
The Next Generation Of Magic

It was gone in a flash. I became everyone’s spare and not their prime. Once their first story but now their cautious subject. I once felt their love but now it fade away. This is how villains were made. I don’t want to be one, i don’t have a choice, or maybe i had. I have no one as my firm foundation. No one wants my company. They plot their twist without me, i know it but i act like i don’t. I was foolish to act like everything’s fine when no one cares about it. I was not craving for competence, just for importance. No one wanted to help me, not until I came to the other side. Everyone suddenly wants to make me feel loved. Everyone wants me to realize that I am important to them, that they value me. But it was too late. They were a decision late. I needed to hear that but they are a life late. They are a choice late. I chose to become the villain of the story so i have the attention i deserve. I was the main character that was rejected. I was the main character that was denied of love.

chocfrog · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Stupid Boy

"So he's not a rude boy before, but had he always been that stupid?" Asked Vixen. Peter gave a small laugh.

"Can I tell you a little secret?" He asked. "Sure" said the both of them. They came closer so no one could hear. "He's my half brother" whispered Peter before he smiled weakly. "Oh" said Vixen.

"What's wrong with that?" Asked Odette frowning

"Nothing. That's what I said to him. It doesn't matter if he's my real or half-brother. I still love him" said Peter. Vixen smiled in adoration. Peter is a loving Brother, in Vixen's thought.

"But to him, it matters. Not only his friends that compares us, but also our Mother you see" continued Peter. Vixen started to grow a pity onto Ace.

"But...why would your mother compare you two?" Odette inquired.

"Because she doesn't like Ace. The little boy tried all he could so Mom could like her, but failed" Peter grimly said.

"For a hundredth time, Why?" Asked Odette.

"Because Ace, is her son out of abuse. She was once raped by a criminal named Roster Ford" Peter looked at Ace before he bowed his head with grim.

"Oh" said Odette. The two girls then felt bad on asking Peter because now, the student head's face is so far from smiling.


"Ring Wielders this way" Jet Adkins, the Ring Wielders' student head, lead their way to the third door from their departure with other students. The Staff Carriers pass through them. Darius sat at the front. Jet Adkins walk past them and onto the front.

"This is you core class and i will be your teacher" He said. He had a very cool aura. He has cool blue shade of hair, blue eyes and pale skin. He wears a ring with blue stone in it and his robes is jet black. Unlike Peter, Jet has a serious face.

"The core subject is for you to study the use and origin of our magical instrument, Rings" He started after the attendance was done.

"Ring wielders, are often used for defensive spells. One of the most famous Ring Wielder is Calvert" He averted his gaze to Darius. "Although Calvert is a Spell Breaker, his defensive spells can compete Agrona's. That how great every Pentamerous is" He added.

Agrona is another member of the Pentamerous. The most celebrated Charmer of the wizarding kind.

Half an hour of Jet talking and then the day's discussion was done. They were allowed to talk to each other and Darius easily found friends. Everyone seem to be interested to him being e direct descendant to Calvert.


"That's so sad" said Darius. When they told about Ace. They were now under a tree outside the castle, facing the lake. "Peter said to keep it a secret" said Odette. It was near twilight when the day's class ended.

When the sun has set, they decided to go back the main hall to catch dinner before they god back to their common room. "Hey, i was about to ask you earlier, what room number are you?" Odette asked Vixen while they pick foods onto their plate. "I'm in room 17, you?" Vixen replied.

"Woah. That's unfair. I'm in room 28" said Odette.

"What's unfair?" Asked Vixen. Darius watching their conversation while they choose a seat.

"You're near the door and the fireplace" answered Odette.

"Well, i'm only a floor nearer than you though" replied Vixen. After eating, they walk back to their common room. "I never know, where is the library?" Asked Vixen.

"It's two floor down the common rooms, Why?" Answered Darius.

"How come you know that?" Inspected Odette.

"How come you didn't? It's in the map" said Darius.

"What map?" Asked Odette.

"In the drawer under the desk provided in our rooms. I spent some time gazing at it last night" responded Darius.

"Oh, that's good news. I think I'll swing by the library before i go to sleep" said Vixen.

"We're only a day in and you like to read books before the teachers set them as homework?" ejected Odette.

"Well, Yeah" Vixen laughed.

"Alright, same time tomorrow?" Asked Darius when they were in the front of the doors. "Same time" said Vixen. Darius waved at the two before he entered their room. Odette and Vixen entered their room too.

"What time is the same time?" Asked Odette.

"Oh yeah, it's an hour before the first subject" she replied.

"So... 7:30?" Said Odette.

"7:30" dismissed Vixen. Odette waved at Vixen before she climb another stair to her room.

Vixen entered her room, dropped her book and opened the drawer below her table. There she found the map. She got out of her room, she passed Peter on the common room doing homework. She waved to catch his attention before she strode to the door. She heard Peter said "curfew at 9 o'clock Vixie". She got out the door and head down the library. She turned to her left, passing the other doors to find the stairs and Going down two floors. As she got down the stairs, in her left is a door and to her right is another stairs down. She opened the door and entered the library.

The smell refreshed Vixen's tired body. The smell of stacked old books in every shelf excites Vixen. There were hundreds of aisle and shelf of books. Every aisle has sign on what books to find in that shelf. She first go to the basic spell books. Two a couple of books and find a quiet and lonely place to study. She found out that there are dedicated rooms at the end of every aisle. She got inside one of them and sat down beside the lit lamp. She laid down the book "Basics Spells and Charms: Grade one" by Alberta Stone.

"Light magic" she read the first chapter. "One of the most basic spell is to conjure a ray of light. With a suffix 'lumen' summons light and if added another words is combined, a different form of light magic can be made"

"lumen" Vixen whispered. And a small streak of light shoot upon the tip of her wand.

"Excuse me Miss Fluffle, you're seating at my place and i hate it" said a voice behind her. She turned around and saw Ace. Her day couldn't be worse.

"I'm sorry?" She said.

"No you're not, and you will be if you won't scramble out of my spot" said Ace arrogantly.

"This is no one's spot. I don't see your nam in here" Vixen replied with slight annoyance and continued reading her book.

"You will be sorry then" replied Ace before he got sat down against Vixen. Inti Vixen's annoyance, Ace is reading his book allowed.

"Spells and Charms are every witches and wizard's bread and butter. From the folding of their clothes to the battling un wizarding wars, it's their Spellworks and Charms that does it. One of the most basic Spell is Levitation-" Ace half shouted. Vixen was staring at him with anger, her book still aloft. Before she could argue, an angry old lady came at them.

"There's no shouting allowed in this library, Out you two" said the woman.

"But it was only h-" argued Vixen, but the lady's arms were clutching them both out the library.

The lady shut the door on their face.

Ace rummaged his robe and smiled evilishly onto Vixen.

"Look what you've done!" Said Vixen "I was looking forward on studying today and now i was thrown out the library and my robes ripped!"

Into Ace's surprise, Vixen's eyes started to water. His evil smiled washed out from his face and slightly bowed his head. Vixen turned her back at the boy and walk fast up the stairs. Vixen felt humiliated being thrown out the library.