
The nightingale: Song of the Damned

Welcome to Hell! Why are you here? For power, magic, or perhaps love? Don't worry: you are not alone. You are surrounded by hundreds of other lost souls, called nightingales. Among the dead, Alice is one who sold her soul for her own purpose. However, her path changes with an unexpected encounter with a son of Hades that the Moirai orchestrated. "Dear bird, are you ready to plunge into the underworld for him, to redeem your love and find your place in this world?" fate asks. But can Alice achieve her goal and return to the living, deceiving death itself? This journey through the dark depths of the underworld is filled with magic, dangers, and adventures. Discover a new world where every step could be your last.

Alexandra_Krivonos · Fantasía
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10 Chs

God gave both strength and violence

"Just wake up already," an unfamiliar voice sounded above her ear.The words rang loudly in her head. With effort, the girl lifted her lead-heavy eyelids. Someone hadn't made an effort to provide comfort to a person who had been unconscious. And Alice had already come to despise him for it.The world continued to exist; nothing had changed. The darkness receded. The same familiar bookshelves, the dying sunset outside the window, the statue of Athena, her face opposite.It was all calming."Wait, what the hell happened? Why can I see my own body?" she caught herself. Her voice was definitely lower. "I need some explanations...""Body transfer magic."Indeed, in front of Alice was her body, only the pose it was in was uncharacteristic. She never crossed her arms over her chest like that and generally held herself less confidently. Now, with the demon inside, her own reflection looked less like a lifeless doll."I immediately noticed the strange flow of energy, but you clung to the sphere and spoke of the prince so insistently that my first thought was espionage," the demon continued dryly. "Turns out, you're just an incredible idiot."They both looked intently at each other."What's with my clothes? Why is the shirt torn on the side?""Sorry I couldn't catch you when you fell into the shelves. It's hard to do when you're unconscious yourself," he nearly spat the words out venomously.Alice snorted, indicating that she didn't believe a single word he said. And yet, for some reason, she didn't want him to notice the scars on her body.It's always easier to play the brave warrior if the holes in the armor aren't visible to the opponent."The sphere was supposed to control chaos, not unleash a spell. If you don't remember our meeting yesterday, you might understand that I had problems with him.""It's hard to forget something so complicated. Unfortunately, I can't share your enthusiasm about the experience..."The girl flared up, and the library fell into silence."Can't I use your body as a conduit and try to get us back?" Alice asked after a few minutes of silence."The main problem with this spell is its complexity. We can't swap bodies until both of us are ready for it," he replied curtly.The smell of irises filled her nose despite the dampness of the room. It was the scent of his body. And now it was everywhere, although that morning Alice had hoped she would never have to smell it again.The Moirai had already begun to measure the thread."Think of it as a door with two locks: one on the outside and one on the inside. If one person is inside the building and doesn't wait for the other to turn the key from the outside, a safety mechanism activates, binding us to these bodies forever," the demon continued.A fire was raging inside Alice. Was this some kind of cruel joke?Her head throbbed with pain with every word he threw at her. It felt like the pressure could split her skull in two. She was so tired that she would agree not to return, just to make this weakness go away."We need to tell someone about this. Like the Reaper," Alice suggested."Only over my dead body!""That can be easily arranged. Even without any regrets!"The demon rolled his eyes. "There's no need for that," he muttered before abruptly looking at the girl. "We just need to wait until I can gather at least a few shards of chaos in your body. Meanwhile, we sit here." "That won't do!" Alice's words sounded threatening with his voice. "The competition for the title of court nightingale is about to start, if it hasn't already." He laughed right in her face. "If I can't participate, then you will do so in my body," Alice gritted out, watching as the face opposite her contorted in confusion.If this was what the Reaper saw every day, she had definitely shortened a couple of millennia from his eternity. No patience could be mustered, nor nerves enough."It seems you really hit your head hard when you fell!" The demon stood up, straightening a skirt and pressing down the shirt with the cut. It was already soaked with blood and sticking to the body. "Though, given our situation, you've always had the brains of a chicken. Guess my response on the first try," he said as he turned and leaned his palms against the windowsill.Alice forced herself to stand up, even managed to take a few steps, and clutched her own wrist. There would probably be a mark left on her body. Likely, Sofia would say she was just a walking joke when she applied a healing spell to erase the effects of today.And for the first time in her life, the girl wouldn't deny it."We're leaving."The next moment, she felt a dull impact on her cheekbone. The sound of a slap echoed.Eyes, heated and almost alive, stared back at her. The same eyes when Alice hadn't lost herself day after day in this cursed place.She wanted to howl."Have you completely lost your mind?" the demon growled. "Let