
The New World.

This is for shits and giggles, Im not taking this seriously so don't expect a 10/10 story. Doesn't mean I won't try on grammar and stuff but yeah. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A bored god created a world for his pure entertainment. While this god may be lazy, he has the power to destroy everything as we know it, with just a fart... "New Life New Me!" - Dumbass.

JRB · Cómic
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3 Chs


In a world that's vastly populated with different kinds of races, be them Dwarves, Dragons, Elves, Human, Demon, Mermaids, Triads, Serpents, Vampires… You get the idea, this world is filled with endless possibilities and dangers. This world, however, is much different than one would think. Various different characters from different anime, along with their monsters, were thrown into this world and meshed together, but it all runs on a single power system known as Magicules, from Tensura Slime, creating the world we now know today.

This world is called Earth V10.

Quite the name right? Well yeah that's cause the God who made it sucks at naming, and doesn't seem to want to get better at it either.

Anyway, said God was bored, and I mean extremely so, so bored in fact he kidnapped a wandering soul and offered it a set of wishes, which is currently what's going on right now, so! Let's go check it out!

"Hey! Young man, are you with me still?" Sitting in a completely white throne room with some golden pillars and crystal clear windows, was none other than God… His current appearance though would make any one skeptical considering the fact that he's currently wearing baggy grey sweatpants, a white tank top, Nike slides, and a sick pair of shades. Oh, can't forget his bucket hat, in other words, he's looking real bummy right now.

The soul's face distorted in confusion as well as fear and amazement.

The room God had pulled this soul into was the most beautiful place in existence. The room itself was about 20 meters wide with bright beautiful short green grass with pink, yellow, red, blue, purple along with teal flowers making the room look more fantasy-like the longer you gazed.

There was also a large pond filled with crystal clear water that had small fishes living inside it.

Looking around, the soul's eyes widened to an impossible point just from the sight of the room. God watched with amusement but it slowly started to grow into impatience. He pulled this soul here to his domain for a reason and it wasn't to show off his beautiful home. Although he couldn't deny the fact that the Souls reaction didn't please him and make him feel proud of his small amount of effort he put into this domain.

His domain beforehand, which was about 500 billion years ago, was nothing but a dull white space that had a large bed big enough for two people, but since he was lonely and didn't feel any attraction towards the other female Gods, he shrunk the bed to fit one person. After doing so he realized that he was bored, and I mean really fucking bored, so he decided to decorate!

And that's how this domain was made.

"Ahem, young man I very much appreciate your amazement, but I would like to hurry up and proceed with the reason I brought you here." God stated. The soul's wandering eyes glistened with shock when he heard the seemingly thunderous and majestic voice that entered his mind directly.

Frantically looking around, the souls' eyes once again stopped and widened in surprise when they landed on the majestic… Homeless man?

"W-where am? What happened?" The soul asked. A soft, satisfied smile made its way onto God's face, he was happy that the soul was finally starting to ask the questions that are actually important and not just marveling at the room the whole time.

"Haha, calm down young man, I won't do anything to you. This place is my Domain, or home if you will. And well, you died!" The way God informed the soul was that of someone introducing something grand and majestic, causing the soul to get even more worried and on edge then before.

The beauty the room held had fully caught the souls attention when it first appeared, which in turn distracted the soul from what it had just gone through… Although what the soul went through wasn't that of anything necessarily sad, it was a bit disheartening considering the fact that the soul was only that of a 15 year old.

"I-I died? Really?" The soul questioned. God could clearly tell that the soul was skeptical about its situation even without reading their mind.

"Yes, you've died." God confirmed.

The soul's body, which was made of light, dimmed a bit, causing God to frown.

"What's wrong young man? I thought that this is what you would want… Or do you want to continue sitting in a near death state back on earth? You were, after all, dying of cancer. I just thought that it would be better to end your suffering earlier rather than have you suffer for the next 10 years." The soul's light dimmed a little more before it suddenly started lighting up again. It seemed that the child had gotten over it's situation a bit. Either that or he realized that he could possibly have a one in a lifetime chance, just like those light novels and manga he's read.

God, seemingly reading the soul's mind, developed a brighter smile than before. The soul seeing this was startled from God's seemingly randomly lifted state of happiness.

"I guess that's better than staying in that hospital for the rest of my life… But what happens now? Do I go to hell or heaven? Or that place that sits between the two?" The soul asked. God was a bit surprised with how fast the soul got over the fact that he died, but he guessed it was because the soul just wanted to hurry up and go through it's reincarnation.

Keeping the same bright smile as before, God spoke.

"I'm guessing you're talking about the place known as "Limbo?" If so, there's no need to worry since you won't be going there and you won't be going to Hell or Heaven. Instead, you will be going to one of the worlds I created, to live out your new life." The soul's eyes widened once more in shock from God's words.

The thoughts running through the souls head was nothing but confusion and doubt.

'Why would he do that? I didn't do anything remotely productive in my life and I didn't do anything of good will either. A new world? Created by him? And I'm the only one going? No, that's sketchy.' Lifting his eyes, the soul looked God directly in the eyes, or where his eyes should be since he's wearing some cool ass sunglasses.

"...Why would you do that? I didn't do anything worthy of being reincarnated in such a world, and even if I did accept, why would I want to be in a new world that has no inhabitants?" God's smile lowered a bit as he did not expect the soul in front of him to question him on what he said.

If the information he got from reading the souls memories were correct, then the boy in front of him should be obsessed with anime/mangas since that was his way of escape.

It's not like God didn't come up with an explanation, but it did puzzle him.

"I seem to have left some information out… This world you're going to does in fact have other inhabitants, and it's quite big too. I offered this to you since your life was shorter than most and I wanted to have a way to fulfill my boredom. Now, this world is full of different anime and manga characters that you've seen, or read. The world type is a mesh of the different types of worlds so the new world itself is quite big, allowing for an adventure never seen before." God explained.

The soul in question adopted a thinking expression after listening to God's explanation, showing that he was indeed considering accepting God's deal, but there was one thing he wanted to know.

"...If I accept this opportunity, do I get a golden finger?" The souls question didn't surprise God since he was already anticipating such a question, and the answer is-

"Yes, you do indeed get a golden finger. Though I will limit your requests of power to 4 wishes. It wouldn't be much fun if you didn't have any challenges." The soul's pure white eyes lit up in excitement and anxiousness as it immediately sunk into deep thought over the powers it wanted.