
From the author

Hi, lovelies!!

As you all know, Part-1 of chapter 7 had been uploaded before and Part-2 of chapter 7 was to be uploaded now. But I kind of decided to change a few things. So I am just going to update you on what I am doing.

 I unpublished Part-1 because I am just going to upload a full chapter 7 together. I have written part 2 of the chapter too but I realized if I wanted to finish the plot until 'acceptance to university I am going to have to divide the chapter into 3 parts and I didn't necessarily want to drag chapter-7 any longer. So, what I am gonna do is, write part-3 and just complete the whole chapter. and upload it whenever it will be done. 

It might take a long time since I have to write another part and trust me, I am sorry for the late updates but it's just I have been feeling demotivated and also my exams are nearing, so I had to study for that. I can't promise you when the next update is going to be... but soon! 

The book might be going slow but trust me, I am NOT going to abandon it :)

I hope you all understand my situation, and support and just wait a little longer, you know? So to sum it up, I AM WORKING ON CHAPTER-7 AND IT'S GOING TO BE A LONG ONE SO BE HAPPY Y'ALL HAHA. AND ALSO, the updates from now on maybe a little slower or not at all because my exams are starting in 4 days and they are gonna end on 13 of October. SO YEA... 

Also IF YOU WANT TO BE IN TRACK OF WHAT I AM WRITING AND JUST CHAT WITH ME, follow my Instagram fan page, it's direxxioner.28. 

Alrighty, sorry for the long-ass note, I am gonna leave now hehe.