
The nightingale: Song of the Damned

Welcome to Hell! Why are you here? For power, magic, or perhaps love? Don't worry: you are not alone. You are surrounded by hundreds of other lost souls, called nightingales. Among the dead, Alice is one who sold her soul for her own purpose. However, her path changes with an unexpected encounter with a son of Hades that the Moirai orchestrated. "Dear bird, are you ready to plunge into the underworld for him, to redeem your love and find your place in this world?" fate asks. But can Alice achieve her goal and return to the living, deceiving death itself? This journey through the dark depths of the underworld is filled with magic, dangers, and adventures. Discover a new world where every step could be your last.

Alexandra_Krivonos · Fantasía
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10 Chs

A Competition Among the Dead

Dreams haunted Alice even in death. Like a wild pack of dogs, they chased her every night, and she no longer had the strength to resist them.It's amazing how quickly a person can become accustomed to the unchangeable.In the realm of Orpheus, absolute darkness reigned. Memories, like festering wounds, threatened to burst. This might have happened if not for a silhouette in the distance that continuously captured all her attention and dissolved extraneous thoughts along with the fog.The gaunt figure meticulously hid its face, leaving only a blurred silhouette visible. Meanwhile, the sticky nightmare repeated itself over and over.Despite her bruised knees, unforgivable mistakes in life, and curses directed at her, the silhouette in the darkness stood beside Alice. Silently, it reached out its hands and gently stroked her head, like a mother comforting her wayward child. But today everything changed. Instead of the familiar figure in the darkness, a deafening scream tore through the silence:"Run!"P.S. If you had known how it all would end, would you have allowed yourself to experience these feelings again?"These foolish dreams! Why do they feel so real?" Alice clenched her cold hands and pressed them against her face, feeling moisture seep through her fingers.Despite the gnawing pain in her stomach, as if she had indeed been running for a long time, she straightened her shoulders and sat up on the bed."Nightmares again, Alice?""Why do you always have to state the obvious, Sophia?"A curly mop of chestnut hair appeared in the room. It belonged to a girl with olive skin and honey-colored eyes, her features soft and her smile welcoming. She was the complete opposite of Alice, with her sharp contours and cool hues."Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just noticed you've been sleeping poorly," the girl said softly, her tone trying to ease the tension.Alice tightly shut her eyes. She needed the usual darkness and no associations, especially not those where the darkness merged with an image that seemed only to irritate her.Touching her lips, Alice traced them with her finger, pressing slightly. He definitely hadn't responded to the kiss. And that look at the end? Could it really have hurt her?"A dream?! Don't you know why we're off duty today? How can you? It's not right!""Any move you make towards me, I'll perceive as an act of aggression.""Have you lost your mind? Today is such a crucial day!"Sophia had always been a paragon of discipline and responsibility. She was meticulous, skillfully controlling every movement and word. She easily mastered spells, brokered deals, and patrolled. Her popularity in Erebus was undeniable, and her career in the third circle of Hell seemed predestined. Yet, despite all her achievements, Alice was the closest person in her circle—the greatest nightmare in the afterlife."Alice, don't you see this is practice! It will be at least exciting! You want to find Damian, don't you?" Sophia insisted.Tension hung in the room. His name sounded strange coming from someone else's lips, as if he might walk in any moment, smile, and everything would return to how it was before.Her best friend, the only physical proof of her beating heart. Without a second thought, she had followed him into Hell to tell him she was wrong. To say just one, single sorry.And now she couldn't find him in any of the worlds."Continue," Alice said restrainedly.Sophia nodded, aware of the conversation's fragility, and tried to soften her approach: "I knew I could catch your interest! High society demons will be selecting their court nightingales! It's so thrilling!"Alice looked at her skeptically and responded with irony: "So, we should take pride in watching our souls fade away day by day?" She paused, then added with a hint of sarcasm, "I bet they even give out little stars you can stick on your forehead for obedience.""Stop joking," Sophia replied seriously. "Don't you remember what was said during the orientation before we transitioned from the living world to the realm of the dead? This is all part of the path you signed up for in blood. You know every decision here comes at a price."In Hell, indeed, everything had its weight, especially the status of the dead.The lowest tier in the hierarchy, the Lesser Nightingales, consisted of those who had