go of my hand, it hurts.""It's my body, technically I didn't even touch you," her voice was nothing but indifferent.If she didn't shut herself off now, didn't throw out her last thoughts – it would consume her completely. She would have lain on the floor and cried, as long as she had the strength. Those who descended into the underworld without weapons like claws and fangs were doomed from the start.Alice didn't want to die. At least, not now."We. Are. Really. Leaving," she repeated, syllable by syllable.The girl continued to hold the wrist, trying to avoid the incoming blows. Now Alice was stronger – and that almost pleased her, despite the revulsion inside. It was definitely wrong, but she hadn't counted on understanding or even condescension. However, if there was a need, her hands would themselves carry this unbearable demon to the starting line."Do you really support all this? Do you enjoy bragging about your new muzzle or the privileges that come just because you're obedient food?" "No, but I have some reasons," she replied curtly.Dodging another strike, Alice cautiously unclenched her hand. The demon clearly hadn't anticipated the loss of this support, causing him to momentarily lose his balance and start to fall. Her body moved instinctively, trying to protect the fool, and froze in place, absorbing the warmth spreading in her chest area. The stranger's breath scorched the exposed part of her neck. She felt the urge to swallow. "Is it possible to ask the gods for help to survive this day, given such a delicate situation?" she immediately regretted saying that. Alice held the demon by the waist, pressing him closer to maintain this fragile peace. He tried to wriggle free, his slender fingers brushing the inside of her thigh. Heat clouded all other thoughts.She felt a growing tension in her pants. "Keep this up, and I'll figure out how to calm you down!""What are you doing with my body?! Let me go immediately!" His hand tensed slightly, just enough to shift from stillness to confident movements. His eyes darkened, and his pupils gradually dilated. Now they resembled murky ice. The demon wanted to hurt, to discomfort, to somehow regain the upper hand. And it was understandable.They would have continued arguing if it weren't for the sound of a door being flung open. "What could one possibly be doing to make the guards ask if they need to break down the door?" a female voice thundered. Then, it was like a scene from a painting: Alice in the demon's body with noticeable arousal cutting through the pants, and her own body pressing against it from the side, along with the chaos left after the fight. "In this room of virgins, I am definitely superfluous," Cassandra declared. "In broad daylight, and in a library at that! You have inherited something from me after all! I didn't want to interrupt, but duty calls." She was about to slam the door behind her but suddenly turned around and added before disappearing into the corridor's darkness: "Emidius, don't forget that you need to choose a nightingale," the demoness paused. "Though... it seems like you're handling it on your own." Alice clenched her jaw in irritation, trying to organize all the information she had heard. Anger seemed to settle in her veins, making them boil."You're coming with me. Now," her rage was almost tangible."And what are you planning to do? Blackmail? Kill?" the demon smirked ironically until he met Alice's gaze. "Unfortunately, you're not that lucky today." Emidius gasped as she slung the demon over her shoulder, pinning his legs with an arm loop to prevent any attempts to retreat. Alice felt the feverish punches to her back as she moved along the corridor, following the growing sound of excited voices. "Try to keep quiet," she whispered. "Otherwise, another story about torn-apart nightingales' hearts will be added to the gossip list." They were on the second floor above the hall where the nightingales awaited the announcement from the candidates. "I hate you! Why did this mess have to fall on my head!? Once this is over, I'll definitely kill you, no matter what!" His voice rang out, echoing through the hall and corridor, drawing everyone's attention.Alice lowered Emidius to the floor, allowing her hand to linger on his cheek, then decisively delved into his slightly parted mouth. It was just a damn performance. She repeated it to herself like a mantra, but choked on her own audacity, trembling violently.Just his lips, just the damn attraction that had been driving her mad for two days straight. Did he feel the same obsession, spreading through his veins like poison? After all, it was his body. Memories made her heart flip; wounded pride scorched her cheeks. The kiss grew fiercer, harsher, more insistent as if it could expel the need.The lips opposite twitched in an attempt to stop the madness. Alice held on, pressed on his chin, her hand encircling his jaw. Her mind didn't immediately register what happened next. The barrier of clenched teeth vanished; he responded uncertainly, pulling her tongue into his heated mouth. She froze, as if afraid to scare off this impulse, then kissed him again, tasting her own flavor on the tip of her tongue. Deeply, demandingly. Erasing all other boundaries. As if no one else existed. The kiss was like their conversations. Unrestrained, sharp, venomous. Alice caught herself thinking that tomorrow, these lips would hurt. From bites and abrasions that they left with burning movements. And this situation was gut-wrenching because it would be a reminder. Something he couldn't erase, throw away, ignore. Even if he applied a healing spell. He would still stumble over this frolic where they tasted madness. This was not what she had intended. Alice