no braver than a frightened fox cub, hiding in the corner of its den. No wonder this nightingale caught Lucius's eye. My brother can never pass by suffering," the demon continued, glancing at Alice. "Though... She seems quite sweet."The stranger punched Marcus in the gut."Another word and I'll start getting jealous.""That turns me on, but maybe be a bit gentler next time," Marcus kissed him on the cheek and pulled him closer."Since when do you understand Emidius's feelings? And for the love of Hades, stop calling him an idiot. I wouldn't be surprised if one day the jokes about him executing you become reality," the young man kissed the demon back and stepped forward, leaving Marcus behind.The man extended his hand to Alice, bowed politely, and introduced himself:"Apologies for... everything. My name is Kyle. I'm Marcus's personal nightingale.""My name is Alice. I am Emidius's court nightingale.""I think we'll be seeing each other often," Kyle smiled, averting his eyes."If our prince weren't such a tyrant, I wouldn't let you out of bed. Instead of spending all day training in this idiotic place," Marcus scoffed."I told you to stop calling him a tyrant!" Kyle snapped. "At least not until we're out of the residence! You're scaring her!"God... She was surrounded. If she wasn't sure before that she could stop thinking about the bloody mess on the ground, now it seemed she couldn't think straight at all.Alice closed her eyes in distress, but out of the chaotic noise, one word reached her brain... "Scaring."Did Emidius scare her? No, probably not.She pressed her lips tighter together and started fidgeting with her fingers, trying to determine if that was the right answer. Had she crossed an invisible line where not even the devil frightened her anymore?A heavy, steady voice brought her back."I apologize for their behavior," Lucius intervened. "When they're together, Marcus often thinks with another organ rather than his head. And there, there's no concept of higher demon duties or manners."He paused for a moment, as if searching for the right words."However, we will indeed be seeing each other often. I hope our presence won't cause you any inconvenience."With extraordinary grace, the demon bowed his perfectly sculpted body. Alice lifted the corners of her lips when their eyes met."Why all these high-flown gestures? We're just the second generation after our father, linked to the royal knights," Marcus replied indifferently, tossing his hands behind his head. "And even he didn't expect to become the commander. Everyone thought it would be Cassandra.""What happened to the previous one?" Alice asked, more out of politeness than curiosity."Executed."That didn't sound bad.That sounded just awful.She didn't understand why she drew a parallel with herself. As if a fortune teller had just predicted her death.The garden fell into silence."It's not uncommon for us, you'll get used to it," Marcus said, noticing the tension on Alice's face."Not likely," she replied."Not to rush, but if the prince sees you, someone will be working late into the night," Kyle interjected. "I heard from the younger demons that he's in a terrible mood today."All eyes turned to Alice."I haven't even had time to do anything wrong today," she said, her voice lacking confidence, so she added quietly, "At least, I hope so.""Alright, enough talk. Let's go," Kyle said, tugging at Marcus's jacket. "See you, Alice!"Marcus and Kyle quickly left, animatedly chatting with each other. However, the second brother was in no hurry to join them. Alice couldn't tear her eyes away from the confident stride of the demon as he approached her. His steps were calm and unhurried.Alice took a step towards him, and once again felt the calmness mixed with wild, untamed power emanating from Lucius. It made her want to dissolve into him. Completely. Without a trace.There was nothing special about it, just a human desire to be close to someone who seemed like they wouldn't cause harm."It seemed like you wanted to talk..."Alice suddenly stopped when she realized this was the first time they were so close to each other. The distance between them was so small she could reach out and touch him. She suddenly realized that the demon was much taller and more imposing than he had seemed on the first day they met. To reach his cheek, she would have to stand on her toes."You're either very perceptive or I'm a very bad actor," Lucius replied, catching a petal right in front of her face."Definitely the latter," she smiled at the demon, and his lips curved into a smile too. "Yesterday you seemed a bit different...""I thought you had plenty of time to observe," the demon's voice held a hint of laughter."I don't know... Maybe I saw everything differently yesterday," she said, gazing into eyes the color of melted chocolate."It's interesting how much can change in a day, isn't it?""Yes, indeed," Alice answered, trying to understand the wild storm opposite her, and at the same time, fearing to see its true face."Actually, I wanted to ask how you're feeling," Lucius continued. "When I was running through this conversation in my head, I knew what to say. Yesterday you and Emidius ran off when you heard the news about Noctis... I hope the person you were worried about is okay."She wanted to laugh in his face, but Alice took a deep breath, trying to suppress the emotions breaking through."Everything is fine, you don't need to worry."A lie.She was a true liar, standing a meter away from potential salvation, not daring to cross the invisible boundary between them."I just wanted you to know that you can always come to me if something bothers you or if you need to talk."His voice lowered. The vein in his neck began to pulse from the words.Alice gathered her strength, opened her mouth to say goodbye, but the words stuck in her throat. Burned her trachea. Settled deep inside.There were too many thoughts in her head. She couldn't let him become one of them."I'll keep that in mind, but I think you should go," she said, sneaking a glance toward the door where Cassandra had disappeared.Lucius's sudden, sharp movement took Alice by surprise, and she froze in place like a rabbit caught in a trap. All she could do was watch his slightly parted lips as he gently took her hand and leaned towards her. Her lungs forgot how to process oxygen when she felt his breath on her skin.The entire world shrank to this moment.To the direct gaze watching her reaction. To the touch of gentle lips on the back of her hand, leaving a burning mark.The demon slowly released her hand and stepped back. Her body, feeling the internal tension, reflexively curtsied. Perhaps the gesture