recently sold their souls and entered the Underworld. They resided in Erebus. Their role was usually limited to gathering information and forging contracts. Lesser nightingales were expendable and served as fodder for minor demons.The next level up were the Commanding Nightingales. These souls were delegated by demons to manage and control other creatures of Hell. They possessed advanced magical abilities and greater authority, enabling them to make decisions and oversee the Lesser Nightingales. They lived in the third circle or the demon capital.The supreme tier consisted of the Court Nightingales—the most powerful and influential dead in the demon world. They served as the closest advisors and companions to the highest entities dwelling in Hell.And the last type—the Chosen. The personal nightingale of the king of Hell, wielding boundless power and influence. This was the ultimate goal for every contracted dead.Depending on their status and achievements, each nightingale had the opportunity to advance through the hierarchy and gain access to exclusive circles of Hell.Here's a refined version of your passage to enhance the dialogue and deepen the emotional undercurrents:"I know, Sophie," Alice whispered softly. "But sometimes I feel like all these rules and obligations are just pulling me further away from what I'm here for... from Damian."Sophia gently took Alice's hands in hers, offering a consoling touch. "If you become a Court Nightingale, you'll have access to the archives to find information about Damian's contract. High-ranking demons are arriving on the island soon. All you need to do is play nice and smile if you can't outmatch the rest in strength."Alice looked thoughtfully towards the horizon where the waters of Lethe were turbulent today: "Why choose court nightingales from the souls on the island, rather than from the commanders living in the Elysian Fields?""Choosing a nightingale is a tradition with sacred significance," Sophia explained. "They say that after Orpheus left, Persephone was engulfed in deep sorrow. Orpheus was her link to the world of the living, something she desperately wanted but couldn't have. So the goddess brought a human soul into her realm to mend her broken heart.""And the soul's voice was steeped in melancholy, and it came from the east..." continued Sophia."From Erebus," Alice interjected, imagining the soul slowly walking along the forgotten shores.Sophia nodded affirmatively. "Exactly, which is why it is a tribute," she said, lowering her eyes and wrapping her arms around herself. "Though, observing the actions of the heir prince, I doubt he comprehends the full importance of the ritual."Alice found a strange comfort in knowing that someone else had witnessed these harsh landscapes and hated them just as desperately. Someone else had walked this sand, stumbled over bones, and thought that death might be preferable to such a half-existence. But the first person had only himself, and he followed the god further... deeper into Hell."I wonder what happened to that soul. Did it ever manage to return home, to the world of the living?"Sophia flashed a broad smile, tilted her head, and looked into Alice's eyes as if about to answer a child's question, searching for arguments that would explain clearly."But this is our home now... No one really knows. In any case, it's just part of the legend.""Sophie, may I ask you something?""Of course, as long as you promise to pull yourself together and get out of bed. We're going to miss all the interesting parts!""How did you end up here?"Sophia gently touched Alice's hair, giving an indulgent smile. She smelled of honey and cinnamon. Twirling a strand of hair around her finger, she softly said, "Like everyone else, I sold my soul."In the next moment, Alice found herself next to the wardrobe. Participating in the contest of court nightingales felt like a damned circus. But it was a chance to learn something, at least.Again, the gray uniform. Against its backdrop, her eyes became even more colorless, vacant. Alice never considered herself a beauty, but she wasn't unsightly either. The uniform fit well, yet the sense of loss and constraint it brought was almost tangible. If the designers intended to evoke the mists of Erebus, where nothing but the wings—a symbol of the nightingale—was discernible, they had succeeded."Alice, you still have problems with controlling magic, don't you?" Sophia unexpectedly asked, breaking the silence of the limestone walls.In the beginning, there was chaos, indifferent and dark. From this chaos were born gods—mighty and inscrutable beings, each with unique abilities and dominion over different aspects of the universe. And now, the gods had died, but chaos remained only in the Underworld and Olympus.It was hard to say why controlling it had become her peculiar challenge. Some nightingales could cast spells immediately, and then there was Alice. It seemed her body consciously repelled energy, turning it to ash. And realizing that without effective magic she was almost a nonentity made her want to cry."If only there was something to control.""Here, take this! It's a sphere with a spell capable of concentrating chaos around it," Sophia said with a broad smile. "It might come in handy during the trials. Just make sure not to break it until the right moment."She handed over a small orb, its white glow reminiscent of pure energy. Inside, sparks flickered, shimmering and bursting into various shades of flame."Thank you.""Now let's hurry to the voting—I want to be assigned to the most powerful demon! I heard that Noctis will be visiting us today!"Sophia laughed, covering her mouth with her hand, and grabbed Alice's hand.Indeed, there was something common in the people Alice liked. For instance, the mystery of what virtues she possessed to earn their unconditional love.