could try to convince herself that it was just a necessity. Emidius needed chaos to move them back. And the entire staged spectacle was merely a pretext to regain her own body sooner. But inside, it was disturbingly quiet. Not a single regret, not one foolish thought, as if her conscience had conspired with her reason, and she had nothing to lose. In the next moment, she sharply pulled away. A bright, sharp pain spread across her palate. A thin stream of blood appeared on her lip. The demon had bitten her."Even if you can't accept my feelings, that doesn't change the fact that you will become my nightingale," Alice said. What had she just done? Signed a death warrant?"What? You know, I've long realized you have a screw loose..." His voice wavered. Only now did Emidius realize that all eyes on the lower floor were fixed on them. Silence reigned around; nightingales and demons tensely watched the end of this scene. A figure of a demoness appeared, accompanied by the Reaper. They announced the appointment of a court nightingale for the blood prince heir of Hades.The atmosphere in the hall grew even more charged. The air seemed to suspend, and the smallest noises echoed with unusual precision. It had taken Alice only a few seconds to devise a plan after Cassandra had defended the demon's name in the library. But now, observing his indifferent gaze that mirrored her own gray eyes, she swallowed hard. Such calm usually presaged a storm."My nephew's heart has been broken. Ifeel sorry for the lad," whispered the demoness."Well, perhaps Hades spared him from making the greatest mistake with Alice," the Reaper responded. "Now, it's also your problem.""I don't get paid enough for this."Emidius grabbed her shoulder and steered them toward the exit."We'll return to our bodies this instant—and then, you're finished," hissed the demon.Alice offered only a faint smile in response."The girl you've just appointed as your personal nightingale?" she replied casually. "What would the elders think? I sensed quite a bit of tension between you yesterday. And now, a violation of tradition that involves bloodshed?"She paused, ensuring her voice was steady."And the voice of the soul was imbued with longing, and she walked from the east...""Shut up!" The cold fury that flashed across his face was staggering."Are you this crude because of unrequited love and a broken heart?"Foolish. Presumptuous. Idiotic. She felt so terrible that she merely hoped to express her disgust would make it somewhat easier to breathe.Alice didn't recognize herself anymore. She wasn't just indulging in evil; she embodied it.Suddenly, she felt her heart pounding wildly as a small hand pressed against her chest, freezing her in place."Focus on your face and don't move," the demon barked.A tingling sensation shot through her body, and in the next moment, Alice was gazing into piercing blue eyes.She was herself again.Her lips quivered, poised to offer all the apologies she had stored up."I need to explain..." a tear clung to her cheek.But before she could speak further, they were interrupted by approaching voices."Where have you been? We were nearly assaulted!" a male voice exclaimed. "If Kyle had seen me like this, he would've definitely made a scene.""Marcus, one more word about Kyle, and I'll shoot myself. Can you detach from him for just one day?" Emidius retorted dryly."Is this all because they didn't reciprocate your feelings?"Before you stood a demon clad in a military uniform that accentuated his lean, muscular build. The uniform, crafted from dark fabric, was adorned with silver buttons and decorative skulls. His dark, damp hair seemed freshly touched by rain, casually falling over his forehead to lend him an effortlessly charming appearance. A smirk played across his face, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of lightness and mischief."I indeed miss your ceaseless chatter—it reminds me why I prefer silence," Emidius retorted sharply."Can you imagine?"The demon gestured dismissively at you, and you gave a restrained nod.The aura emanating from Emidius hinted that the day's quota for awkward situations had been met."Listen, little bird. If you're quick enough, you might consider applying to be my brother's personal nightingale," the unfamiliar demon continued. "His name, by the way, is Lucius.""What's with these unasked-for pieces of advice?" Emidius inquired, his tone tinged with annoyance."In her case, it's a favor."Only then did Alice notice a figure standing some distance away. Dressed in the same uniform, his face sharply contoured, his dark eyes gleaming with unmistakable strength and defiance.Their gazes locked, and something inside her dropped to her feet. The demon smiled at her, and she once again felt tiny pulses of warmth spread through her body.They had met earlier that day, before the competition."Resolve your issues later. There are more pressing matters at hand," Lucius stated. "I believe Emidius, as the crown prince, should be informed about this incident.""You're talking about Noctis and the bloody massacre among his potential nightingales?" Marcus cut in. "Hasn't their entire mad family been conducting a similar selection for centuries?"A wave of icy terror rolled down Alice's spine, engulfing her entirely.She had seen that name before, written neatly, almost painstakingly, on those damned forms. Coupled with rebellious chestnut hair and that all-too-familiar smile."Where are they now?" she managed to say, fighting the urge to scream."In the garden, but you really shouldn't go there," Marcus replied reluctantly. "I nearly got sick myself. Right, Lucius?"Propelled by inertia, her body lunged forward, her lungs gasping for air.Alice ran as fast as she could.