
The Nexus

Alexander_Rispoli · Ciencia y ficción
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1 Chs


"Welcome to the gaming championship of 2020! Now today's final contenders will have to defeat a level 5 Tower and a level 5 Boss, that's just the beginning, afterwards they will have fight each other to determine this year's Nexus gaming champion. Our final contestants are Jason Ipton and Alek Smith, they're both our amateur gamers fresh on the scene this year and for them to be at this level in the competition is extraordinary. It's time for war!" the stage man got off of the stage, I struggled in my seat at home and I never miss a match of the Nexus. I took a sip of my pop, I set it back down on the table, I watched the t.v screen with intent and I was taking this opportunity to better my style of play within the gaming world. The match rules were simple enough:

1.) All players must never hack the system or subject to federal imprisonment and up to a 5 thousand dollar fine.

2.) No trolling. Ever!

3.) All experience points must be spent at the end of every battle or face losing all your experience.

4.) If you die in game, you have to restart from scratch.

5.) All enemies that defeated must be entered into your codex manually. No Auto-fill.

6.) All created characters must be of their own design.

7.) One character per participant.

8.) No teaming up, no matter what the circumstances are.

9.) Back stories to your character are optional.

10.) During Championships matches all character will begin at level 1.

I studied the rules like a hawk, never breaking them either, a few of my friends did back in the Nexus beta days but when the first season started they tried to break the rules and well let's just say I haven't seen them since. The bracelet on my wrist began to blink, I turned my hand with my palm facing me l, a screen popped with my best Raven.

"Dude are you watching the Nexus Championship match?" she asked me with a look of excitement on her face. Raven and I became fast friends at school but we really bonded over the Nexus, we've been playing Nexus since the beta days but in order to get on the platform or the Championships is to have endorsements, which Raven and I never got that lucky.

"Of course, what else would I be watching?" As these words left my mouth, we both started to laugh.

"Nothing because your kind of an outdoor cat that doesn't mind being home either." Raven lit a cigarette after speaking these words.

"True, but I don't know I feel like I can get on the platform and all I need is that one chance. You know? " I commented as I readjusted myself to get more comfortable on the couch.

"Hey! If anyone of us can get on there, it's you Kerik." Raven spoke with a certain of sincerity in her voice and I could tell she was serious.

"Thanks Raven, that means a lot to me that you believe me." I smiled and blushed a little as she gave me the compliment.

My camera was focused on Jason Ipton. His style of attacking was different but very effective. He always caught the enemies off guard with his sneak ability, his silent footsteps cantrip and just the way he executed thos two abilities made his journey through the tower's pretty smooth sailing. His character was a half elf/half human, ranger was his class and the gear he had on was basic hard leather because of the Championship rules. Jason quickly killed the first couple of skeletons quite quickly, due to his back stab attack but it only works if you aren't spotted by the enemy and it grants a possible second attack. So naturally he killed the skeletons practically without breaking a sweat, he moved from the first floor, making his way to the second floor he ran into one hard styled enemy, 'The Banshee Of Wrath', now the this particular Banshee is first one that the Nexus ever created and she hasn't been slain, ever. You could tell from the camera view that Jason was worried, but he pushed forward, he had the look of determination on his face. He sheathed his dagger, he unscathed his sword and immediately charged forward but before getting in front of the Banshee he luged over doing a sideways flip, he landed behind her an he struck upward toward her chest, a blue liquid stained his blade. The Banshee screeched loudly, immediately turning around trying desperately to slash his throat and chest. Every attack she threw at him he deflected, he slashed her left knee causing the creature to kneel momentarily and he lunged his blade into her eye socket an the popped out of her skull, instantly killing the creature an without a single thought he decapitated her but that was to make sure she stayed dead.

"Yes! Let's go Jason!" I shouted out, I jumped up and did a little celebration dance. I had put five hundred dollars in a pool through a friend and if all goes well I can have a little money saved up for something.

"That was my ear you dick!" Raven shouted at me as I totally forgot to hang up.

"I'm sorry sis." I apologized to Raven because I didn't mean for that to happen.

"Next time be more mindful but in this case I knew why you got excited. Just don't let it happen again, ok?" Raven spoke calmly but I could she was passed off, but she knew I would never do anything intentionally to harm her, besides we had been best friends for 13 years now and she knew me better than anybody else.

"I promise sis." I replied as I hung up the video chat, as Jason was finishing up distributing his experience points to stat points and equipping the better equipment the show cut to a commercial break.

"Really? Every fucking time." I grunted as I got up to use the washroom before the show came back on. Five minutes later I washed my hands immediately after using the washroom, I grabbed an energy drink and I sat back down as the show conveniently came back on. I smiled to myself, cracked open the energy drink and I took a few sips an set it down on the table in front of my couch. The show came back on as I was about to light a cigarette, I picked up the lighter that was by the ashtray an my pack of cigarettes, I lit the cigarette and inhaled the toxic fumes an a sense of relaxation came over me.

I wanted to break out of my normal with this book, I wanted to give the reader's a look into my world of table top RPGs with a mix of technology and I know I'm not the only one who loves to game. So this is a way to combine one of my two favorite things in this world. I hope you enjoy this chapter and do please leave comments on how make my book better. You guys are awesome never forget that...

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