***They moved along the island, bustling with anxious nightingales. Everyone around seemed desperate to catch even the slightest hint of the approaching demons, but only a growing tension thickened the air. Spotting Connor and Matthew engaged in an animated discussion provided Alice some relief. It was always easier with them around."Next time, we're going alone! No sense of punctuality at all!" Connor grumbled, his voice tinged with irritation."You mean you'd go without Sophia to pick a favorite, without even the basic intel?" Matthew raised an eyebrow, looking skeptically at his friend."Oh, come on, it's not that serious!" Connor dismissed with a wave of his hand."Just like that time you decided to try out that new spell and switched your bodies with the Reaper?" Matthew yawned. "Then Sophia had to read every dark magic book in the library to switch you back.""Other than that one time, when have I ever done anything reckless or irresponsible without her supervision?" Connor seemed genuinely hurt by the accusation."I have an entire list, alphabetized," Sophia retorted."I have two lists, and they're titled: 'Tell Sophia about this over my dead body.' But here's the joke..." Matthew began.A cold sweat broke out on Connor's face. He shook his head, as if trying to shake off the disturbing thoughts, and just then his gaze fell on Alice."Alice, I didn't expect you to join us!" he exclaimed, his attempt to mask his nervousness barely concealing his surprise."You're not the only one," Alice smirked, shifting her gaze to Sophia. "Sophia has a way with words.""It's good practice for the commander's exam. Well, if they even let you take it," Connor whispered. "You know, Matthew heard from Louise, who was told by Samantha or Sarah... Anyway, that spirits attacked you. I, of course, didn't believe you could be that terrible, but Matt—well, he thought differently..."Before he could finish, both Matthew and Sophia swatted Connor on the head."Sophia intervened, "Yesterday was Alice's final warning, and Achilles let her off the hook. I'll repeat that. Achilles. Let her go. So, with her luck, she's more likely to become a court nightingale than you are to ever become a commander." Here's a polished version of your passage, capturing the playful banter and camaraderie among the characters while sharpening the humor and pacing of the dialogue:"By the rules of the genre, today Alice is supposed to drive some demon mad. Just look at her," Matthew said, turning to Alice."Why do I feel so sorry for this poor soul then?" Connor wondered aloud."Let's be honest, by the rules of the genre, we're supposed to die in the competitions," Alice quipped, the corners of her mouth lifting in a smirk. "Good thing it's just a contest for the cutest toy."Their laughter mingled with the noise of the crowd, creating an illusion of normalcy in this odd place. Matthew chuckled and slung his arm over Connor's shoulder, throwing back a witty retort. Sophia snorted, but her eyes sparkled with amusement."Let's agree that after the competition, we'll go for 'Flaming Wine.' You guys can boast about your supreme demons, and I'll celebrate at least making it through the day without any mishaps.""Alice, we're in Hell, not Wonderland! That second part might be a bit of a stretch," Connor yawned.Suddenly, a loud clap echoed through the air. Hearts stopped as eyes instinctively searched for the source of the sound. A portal had opened on the island, releasing beings that embodied darkness and chaos. To her surprise, Alice found herself intensely scanning their faces, unable to understand why each heartbeat seemed to tighten her chest more painfully.A realization flashed through her mind, jolting her as if someone had unexpectedly slapped her cheek."Everything alright?" Sophia asked, noticing her discomfort."Of course," Alice replied mechanically....A blatant lie. Nothing was alright. Her mind was unraveling. Because in that crowd, she was trying to find those blue eyes that had looked at her with open disdain just yesterday."I wonder if that insufferable demon has arrived? According to what Cassandra said about the elders, he could be one of the high ones..." she thought to herself.It was a foolish search. It was infuriating.Her heart pounded relentlessly in her chest until, suddenly, her gaze locked onto brown speckles shimmering in the pupils that were directed straight at her. She snorted involuntarily, noting such an unexpected contrast.The eyes across from her reminded her of a wild plain, with their expansiveness