
The Next Generation Of Magic

It was gone in a flash. I became everyone’s spare and not their prime. Once their first story but now their cautious subject. I once felt their love but now it fade away. This is how villains were made. I don’t want to be one, i don’t have a choice, or maybe i had. I have no one as my firm foundation. No one wants my company. They plot their twist without me, i know it but i act like i don’t. I was foolish to act like everything’s fine when no one cares about it. I was not craving for competence, just for importance. No one wanted to help me, not until I came to the other side. Everyone suddenly wants to make me feel loved. Everyone wants me to realize that I am important to them, that they value me. But it was too late. They were a decision late. I needed to hear that but they are a life late. They are a choice late. I chose to become the villain of the story so i have the attention i deserve. I was the main character that was rejected. I was the main character that was denied of love.

chocfrog · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Baldwin's Ale

"Excellent" said Professor Elphias "that was very wonderful Vixen, you may take your seat" indicating to the floor following the healers she preceded. Vixen slumped down the grass floor to watch her other classmates heal and revive thr impaled branch. As soon as every healer are done and have slumped down to the ground, charmers started falling in line. After the healer's magical performance, it seemed like all charmers have been doubled with excitement.

Since first years are still to practice with basic spells, charmers are tasked to conjure a light spell.

"Lumen, is the most basic incantation for light magic" said professor Elphias "you may add any suffixes you like, but only this time so you can see the ability of Baldwind's Ale" he added.

Students in front of Darius conjured lights of various colors which was extravagant in Vixen's eyes. There were red balls of light that swirl through the place, there are light balls that does the same but of different color. Darius decided to cast the Extreme Light Charm, which is an advanced light magic. After muttering the incantation, he lifts up his right arm where his ring dipped in Baldwin's Ale resides. Within a second, a great blue ball of light started growing on to his open palm. It was a very luminous light it was majestic. It had grown twice the size of Darius' own body. Everyone gasped in amazement, even Professor Elphias smiled delightfully.

"That was an intermediate class charm, even third years have had a hard time conjuring those" Professor Elphias commented as soon as Darius sank his arm, quenching the light.

Vixen watched as each other charmer that precedes Darius does extraordinary light charm. It is almost like watching a light show from the sky.

It was Odette's turn finally, into everyone's astonishment, she had conjured a very peculiar spell. She had made the ray of light coming from the enchanted ceiling to form a yellow figure of a girl which deeply resembles Odette's own body. Same hair length, same body shape and the same length of robes. It lasted for ten seconds before she quenched the light which earned her deep round of applause from all of their classmates, including Vixen and Darius.

"That was an excellent execution of a Light Echo Charm, I must say" said Professor Elphias "A Divine Charm which yields to require extreme magical prowess at the very least to make it last for some time"

Odette bowed down and smiled.

She then sat down beside Darius and Vixen. "I've always wanted to use that charm before" said Odette.

"That was very excellent Odette" answered Vixen

"Nahh, Baldwin's Ale was" replied Odette.

Not another minute have passed and they have seen yet another extra-ordinary light shows. Ace made a Light Projection Charm. He didn't just dip his wand, he splashed it in mid-air and muttered the incantation, creating a small portion of the air to look like the night sky extending deeply to see the stars and planets clearly.

"That was yet another spectacular Light Magic there, Ace" said Professor Elphias

"Now, remember every Light Magic each one of you did because you cannot do that unless you practice really hard for years, mind you. It is only by the Baldwin's Ale that made it possible for you to perform that bit of magic by now. Healers, likewise, but I will be most delighted to see you a couple of years from now to grasp the magic you did all on your own. Right, I think that's enough to cheer you up with our Magic Theories, see you in our next class first years" he added as he dismissed his students. Everyone started getting up and out the Torrent of Magic.

It was the start of their practicals, not only on Professor Elphias' subject but with all the subjects that requires magical performance. Above all the practicals that they have had today, it was the Magic Theories that really stomped on their brain. Core subject that day was comprised of everyone reminiscing each other's spell work. Vixen, Darius and Odette are talking with their student head.

"Yeah, I remember when I was still a first year myself, I also did the Light Echo Charm, but the body had only been there for three seconds, as I remember" Peter said "Great work Odette"


A week have past swiftly without everyone's intone. In a month, they will be having their first Examination and Vixen, Darius and Odette, unlike other students, are ecstatic about the news.

"Hey, how come you two doesn't come with me at the library?" Asked Vixen. "You could read, couldn't you?"

"I can, can you Darius?" Asked Odette

"Of course, I can but you know, books are boring" replied Darius

Vixen turned inquiringly around Darius as if the idea of reading books as boring is unusual. Vixen, among the three is the book worm. She likes to stay at the library after school hours and always almost got caught up for the night time curfew.

"What? I mean, I'm a Spell Breaker so I'm more of hands on and practical than theories, history and words" Darius said.

"Yeah sure, but wouldn't it be interesting to know more about magic?" ejected Vixen.

"I'll go with you, besides I really want to know more about mermaid magic myself" interjected Odette. Together both the girls stood up their chair and started to walk out of Darius when they heard them say "Wait for me"

"I thought you don't like reading?" teased Vixen.

"Yes, but I don't hate it, do I? I can read a page or two without eating myself out" replied Darius.

Now the three of them are walking past classrooms in the bright light of a Saturday afternoon. Greeting a couple of classmates as they pass through the window that connects with the field outside.

"Come join us! You don't have to study so hard every day you know" said Michael Conrad, one of their classmates and is a staff carrier, through the wide window. Michael is a fair toned boy with grey hair and blue eyes and contrasting his appearance of punky mean boy, he is often seen jolly and enthusiastic.

"No thank you, we've got some business to attend to ourselves" replied Odette.

They continue walking.

"You know I like that Michael, he's always so bright and jovial" said Odette

"Yeah, and to think about it, he is also a good wizard himself. At first I thought it is only the three of us you know" said Darius.

"That's so humble of you" said Vixen sarcastically "Ace is really good too" she added

"Good yes, Stupid also Yes" said Odette "I don't know what's his problem with the world I mean, why would he always stare at people as if they were talking about him behind his back. His stare is venomous."

"He's not that stupid you know; he mended my robes the first day I got to the library thrown out" replied Vixen

"Thrown out? How come we didn't know about that?" said Darius through wrinkled brows.

"I never told you. It was embarrassing you know" replied Vixen

"Why were thrown out?" inquired Odette

"Ace" she sighed "He became hysterical and shouted throughout the whole library when i refuse to leave my seat" she added

"Well, that is a very 'not stupid' attitude" replied Darius with sarcasm.

"Yeah" Vixen muttered and looked at Odette then at Darius before they burst out laughing.