
Cradle of sex

We are at home. My cradle of sex. My penis is erect because Sajira lifted her skirt and showed me the lips of her vagina.

I bow and spit into it and then tease it endlessly.

She screams my name and I force her to open her legs.

It has soft and delicate hairs. Almost blondish.

I put my mouth in it and lick it all with my tongue as warm as her vagina.

-Oh yes I like it-

-Good girl. You're very good-

At one point she tells me that she wants me to whip her ass.

I give her a five push on her ass and in a moment I leave her ass all red.

-Please again-

-Mhh piglet-

My cradle of sex explodes like my erection.

I tear off her miniskirt and she is left with nothing, the lap and her vagina are swollen and pulsating.

-Beautiful Sajira-

-She is all yours even when she has the cycle. It excites me to be without briefs you know-

-I get too excited you're a pain and a punishment but a rose that stings nicely-

-I prick you but I don't hurt you-

-You only do me good-

I lick her everywhere. It rubs on the bed like a cat and widens the vagina.

I imagine that she has blue hair even if it is absurd and I ask her to dye it.

Ride. You are insane he tells me.

I am crazy about you more and more.

It bites my neck like a sex-hungry vampire.

-You're insatiable, aren't you? -

-I want to enjoy to the extreme-

The moon looks at us. We had sex for two hours and now Sajira stares at me from the bed.

Suddenly she goes to the bathroom and follows her.

-Want to see me while I pee? -

- Of course what questions are they? -

He smiles at me and wipes his vagina.

Then she shows me the toilet paper ...

-You have the cycle again-

-Well, yes, like every month, no? -

I go to her and take her to throw her on the bed. She did not think in the least that I took her by force.

I open her legs and I see an expression of pain mixed with pleasure on my face.

-I will take the bed-

- it doesn't matter then we wash everything. I am going crazy. That potato is mine and that's it. It's very wet Sajira-

-I know. Please don't hurt me-

-I would never do that you know-

-You are delicate like a flower-

-Why are you my blue rose-

-Between flowers we understand each other and my flower is red now-

-I will take care of it-

I kiss him and promise him eternal trust.