

enjoy x

I am really sorry for taking so long to update but fucking Webnovel wouldn't allow me to! Whenever I saved the drafts, it would delete them... so in short, I had to write the chapter 3 times. Also, excuse me for my poor writing but I was really tired!


The bell jingles as laine entered the small and cozy cafe. She looked around, searching for Sid. Soon her eyes settled on a pair of familiar blue eyes. With her face set in a stone-cold look, she made her way towards Sid, sitting down as soon as she reached the table.

Sid nodded at her while mumbling a hi but laine stayed quiet, not being able to stand the guy in front of her. Knowing Sid wouldn't get a reply, he sealed his lips into a thin line and raised his hand, flicking it twice to call the waiter.

Soon enough, the waiter was there asking for their orders, while Sid ordered a croissant and hot chocolate, laine just ordered a cold coffee, not planning to stay for longer.

They both kept quiet, nobody having the courage to start the topic. Liane was just sitting there, with an annoyed expression whereas Sid was sitting there fiddling with his hands.

Laine scoffed at how nervous he was being. But inside she was bubbling with curiosity as to why he was acting so fidgety.

After around five minutes the waiter arrives with their food, laine nodded at the waiter and smiled at him while muttering a small thank you whereas sid just nodded not taking his eyes off laine.

But what was weird was that Sid's face now supported a stone-cold look instead of the nervousness he was showing mere minutes ago.

Bipolar much? Laine thought while arching one perfectly shaped brow at Sid.

Sid cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak but laine cut him off,

"Look, I know we slept together or whatever, I don't really remember much of it but know that it was a one-time thing and that I was heavily intoxicated," laine said and sipped at her coffee wincing a little at the slightly bitter taste of it.

She quickly picked up the sugar pack and opened it but stopped when she heard, Sid's voice come off as a whisper "we didn't"





Doris jumped from her seat a little when she heard the front door thud loudly. She quickly got off the phone with Mrs. Lancaster when she saw laine come in through the door. Doris sat up straight, her posture now poised.

"Laine Taylor" Her whiny voice echoed throughout the lounge,

"What mother?" Laine replied, her voice imitating her mothers, very formal.

"Come, sit. We need to have a chat" Doris ordered. Laine rolled her eyes and sighed, "what?" she repeated. This time her voice was a little more annoyed.

"Tone down the voice miss" Doris ordered her voice stern as long as laine could remember.

Laine had hated Doris for as long as she could remember. But it didn't always use to be like that. Doris used to be so sweet but over time as laine grew up, she started growing harsher and harsher and used to deliver slaps to laine almost every day. Well, resulting in her being hated by her only step-daughter.

"Are you even listening to me you bloody child?" Doris slapped laine's thigh, bringing her out of her trance.

Laine's face was set in a frown, as always. She arched her eyebrow, hinting for Doris to continue to speak. Doris closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in, trying to calm herself down.

"Arthur is coming down today from New York, we are going to have a chat first and then there's a dinner with the Lancasters," Doris said, now flicking through a magazine. Laine couldn't control her expression as it molded into a shocked one because... what the fuck? why was her father, Arthur, coming down today?

Laine's father didn't really use to stay with his family, he generally was always traveling, and sometimes all he would be gone for a whole year! Laine hadn't met her father once in a whole of 2 years! Except for phone calls once in a year which didn't count.

While Laine was struggling with the bombshell that was dropped on her, Doris dropped another one.

"We are going to discuss...stuff" and with that being said, Doris went away, a smirk on her face.


Ok, so I know this was a very short chapter, but it did help shape the plot a bit, didn't it? Also, I had to write this chapter 3 times so yea, I wasn't really that excited to write this chapter. I am sorry. But... I'm probably gonna the next chapter very soon! So yea, watch out!

Tell me if you liked the chapter or if you didn't x