and the freedom they encapsulated. There seemed to be something in them that could rescue her from the suffocating emptiness of this place. Something that could make her breathe deeply. Unlike the eyes she had been desperately searching for in the crowd.In those, there was only lurking madness, ready to burn everything to the ground.The demon broke eye contact and smiled, causing her to blush. Alice forced herself to look away. Something inside her vehemently protested.Caught up in her foolish thoughts, Alice found herself staring blankly at the guy, not even blinking. "It's all because of yesterday's damn event! I hate it!" she silently raged inwardly. "Don't you dare think about such nonsense. Especially when you're walking on the edge. Your only goal is to find Damian."The mere thought of Damian instantly sobered her, stabilizing her pulse and calming her heartbeat.Sophia gently tugged at her elbow, trying to get her attention. "Alice, did you catch all that?"Alice only nodded, her mind vaguely grasping the topic of conversation.***This was a majestic building, steeped in legends and now serving as a sanctuary for the first mentioned nightingales. Souls that dared to descend into the Underworld, aiming to secure the most advantageous positions in the hierarchy or those devoutly believing in the mercy of Hades.Originally, the nightingales were priests and initiates, which is why the structure resembled a university filled with extensive libraries and lecture halls. And in one such room, the speech of the Reaper echoed:"The game has begun, may Thanatos protect you. The first part of the competition involves the ability to ANALYZE and REMEMBER. You must answer the test questions relating not only to the history of the realm of the dead but also to MORALITY," the Reaper announced. Murmurs spread around the room. Many of the newcomers exchanged glances, their eyes filled with determination and naive confidence. The experienced participants, scarred from past battles, accepted the challenge with quiet dignity, understanding the weight of the trials that awaited them."For example, the dilemma of Agamemnon. SHOULD he KILL his daughter to APPEASE the goddess Artemis and GAIN favorable winds for sailing to TROY?""Considering that we know the end of his story, killing her was a mistake," Alice muttered to herself. "Remember WHY each of you DESCENDED into HELL. It is a path of trials and sacrifices, a path that requires you to be vigilant and brave," the Reaper continued. His voice still echoed in her head as Alice looked at the sheet before her, marked with the seal of a bird's skull. She had to try hard, biting her lip in disgust and suppressing the urge to vomit at this circus. Somewhere, Damian was waiting for her. "THANATOS does not forgive mistakes, and NOT ALL of you will pass the trials. But for those who remain, the DOORS to the higher circles of the UNDERWORLD will be open," the embodiment of death continued. "Do not fear the CHALLENGES, for it is through them that you can prove your true WORTH."***"TIME IS UP," Death thundered. "After handing in the written part, please divide into groups REPRESENTING your CHOSEN SUPREME DEMONS."Alice looked puzzled at the form in front of her. The test part had been relatively simple thanks to the Reaper's endless moralizing and the unsolicited lectures from Sofia, who methodically recited everything she found in the libraries of Erebus before bed. However, the space for the name of the favorite was empty.She ran her finger over the rustling paper as if searching for an answer that continually slipped away. She pressed her fingers to her temples, praying to remember even one suitable name. But in her head, instead of the needed information, there was only white noise."Alice, you are definitely a damn fool," her inner voice was merciless. She pressed so hard on the pen that it almost cracked. "All you had to do was listen carefully to what Sofia was chirping all the way to the building."She glanced briefly at the skeleton, who had already started collecting the forms and was conversing with observers from the supreme demons. Deciding to seize the moment, Alice sharply shifted her body to the left and ducked to change her angle of view. There, before her, the name of a demon stood out prominently on a neighbor's form.The form was adorned with the name "Emidus," surrounded by hundreds of drawn hearts."When the Reaper said I was the biggest fool he remembered, did he mean I even surpassed the fan club?" she whispered venomously.Her hand, as if obeying the force of Hades himself, quickly and confidently wrote the demon's name on her sheet.