
The nightingale: Song of the Damned

Welcome to Hell! Why are you here? For power, magic, or perhaps love? Don't worry: you are not alone. You are surrounded by hundreds of other lost souls, called nightingales. Among the dead, Alice is one who sold her soul for her own purpose. However, her path changes with an unexpected encounter with a son of Hades that the Moirai orchestrated. "Dear bird, are you ready to plunge into the underworld for him, to redeem your love and find your place in this world?" fate asks. But can Alice achieve her goal and return to the living, deceiving death itself? This journey through the dark depths of the underworld is filled with magic, dangers, and adventures. Discover a new world where every step could be your last.

Alexandra_Krivonos · Fantasía
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10 Chs

The Beginning is Half of Everything

"First of all, you need new clothes and some time to clean yourself up. I'll bring a few options from my youth. Just stay here," the guard said, looking Alice up and down."I can't help but wonder where you got them... But perhaps it's better not to open that Pandora's box," she replied with a sigh, but Achilles had already disappeared into the bustling crowd.Twilight in Erebus once again painted the sky a light pink, as if someone had gently wiped away the bloodstains. The lights on the pier softly illuminated the line of ships, their dark sails fluttering in the wind. A light breeze carried the salty smell of the water and the faint scent of jasmine growing nearby. The only flower was unafraid of the desert dunes and strong wind. A gift to Poseidon, who likely cared little for the rivers of the underworld.Fragments of conversations, laughter, and the sound of footsteps on the wooden planks echoed everywhere. And this was more useful than ever, for Alice did not want to be alone. She had not felt pain in a long time, pain not caused by open wounds or ragged cuts. And that was truly... terrifying. "Here," Achilles said, handing her an outfit. "I think it will fit." It was a black dress that flowed in his hands like a living darkness. The dense fabric on the collar and cuffs concealed the bird skull mark despite being almost transparent. Intricate unknown patterns covered the material, resembling magical symbols Alice couldn't decipher. The corset skillfully hugged her waist, and the skirt transitioned smoothly from clinging to her hips to a freely falling train, enveloping her silhouette in a light mist of fog. Alice's fingers lingered for a moment on the thin, cool fabric, and for the first time, she hesitantly raised her eyes to the guard. "Thank you... But I don't think I can accept it." "The one who owned this dress has been dead for a long time. I doubt the owner cares anymore. When you die in Hell, it's usually forever," he said, squinting his eyes. "I'm not a philanthropist, Alice. I don't want any more problems, which you're full of. Remember that for next time when you feel like trusting someone in the Underworld." Achilles didn't bother to choose his words to avoid breaking her already fragile heart. And she thought that for this alone, he deserved some respect. "Now go, clean yourself up, and don't bother the creatures without reason."***Alice carefully stepped aboard. The deck swayed beneath her feet, and the wind had picked up. One of the waves suddenly tilted the ship, disturbing its fragile peace. Panic rose in Alice's throat, and she instinctively tried to grab the boat's edge. When her fingers slipped on the wet wood, she was surprised to find a broad hand reaching out to her. Strong and sinewy, with clearly defined muscles, the hand was adorned with several gold bracelets glinting in the setting sun."It would be a shame to see such beauty in the water," the man said mockingly as Alice steadied herself."Don't worry, I can take care of myself.""I do not doubt your skills, but I was talking about the dress."She remembered his cat-like smile, something on the edge of obsession mixed with a ton of charm. And also his wonderful talent for saying things that could make any composure snap and fly away in a minute. Along with him. A dark chest and broad shoulders peeked out from under a white shirt that looked more like a piece of fabric casually thrown over his body. His long black hair was slightly disheveled as if intentionally emphasizing his wild nature. The man's face seemed stern due to its sharp, straight lines, but his piercing brown eyes revealed a personality more likely to make you drink poison than act directly. A cunning fox masquerading in a bear's skin. "Don't you want to know the name of your rescuer?" "I'm afraid you might think you interested me then," Alice replied evasively, taking a step to the side. "Well, that would be a great loss," he smiled wider, playing with one of the bracelets on his wrist. "Why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere before?" "Let me guess, in dreams?""I don't dream, nor do the other demons," the man drawled lazily. "And you?" Alice's lips pressed into a thin line. To get caught so easily? After all she had been through? Horror gripped her throat, but she dismissed it. Just as she did everything left behind. "Just a joke, don't overdo it. Now, don't stand in the way and let me pass," she said on an exhale, looking at the man with a warning. "Do you know what the symbols on your dress mean?" His words thundered in her ears, deafening her. What the hell about the dress? "We quickly understood that our life was not our own, because when we die, we give our life to another," the demon whispered. "Lovely." "It's a very ancient language, older than Greek. More like Persian." "Why are you telling me all this?" "Because it costs me nothing."Alice lifted her chin and sat on the opposite side of the boat, demonstratively turning her head away from his ringing laughter.