
Chapter 2

The steps of the horses and the rustling sound of the leaves are breaking the thick air of silence between Valensia and Satya.

They are currently in Mount Makulem on their way to the Rocana City to meet the High Priest. It is a day and half long travel considering how fast Satya can make their horse run but it felt like the hours were already weeks.

Its not like she doesn't want to talk to the latter. On the contrary, she have lots of question in mind but the awkward situation they were in last time made her lost face to ask him.

She clutched on the end of her cloak. She wanted to ask lots of things.

Its been two days since she woke up under the holy Mimosa tree of the Pavanrin Forest, where the Town of Lezya summons new oracles. It was explained to her by Azani, the town elder.

Azani and four more shamans were praying for months in the holy forest to summon a new oracle.

Despite being present in the area, only Satya was allowed to approach the summoned oracle.

She felt heat rising up to her ears as she remember the reason.

She stood up in shock after he announced about her arrival. She didn't notice she was buck naked! It was also the first time Satya did his duty as the protector so it is probably the reason why he got shocked and not because he recognize her. He gave her the cloak she was wearing now before they move to meet the waiting shamans.

"I'm so stupid," she thought. "I got so excited seeing a guy who looks like my first love that i became too oblivious on everything. Isn't my sight already enough to remind me that something was wrong? Being a 99 year old woman, I'm used of my sister's grandchildren bathing me but is that enough reason to lose shame?!"

She sighed.

"That's a really deep sigh you got there."

Satya breaking the ice made her flinch.

"Did I scared you?"

"Uhm, no. Sorry."

She felt him stiffened, "For what reason?"

"For being too quiet."

He chuckled and relax, "It's alright. But I am worried you were taking everything all too calmly. Are you not worried?"

She sighed again, "I actually have lots of questions, I don't know which one should I ask first."

"Is that so?" he paused, "I can not probably answer all your questions but the High Priest will surely explain everything. I can tell you some things though."

"Do you know why was I summoned then?"

"Yes — wait. 5 people are tailing us."


"Pretend you don't know."

She tried to observe their surrounding using her eyes but she can't see anyone. How could he know?

"Hold on tight," he whispered, "Duck in three, two..."

As he shouted one, she ducked and barely felt an arrow passed above her head.

Satya sped up their horse. Valensia could hear other horse-steps following them.

"Don't show your face. They will hunt you forever once they know how you look."

The wind hitting her head is too strong it is hard to even try to look upfront. Her heart racing wildly, and her mind are haywire with more questions. His warning just only means these people wanted her dead. But why?

Her thoughts got cut as a stone grazed on her right cheek.

"Damn it!" Satya cursed, "There is someone else around."

She released a shriek as arrows came flying towards them.

"Hold the reigns."

He just shove the reins on her hands, however, she wasn't able to retort as the next moment, he is moving his hand, stopping, flipping and shoving the arrows and rocks to different directions.

He has telekinesis?

She stared in amazement for few seconds before focusing on the road, however, it felt like its not totally needed as the horse seems to know the path.

Satya is still fighting the attackers but Valensia can't see them. If he is using telekinesis then, are those people invicible?

"Watch out!"

She barely pulled the reins as their horse jump above the passing herd of mountain goats.

Though thankfully, their aggressors lost their tracks because of it.

Satya sat properly again and took the reins.

"Good job riding Virya," he said patting their horse, "but we still need to make sure we lost them."

"Why are they after us?"

"Oracles are very important in this world, even so, some are afraid the oracle will see the things they hide, so everytime a new oracle will be summoned, some people will send assassins to kill oracles from non alliance villages like ours."

"See the things they hide?!"

"Yes, why?"

"But I can't! How will I be oracle without power?!"