
The night I became a girl 10

Your majesty please don't do this to me. Im sorry i didn't do this.Please let me go. Noooo.(Jin)

Take this low life peasant out of my site and out this empire.If anyone sees her roaming around the empires report her to death that second.(Ye)

With Wei/Wong now...

My children I'm very sorry that you are not going to know your real father.But I will try my best to teach you the best I can do and take back my thrown.As the son of the Western empire I shall not let my children down and take back the thrown that was taken away from me.

4 years later...

Meeting at the centeral empire was the one chance I can get back to my thrown.If I can get the emperors soldiers he can help me take control of the other 3 armies.And take action on my family. All I need is his trust and a good reason to have them all.

Your highness it is my honor to finally meet you.I need your help regaining my thrown and my kingdom.(Wei/Wong)

Prince Wong Lang.Didn't your family kick you out of the empire,because if difficulties in you home.I think that I can help you but you need to do one particular request before I help.(Centeral King)

Your majesty I am willing to do anything to help you. Only if you can help me take back my thrown.(Wong)

back at Lee's home with kids...

Peerless,Vu are you guy home.Mommy needs to tell you guys something important.Lee you also have to help them with this too.(Wei/Wong)

Mommy your home I miss you so much.(kids)

Peerless and Vu you both need to go somewhere else safe.Uncle Lee is going to bring you to a safe please in the northern kingdom.This man right here is your father. Please show him love and hang in there.Give him this letter that says that I will get you back in a few months. I love you both and you have to be there soon.(Wei)

So brother Wong what's wrong with it.(Lee)

Lee I need you to take them to the northern empire.The king is there father and they need to be safe from the war.I know that it is hard to ask of you but please take care of them and if I don't make it back in time.tell the kids that I love them very much and don't tell Ye about were I am.I need you to take them right now and fast it is already starting.(Wei)

I will your majesty.Just go I'll take care of them for you.And I promes not to tell Ye to much information about you.(Lee)

At the northern palace gates...

Peerless, Vu you bother need to hug your father and greet him with respect.He hasn't seen you for 4 years so tell him your names and give him your letter that mom gave you.(Lee)

In the thrown room of Ye...

Your highness.I pay my respects to you and bring you your loving kids home to you.There mother left a letter for you and shall return in a few months to retrieve them.Your daughter Perless Chen and your son Vu Chen.You two give your father the letter that your mother wrote.(Lee)


Ye I know that when I left you I only left a letter just like this,and now I've been doing the same thing like I told you already. You wouldn't understand what happened and just despise me just like everyone.So I leave your children in your hands till I get back.Please love them and teach them while I'm gone.Wei

Peerless,Vu come here and give daddy a hug. You know that I miss you very much and wanted to get to know you better. But your mommy left me with both of you. All because of some person that lead your mother away from me.I promes you both that I shall not let your mommy leave me and take you away.