***Alice moved among the marble corridors, clutching the sphere with the spell in her hand. Something was off.Perhaps it was the events of just ten minutes ago.Connor, Sofia, and Matthew had chosen the same demon. What kind of idiotic division was that? If you could write down any demon to avoid competing against each other and increase your chances without having to fight Erebus's main favorite, why wouldn't you?Something was happening that wouldn't let her unclench her hand from the spell and take a deep breath. This sticky sensation made her want to climb the walls. In half an hour, she was supposed to go to the training ground and... fight?But for now, she just needed to reach the restroom and splash her face with water to momentarily silence the emotions bursting to get out.She yanked the familiar door with such fury that it seemed it might fly off its hinges, and suddenly there he was in front of her."Silly bird, you again?" His voice was low and calm, but there was a tension in it. "Tell me honestly, do you have some sort of fetish for stalking, or can you just not resist my charm?"She brought two fingers to her lips, gesturing that she was about to vomit. Today, the demon looked different. His black elegant suit was complemented by gloves and small floral decorations on the cuffs—lilies, crafted from sheer darkness and chaos. Something twitched in her throat, stopping the words from escaping, but, as the gods saw, she didn't understand."The same could be said about you, pervert! What have you forgotten in the ladies' room?"Silence hung in the air."You do realize we are on the opposite side of the building from them, Nightingale?"Alice suddenly realized that the marble tile under her feet had given way to shelves laden with tomes. Instead of the usual sink, a majestic statue of Athena stood in the center of the room. They were in the library."It's this stupid haze. No wonder with the boys' antics and Sofia I could have missed the turn," Alice said, her eyes desperately searching for an exit."You know, I think I'll go. I still have to prepare for the competition," she added, backing away.The demon took a step forward, closing the gap so that she could feel his breath on her ear. All that separated them was the tension frozen in the air.He reached out, simultaneously closing the door. Alice found herself trapped between him and this wooden piece hanging on its hinges."I should have smashed it to hell," hissed the girl."And whom did you choose?"Alice raised an eyebrow in surprise."I'm planning to send a condolence card," the demon explained, lifting her chin with his fingers."Aren't these questions a bit personal for our second encounter?" Alice shook her head, freeing herself from his touch. "Or is it just an inferiority complex? Always angry when they don't choose you?""The name..."She wanted to repeat that she needed to go, but the venom in his voice pinned her to the floor. The demon was so close he could destroy the remnants of her soul in seconds. That's why... That's exactly why her heart was ready to burst."Emidius."He suddenly fell silent, then laughed. His laughter had no joy, only a distorted mask of genuine pleasure. A subtle irony that she couldn't decipher."Why do you need a prince? Want to poison him with your expired soul? Are you a spy or a weapon of mass destruction?""Watch the lips. It's. None. Of. Your. Damn. Business," she almost shouted.The demon laughed and lowered his head, allowing a glimpse of his trembling long eyelashes, a mole near his ear, and a faint scar by his temple.Alice squared her shoulders until they almost cracked, trying not to let in yesterday's dose of pain."Just try to touch me...""Don't even dream about it. Don't you think you have too much self-esteem for mere fodder?" the demon said."It's all because of the unhealthy attention," Alice countered."I'm curious, why him?" he mused. "Haven't you heard all those rumors about the torn-apart nightingales? Or maybe you like that sort of thing?""You're so concerned about my little heart. It's almost touching. Don't you think that's a lot of attention for a mere nightingale from you?"His lips twitched into a smile, and as he leaned closer, her lungs forgot how to breathe."What a brave little bird, pity it's so foolish.""How self-absorbed you are, you idiot!"For a few seconds, they looked into each other's eyes, their breathing evening out. All that was left was to throw each other out of their ridiculous thoughts, to hurt enough to finally go their separate ways.Until he noticed the spell sphere that Alice had been carefully hiding behind her back."Hand it over," his tone boded nothing good."No.""What the devil! You're starting to annoy me," the demon extended his hand expectantly. "I'll say it one last time, hand over that damn orb.""I told you. No," Alice repeated.The demon loomed over her with a look of rage that could kill you a second time. Turning you to ash, right there, in that library. Alice felt no fear, only tiredness from another thrown challenge."What are you achieving? You won't be able to do anything anyway.""Want to check?" the girl asked.She tensed and put all her strength into her free hand to push off the door and shove the demon in the shoulder, forcing him to take a couple of steps back."Not the only one who can get angry."And then there was only sharp pain. It shackled you with chains, squeezing and tearing at your foolish heart in the chest. Their eyes met, and Alice could swear she was looking in a mirror. They held only a mix of rage with some childish grievance, too large for two people.Her gaze settled on the demon's hand, now holding her sphere. The last thing Alice heard was an unbearable ringing before she plunged into darkness.