***Time passed in an indistinguishable blur as Alice struggled to tear her gaze from the receding Erebus, hoping the despair clinging to her would vanish with it. Seeking control, her focus shifted to the tiny lights shimmering through the depths of the water."Once, the waters of Lethe shielded the souls of the deceased, erasing everything they had ever experienced. Moments of joy, torment, or ordinary life—all vanished at the bottom. It was necessary for a new beginning, for the cleansing of the soul. These fireflies are the remnants of the most vivid memories, too strong to disappear without a trace," spoke a stranger seated beside her.The contrast of ruby eyes and pale skin etched a vivid mark in Alice's memory, impossible to ignore. The figure's form and hair were concealed by a cloak, tied neatly with a sturdy knot under her neck. She smelled of lemons and something familiar, something left behind in the garden, mingling with the scent of flowers.Alice exhaled loudly, clenching her jaw. "Then, what remains for the dead?""Peace," replied the stranger after a brief pause."Why do the nightingales now remember their previous lives?""There is a legend that Persephone, having taken a human soul from Erebus, refused to strip it of its memories, reversing the flow of the river. It could have been an act of cruelty or compassion—to preserve the identity of the deceased. Gods, as we know, often indulge their whims, playing with fates as they see fit.""You speak of the first nightingale?"The stranger said nothing, only smiled faintly.Suddenly, bright comets streaked across the sky, leaving shimmering trails on the dark canvas. Their tails sliced through the space, symbolizing the wings of a bird."Hmm, it seems the crown prince has indeed chosen his court nightingale," the stranger remarked."What do you think he's like... Emidius?" Alice asked, somewhat hesitantly."Like other kings of the underworld. A monster."A monster. How familiar that sounded. It turned out they had something in common.Silence followed. It was so deafening it felt as if her eardrums would burst. Something constricted her lungs, making it hard to breathe. The dark waters of Lethe surged more violently at the base of the cliffs."Do you know how much longer we have to sail to the Elysian Fields?" Alice asked.The stranger blinked in surprise, pausing for a moment, then gazed intently at her face. Alice's expression was calm, and all the thoughts that had seemed terrifying before dissolved into the fog and became just... thoughts.The stranger softly said, "The guard didn't tell you this is a sightseeing trip? We'll round one more cliff and then head back to Erebus.""The moment I see Achilles, he'll learn what true hellish torment is!" Alice fumed.***The boat glided slowly over the waves, finally arriving at the shores of the cursed Nightingale Island. Alice stood as the vessel touched the wet sand. Her attention was immediately drawn to a figure standing on the shore."I hate to interrupt your escape, but it's time for us to go," said Cassandra.The demoness stood with a rigid posture and a sharp gaze, more suited to the battlefield than Olympus. Perhaps that was why Alice didn't even glance towards the open water to flee. Gods were ephemeral concepts, things heard of in myths, unlike the bullets and gun pointed at you.And so it all began."Where are we going?" Alice asked, following her across the sand."To the third circle."In an instant, the demoness abruptly cut off the conversation, as if it were the most ordinary thing. It was part of her nature: to do things openly, directly, without the slightest hint of regret. Whether it was breaking someone's heart, conversing with elders, or strategizing for war on the battlefield.Cassandra snapped her fingers, releasing a dormant energy of chaos into the air. Sparks ignited with dark flames, scattering around to create a portal. The demoness confidently stepped into it without even glancing back to ensure Alice would follow.***It was a small room with a marble floor polished to a mirror-like shine and tall windows overlooking the raging Styx. The river's roar penetrated through the glass, a constant reminder of the island. Compared to the grandiose and dark interiors of Erebus, this room was maintained in light, almost sterile shades. Elegant columns stood in the corners, and the walls were adorned with delicate reliefs depicting scenes of mythological triumphs and tragedies.The furnishings were minimal: just a modest bed with a snow-white cover, a small table with wrought-iron legs, and a solitary chair. It seemed as if the owner had deliberately rid the room of anything that might recall the local history, creating an illusion of simplicity and tranquility.At the time, Alice found this place to be a haven, isolated from the external storms. She would have been horrified to know how much blood and tears would eventually stain the white stone beneath her feet. How she would come to loathe these walls that left her alone with her thoughts and preserved the screams and curses that escaped her lips. But for now, they served as a lull. The only sanctuary for her troubled soul."I hope this room is more comfortable than the attic closet, and certainly safer," the demoness said.Alice tore her gaze from the view outside and stared at her skeptically."We didn't... I mean... I don't know what you're talking about...""Of course, dear. I hold no illusions, except perhaps the one where one of you learns to use a locking spell on the door," Cassandra shook her head.Alice scanned the room once more with a critical eye.Things could be worse. Much worse. For instance, they could have hanged her or sent her to Tartarus. Instead, she was merely entangled with an annoying demon with whom fate had decided to play its games. But that was survivable, with patience and caution.She only needed to play her required role obediently to infiltrate the archive and search for traces of Damian. Yet, an unease lingered... What price would she have to pay?"I still have three reports to finish for that petty tyrant's meeting, and here I am, playing nursemaid," Cassandra paced the room, voicing her thoughts aloud. "But perhaps there's a way to leave early today?"The sentence ended too loudly in the ringing silence.Alice felt the demoness's gaze on her, sending shivers down her spine. Cassandra was smiling."I think it's time for a little tour. You've already been to the attic, so let's start with something else."P.S. Thank you for reading this chapter! The plot is starting to thicken, and we are approaching new intrigues and unexpected twists. What are your thoughts on what's happening? I would love to hear your comments and predictions!