was somewhat inappropriate, but it was the only way to draw the line that would not allow him to cross further."May Nyx, the Goddess of Night, protect you in the darkness and give you strength on your path," Alice said, lowering her eyes. "And may Morpheus keep you and grant you eternal dreams in his embrace."Lucius bowed and spoke with light irony:"You know, I recently came across an interesting theory. They say that a demon and their personal nightingale are always alike, even if there is no obvious, strong bond between them. And, apparently, you and Emidius do have something in common: you both don't let anyone get close to your hearts, even within shooting distance."His final glance was full of unspoken words."May his majesty's star shine brightly on your path."Then the knight left. Alice couldn't move, watching the retreating figure. In the distance, where the darkness swallowed his form, she felt the trace he left, touching something deep inside her.Was he truly on her side? Could she trust him?The sudden, sharp sound of heels broke the silence, becoming louder and more distinct as it echoed off the marble floor."I told you I'd finish quickly, little bird, but now we have to face a real despot," Cassandra's gaze was focused on the reports."Is it right to speak about your nephew that way?""Probably not," the demoness replied thoughtfully, gripping the papers tighter, "only if he isn't your boss."The office was a true reflection of his nature. Elegant, restrained, meticulously sterile.The air smelled of lilies, which Alice hated.Today she refused to think about the demon and the mixed feelings that choked her like a noose. But now, standing so close, Emidius became a blazing fire that was impossible to ignore.The demon sat at the desk, his head bowed. His long, neat fingers glided easily over the surface of the paper, leaving thin ink trails behind.Alice involuntarily squinted, trying to catch the expression in his eyes. Was there ever anything in them besides overflowing irritation?What was it about this demon that made her look closer, mentally compare him to herself, make him seem human?He had the same lips, maybe a bit more expressive than a regular human's. Ordinary eyes that resembled an ocean in which one could easily drown. Unremarkable facial features, like hundreds of people. Maybe a bit finer, which made one want to touch them. Ordinary dark hair that made her want to bury her hands in to ensure it wasn't different from her own. Or that slender neck, which would bear familiar human marks if she bit into it and pulled the skin slightly.Maybe this was the true hell: to feel something like this and not understand why?Something crawled under her skin, like an obsession, from the first day they met. It spread like a parasite, an infection that killed humans. Alice felt disgusted, as if these feelings belonged to someone else.A shiver ran through her body when Emidius raised his eyes to her, which read only one thing: "What the hell are you doing?""Which idiot showed you my door?" his voice seemed calm, but it carried a threat.The answer to Emidius's question burst into the room, holding documents in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other."I was delayed by the servants in the corridor, so I sent Alice to greet you alone," Cassandra yawned. "Did you two have a nice chat, kids?"A moment of silence, and their gazes crossed again. There was no trace of sympathy in them. Only pure poison, mixed with contempt for each other."What is she doing here?" the demon asked, rising from his desk."Can't I greet my master?" Alice knew this question was a shot in the head, but she continued, "After all, I am your personal nightingale."Emidius's jaw tensed. An imprint appeared in his pupils. And it seemed that everything was about to break loose. Slip off the hooks and fall."Don't call me master, you idiot!""Who are you calling an idiot, you unbearable demon!"At that moment, Cassandra quietly approached the door and stopped, watching the scene."I've read enough erotic novels to understand where this is going. Maybe I should leave you two alone?" she suggested with a sly smile."What part of 'keep her away from me' wasn't clear?" Emidius barked, not hiding his irritation."I thought it was your broken heart talking, darling."The demon smirked darkly."Just give me the damn documents to sign and get out. Cassandra, you remember you need to prepare the reports for tomorrow's meeting, right?""How could I forget when I'm reminded of them at every damn corner of Hell?"The crown prince approached the demoness, discussing the details of the next day's meeting, while Alice quietly moved closer to his desk. Her attention was drawn to an article with a loud headline that took up the entire news section: "Nightingale Falls Victim to Ritual Murder Again in the Elysian Fields, Why Are the Underworld Guards Silent?"Not a single word about the bloody mess on Erebus. Not even a note in the margins. Memories of the scenes resurfaced in vivid detail: the severed ear, bodies covered in deep wounds, and the black mass oozing from the torn flesh and slowly spreading across the ground.People don't need magic to commit atrocities."Hey, bird, what are you doing there?" Emidius's words suddenly broke her thoughts.Alice turned, meeting his piercing gaze."Tell me, would it kill you to call me by my name?" her question was defiant, but her eyes showed genuine curiosity.The demon froze for a moment, as if her words had pinned him in place."Too much honor, don't you think?"Suddenly, a loud clap echoed, making the walls tremble and the floor shake beneath their feet. Alice looked around anxiously, trying to find the source of the strange sound, her heart pounding in her chest.At some point, her alarmed mind noted that only she and the demon were left in the room."You know, I think you two need to spend some time together and establish a bond between demon and nightingale," Cassandra's voice came from a distance, as if through an old loudspeaker. "Your tension in this house is causing me nothing but trouble."The demon quickly whispered a spell, and the room filled with a soft light."Nephew, don't even think about using magic if you don't want the room to blow up," her laughter crackled with intermittent static. "Now, have a pleasant evening and a good night. May Eros guard your peace tonight."Alice turned to Emidius, seeking salvation or at least an answer to the most pressing question."What the hell is going on here?"The demon silently stared at the door, now marked with a seal that covered the entire load-bearing wall."DON'T TELL ME WE'RE SPENDING THE NIGHT TOGETHER!" Alice screamed.