
The New Wolf

Sometimes I look into the sky and wonder what I’ve done to face such hardships in life. One minute me and my family are boarding a plane. leaving behind the only home I’ve known. The only friend I’ve ever had, for my parents knew job in Manchester. The next thing I know the night of our move in our house is set ablaze with and last thing I see is my there charred unrecognisable corpses. Before feeling a pinch in my neck and then all turns dark. My name is Casius Shaw, and this is my story.

ArcAng3l · TV
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5 Chs

Chap 3: Fresh Start

The room has has adopted silence for the past few minutes. I could see the looks of confusion on Mr and Mrs Smiths face at the mention of Urotect as the cogs in there heads started to turn. Most likely contemplating wether they've heard the name before. Which to be honest in my opinion, is highly unlikely considering the fact that the "Facility" as Mavis liked to call it. Was located under a house.

Now it is possible that it was only the tip of a grander part an actual facility. But that I would still doubt considering the fact that none of the equipment I've seen them use didn't look like something a facility with a lot of money would be prefer to use. But then again I'm no scientist. I have no idea what there preference is, or what high end equipment looked like.

This fact is precisely why I planned on reaping as much benefits in strength and destroyed all the reassrch they had accumulated. There still remains the chance that someone does come along and try to claim there "project" and I wanted to be in the best position for where I was prepared for when and if trouble does come knocking on my door. Only an absolute imbecile wouldn't prepare for this possibility after going through what I did. And I'd like to think myself intelligent enough to be prepared for all possibilities.

Emma: "I don't think I've ever heard of Urotect. What is it?"

Me: "I'd be surprised if you did. Urotect is… or was a experimental facility that's purpose was to push the boundaries of what wolfbloods are capable of. By creating project Apex. In other words, they wanted to weaponise them. Turn them into the into further enhanced soldier that only could control.And 10 years ago they got their fist lab rat. Subject zero. Me"

After hearing this there eyes widen in horro and fear at the implications. Well who wouldn't. Our kind tends to hide ourselves from humans in fear that we would be hunted and even worse exprimed on. So finding out that not only there are people out their that not only know about us, but also captured one and experimented on them, is a big shock.

Dan: "They experimented on you!!" I nodded my head in response as confermation. He was starting to snarl at the mere thought of someone doing such a thing to his nephew in all but blood.

Maddy: "that's why your eyes glow red instead of the usual golden yellow?" She questioned.

Me: "yes. That just one of the side effects that happed due to my time there. But I'm in far stronger than your every day wolfblood."

Maddy: "seriously?" I could hear the curiousness in her voice as she raised her head from my shoulder to look meet my gaze. As I nod.

Me: "yes. I'm stronger, faster, have a better healing capacity and my senses are much shaper." I listed

It took a while to fill them in on what's happened over the years. But after we got all the heavy stuff out of the way I told them that I would be joining Maddy in school tomorrow. After she found out she couldn't wait to introduce me to her friends Tom and Shannon. As the talk of school went on it was then that Maddy's parents realised how late it was and we both had to get up early for school on Wednesday. The Smiths set up the guest room for me, I thanked them and wished them a goodnight before going to sleeep myself silently cursing about having to go to school and dealing with other people. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt the tiredness wash over me and instantly fell asleep.

Wednesday Morning

Morning came to soon. I thought to myself as I examined myself in the mirror. I was wearing black pants with and untucked white shirt accompanied by a green tie. I didn't feel like wearing the school jumper so I just threw on a dark grey hoodi zipped half way underneath a black leather jacket.

Throwning on the same pair of shoes I was in yesterday, I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs for some breakfast with everyone before me and maddy made are way to school.


After we arrived, maddy dropped me off at the reception before she went to class as I needed to get my schedule. Once it was given to me I was then lead to my first class.

Teacher: ahh you must be Cassius the new studen, I am Mr. Jefferys your home room teacher please take your seat and we'll continue with the class. Everyone this is a new student mr. Shaw

And I expect you to given him a warm welcome to bradvile high.

While walking I observed the classroom and saw maddy sitting next to a girl with glasses and light brown hair. I gave maddy a soft smile and made my way to a seat in the far corner of the room next to the window. 'This I just typical, of course the only seat available would be the famed protagonist seat' I thought to myself.

I hope you guys liked the chapter. I’m still trying to fine-tune the direction I want to take with this.

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