
The Night Queen

No one can believe what they are seeing the King the one branded Ruthless and villain across the world and the angelic princess the one with the heart of gold Saint Lilith is what the commoners call her are in their own little world they felt like they were invading their privacy so one by one the staff and court were leaving in shock at what they just witnessed The king gave the princess The lover mark a mark to symbolize that she was his and had his full protection he practically is telling his kingdom He found his queen yet this poor girl had no idea since the Light kingdom does not have this type of magic the last to leave were the Head maid who was practically dragging Liam out of the throne room once the door closed and no one was left did Lilith look around to see no one in the room with them.

TheMimi04 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Night Queen

Chapter 1

"Lilith" She heard her name being called but she couldn't bother to open her eyes. She was so tired she raised her pointer to her lips to shush him. The car ride was much longer than anticipated and she was stiff from her sleeping position. She sat up and stretched gazing out the window just to see her reflection She was so pale she was always told she was beautiful with her Long white hair and piercing blue eyes but when she looked at herself, she felt like everyone was just trying to get on her good side since her father is The Light king.

"Lilith, we are about to arrive at the gate" The man announced "You sure you want to do this we can turn around right now" he continued looking in the rearview mirror worried about his Lady, she shot him an unamused look rolling her eyes "Liam" she warned he drove past the two giant stones engraved with runes the Night king gifted them to the Light King when the treaty was signed.

Her father traveled to the King of nights domain twenty-one years ago for peace. He signed a treaty stating that His first born child would Marry into the Night kings direct family on their 20th Birthday ending the war that took place for centuries between the two kingdoms however The Night king never took a Queen so he never had a child so she is Traveling to The night Kingdom to marry some direct relative of the Night king that she knows nothing about nor wants to know anything about she is simply doing her duties to her kingdom to keep peace.

Once fully past the rune stones the car came to a complete stop the runes activated they felt pressure then she felt the pulse then bright light shined hurting her eyes when the pressure was gone she opened her eyes and they were right outside the Night kings kingdom and it was nothing like she expected she has heard tales how the ruthless Night king did not care for his people and how the cities were in ruins but she could tell by just a glimpse that those stories were nowhere near the truth as they drove on the road passing houses, the markets and just the swarm of people excited to catch a glimpse of the new arrival she could tell they were well taken care of there was no beggars in sight, no bloodshed, just healthy Night citizens after driving what felt like an hour they finally pulled up to the castle and she gasped it was Beautiful.

The castle was much larger than any castle she has seen. It looked to be 3 stories at least but the windows that she could see were all stained glass, the stones were a solid black with a hint of a glow from some type of magic she has not seen firsthand. The castle was illuminated by these stones they made the castle look even more majestic The Trees were wrapped in and out of the design of the structure which added to its beauty they pulled up to the entrance.

"We are here whatever you do don't cause any unnecessary attention to yourself you have not left the car we can still turn around you don't have to do this" Liam stressed once again.

"I already told you I am fine with this" she sighed "This was decided years ago before I was even born this is my duty to the kingdom" she put her hand on the door to let herself out since she didn't want to continue the conversation.

"No, the original agreement was you were to marry his Blood his child not some random relative from who knows where" He raised his voice clearly unhappy about the arrangement.

"Either way it matters not to me I know this was not what was originally agreed on but life works in mysterious ways" she smiled it was his turn to sigh but got out and opened the door for his lady taking her hand in his and walked her to the fairly large group of servants all dressed to perfection their outfits were the traditional Black and white maid outfits and Butler suits "Good evening your highness!" The group of servants bowed respectfully to Lilith.

"Please call me Lilith" she bowed back They stood back to attention in shock nobility does not bow but they smiled "Please raise your head we are nothing but lowly servants please do not bow to us" A tiny Woman walked up to her walked up to her "My name is Marigold I am the head maid of the castle please do not hesitate to ask me for anything you need Please follow me The King is waiting for you in the throne room" She dispersed the other maids and started walking towards the Giant doors there is no way she could open those doors she thought to herself but followed behind, the Head maid stopped right in front of the door and put her palm to the door and the doors opened right up

"How?" Lilith questioned quietly marigold turned around and shot her a quick glance "The only ones who can open these doors are the ones who have received a mark from the master that's why we must see the master first so you would be able to roam freely" marigold continued her pace Down the long corridor she assumed when the doors open that the inside would be full of lavish decorations or knights armor this she was not expecting.. The inside of the castle was like a Fairytale. The floors were Stone but illuminated the walkway. The castle decorations were a mix between the vines that were winded outside with beautiful flowers sprouting throughout the inside along the walls.

She was looking around in Awe it was like a beautiful garden inside the flowers would open as she walked past once they reached the end of the corridor and once more marigold placed her hand on the door and announced, "Your majesty Her highness Lilith from the light kingdom has arrived" The doors opened just like last time and they entered the throne room.

She thought the corridor was beautiful, but the throne room was something entirely different it was Amazing The room itself was a rather large dome where the stained-glass windows circled the entirety of the room but like the corridor The vines were all along the windows no rhyme or reason just beautifully displayed and blossom trees sprouted near the Two Thrones and then she seen him.

She couldn't help but freeze where she was standing and just stare. He was just like his castle, beautiful His hair was slicked back it was Black as night, His strong jaw His Gray eyes he screamed nobility but His body he took very good care of himself she would say he is fit. He was sitting and she could tell he was tall and his suit was regal she brought her gaze up from his suit He was staring at her as well but He looked amused she was embarrassed but continued this stare off with the King you could hear a pin drop in the room He was looking at her and she was looking at him both not willing to be the first to look away she knew it was rude but this was fun she wanted to know how far she could take it Liam coughed nudging her to introduce herself but she continued to stare

"Your majesty This is Lilith Alina Lucibello first princess of the Light Kingdom" Liam announced The king continued his silence not bothering to look at the man who spoke more interested in the princess in front of him she was Tall for a girl her hair was white and cascaded down her back like waves in the ocean her skin was so pale if it weren't for those eyes you would think she was a Ghost but with that body and those eyes she looks like a goddess in the white ceremonial gown and the sheer cape attached added an ethereal presence to his court but she was stubborn and maybe the only woman who dared stare in his eyes for so long he raised an eyebrow but what she did next caught him off guard She smiled he knew everyone was tense around them he could feel their fear but the moment she smiled he couldn't help it he laughed and he lost he threw his head up and let out a deep chest laugh she was interesting.

"Come here Lilith Alina Lucibello first princess of the Light Kingdom" He put out his hand for her to grab he could see the impact he did with just speaking her name she flushed, and you could see the goosebumps on her porcelain skin she collected herself and walked with a little more grace then when she walked in and put her hand in his.

The moment she put her hand in his he felt warmth spread throughout his entire body her skin felt like silk he turned her hand over to Mark her so she could roam to certain areas in the castle but he had other ideas now that she was so close "Turn around and move your hair" He said lowly there was obvious mumbling in the throne room amongst his court she looked confused but did as she was told she scooped her hair up and held it up not sure what to do with it he stood then she felt his cold hand he leaned in closer "This will hurt for a moment but then you will feel immense pleasure try not to make a sound" He whispered in her ear she shuddered involuntary but before she could process what he said She felt his hand on the back of her neck moving like he was drawing something with his finger and then she felt it.

She gasped and dropped to her knees the pain was unbearable she held her hand to her neck to stop the pain she felt like her skin was burning she was breathing heavily trying to focus on her breathing she closed her eyes to focus she was promised pleasure she waited for pleasure what felt like days was but a mere thirty seconds and then the pain dulled she was confused she stood with the Kings help she looked him in the eyes

"You lied" she stated very boldly, quite upset with the king she was promised pleasure yet all she felt was pain He smirked. These were the first words out of her mouth spoken to him he could see her anger, but he wanted to see if he made the right choice "Oh dear what did I lie about?" He asked, forgetting about their audience "You said there would be pleasure All I felt was pain" she said still scowling at him. He chuckled "Patience is a virtue; pleasure is to come no worries. I always keep my word but in the meantime with this mark we can communicate without the spoken word" She went to open her mouth then shut it then opened it again "How?" she said lowly he raised an eyebrow at her "Close your eyes" She did as she was told and closed her eyes "Okay good now i want you to respond to me without your spoken words just imagine you are speaking to me without moving your lips" she took a deep breath and then spoke in her mind to him "That was not nice and it hurt a lot plus what is the point in all this your marrying me off to like your nephew or something why do you want to talk to me without spoken words?" She rambled not sure if it was working because she couldn't see his face with her eyes closed.

"I am sorry it hurt to be fair I did warn you ahead of time and I am not marrying you off to my nephew It was a cousin" She opened her eyes if he thought she was mad before she was mad now she opened her mouth to respond "Doesn't matter I changed my mind I think you should stay here for a few years and get the lay of the land we will worry about who you will marry down the road for now I think it would be best to stay by my side" she looked at him all the anger dissipated replaced by a confused look "why?" she hated sounding like a broken record, but she was curious on why he changed his mind he looked down at her they stared into each other's eyes

No one can believe what they are seeing the King the one branded Ruthless and villain across the world and the angelic princess the one with the heart of gold Saint Lilith is what the commoners call her are in their own little world they felt like they were invading their privacy so one by one the staff and court were leaving in shock at what they just witnessed The king gave the princess The lover mark a mark to symbolize that she was his and had his full protection he practically is telling his kingdom He found his queen yet this poor girl had no idea since the Light kingdom does not have this type of magic the last to leave were the Head maid who was practically dragging Liam out of the throne room once the door closed and no one was left did Lilith look around to see no one in the room with them.

"They left to give us our privacy sit you must be tired" He directed her body towards the throne next to him the throne meant for his queen "You know I cannot do that" she sighed "If anyone were to come in they would be outraged for that is the Queen's throne and I am not their queen" she stated once again not holding her thoughts he looked at her and raised his eyebrow once more then leaned in closer to her ear "What if I make you their Queen" he said nonchalantly she was on guard expecting some smart remark so she wasn't fazed "I highly doubt that" she said he smiled with all teeth this time "Okay princess then how about you sit on that throne and I deliver on what was promised earlier?" He thought she flushed earlier. Now she flushed from her head to her toes she looked around like she was making sure they truly were alone "What if someone comes in or if they look through the glass!" he chucked instead of flat out refusing she was more worried they would get caught. He snapped his fingers and the beautiful vines that covered the stained-glass windows started spreading new ones forming completely covering the inside and outside of the dome.

"Any other worries you wish for me to take care of before you will finally sit?" He said and she looked towards the door "This is My castle no one enters or exits without my knowledge now that we solved that Please sit" he gestured for her to sit once again on the throne beside his she looked up at him and nodded she took her seat on the throne adjusting her dress she was wearing "I... Well... I have never done anything like this before. I don't know what to do..." she said softly.

He groaned to himself she was perfection she was untainted perfection he has never felt like this he has fucked many beautiful women came close to getting married even but he has never craved a woman as much as he does right now he wants to hold her he wants to bury his cock so deep inside her and never come out he wants to hear her scream his name he wants to taste her release on his tongue and he may not be able to have all of her just yet but he will taste her if it's the last thing he does He kneeled down so her face was in front of his she looked lost, nervous and he could see she was aroused and the way she squirmed he put his hand on her thigh she gasped at the touch with his other hand he brought her face closer to his lips barely touching he mumbled "Say yes" He could see her eyes dilating she was his as she whispered out "yes" He didn't hesitate he crashed his lips to hers there was nothing gentle about this he forced his way in her mouth with his tongue she responded with just as much enthusiasm she moaned in his mouth when he bit her lip he broke contact for him to trail kisses down her neck biting and sucking on her skin his hand that was on her thigh he squeezed it and started moving his hand downwards to lift the dress for better access when his hand finally touched bare skin he inhaled sharply that static feeling he felt earlier was back the more he touched her the more that overwhelming lust feeling spread Lilith closed her eyes and arched her back he was touching where no one has touched before and she was wet she felt self-conscious not sure why her body was responding this way she wanted more she needed more but she wasn't sure what she needed he circled her clit and she felt like she had to pee she didn't want him to stop but she needed to stop him or she would pee on him! "Wait uh" her eyes rolled back his hands got faster as she tried to talk "I... something I am going to pee oh my god" she tried closing her thighs to stop his movements but that only encouraged him more he gripped both of her thighs pulling them apart and brought her beautiful dripping mound to his mouth she was so far gone the moment he touched her clit with his tongue the damn broke and she had a powerful orgasm he took everything she gave and more he groaned his cock is pulsing he knew with even the slightest of stimulation he would cum but this was not for him he released her thighs and helped her sit up her hair was a mess, her dress was wrinkled and she looked thoroughly sated her eyes glazed over still she looks like she could fall asleep sitting up he stood up and turned towards her He lifted her "wrap your arms around my neck" she did as she was told too tired to respond she rested her head on his chest as he walked them out of the throne room and towards his chamber his head maid was waiting for them outside the chambers "would you like me to take her Highness to her chambers?" he shook his head "No she will rest in my room for now" Lilith in and out of consciousness heard his words and a small smile graced her face and then the world went black.