
Chapter 31


Annabelle POV-

So... during the meeting I had with Marcus, the Alpha Harold and their Luna Charlotte, they have only asked one thing of me so far.. I have to prove to them that I am a Lycan.

I shouldn't really be nervous but I am.

I can change easily now, whenever I want. It still causes me pain but I'm becoming numb to it.

This is a major relief to me because the first time I transformed I swear I could have blacked out from the pain and not Leopold taking over.

So I obviously accepted and tomorrow in the courtyard everyone in this camp will gather to see me transform. I'll basically be a spectacle..

The Alpha and Luna were keen to try and learn more about me, about my past. I didn't really tell them anything.. Marcus did most of the talking to my relief. They don't need to know any of it.. I'm going to help them because I want to, because it is the right thing to do. That's all they need to know.

I was sitting on my bed deep in thought when I heard knocking on my door jolting me back to the present time.. I answered the door to a very happy looking Lucy..

"Hello Annabelle" she chirped smiling sheepishly at me..

"Uhh.. Hey Lucy" I smiled and did a small wave like an idiot. I wasn't expecting to be doing much socialising today.. in fact, I want to avoid it as much as possible.

"I just came to check on you, how are you finding the accomodation?" she tilted her head still smiling.. what is there to be so freakin happy about?.

"It's good, cosy, thank you" I replied with a nod.

"Great, urm.. would you like to join us for supper?" she asked looking away, shyly drawing circles with her foot in the dirt. She looks like a woman but flirts like a teenager.. she is pretty though.

I may aswell get some time in with them if we are going to war together, I need to know what they are about I guess. Marcus didn't tell me much.

I know that this is one of the largest packs that are against the king.. except the Skrill of course but they are against everybody.. that's a fight for a different day.

"Sure, I just need to get ready.. do you want to wait inside?" I asked out of courtesy.

"It's alright. I can wait here" she smiled.

I went inside leaving the door slightly ajar. Pulled my boots on, put on a jacket and left closing the door behind me. As I turned away from the door Lucy slid her arm around mine and we were off.

Does every pack have a Mav? I wondered to myself.. maybe it's customary..

Some people still follow me around, luckily with Lucy they don't seem to be following but just staring with amazed faces. As we rounded a corner drawing closer to the courtyard, I looked away for a brief second when someone bumped into me.. or maybe I bumped into them?..

I felt Lucy's grip on my arm loosen as she was unable to hold my weight, falling backwards I was sure I was going to meet to ground any second when I felt someone quickly lace their arms through mine catching me.. I could feel them struggling to hold me so I regained my footing as quickly as I could..

I turned around still holding onto them, to see a very red, flustered Florence..

"Is she alright?" I heard the man I bumped into ask worried..

"She's fine, carry on" Lucy replied sternly..I heard the brisk footsteps of him leaving. As Lucy is the Alphas daughter he has no choice but to obey.

I realised after a moment that I was still holding onto Florence.. and she was still holding onto me.

Another thought quickly ran through my mind.. I can't smell her scent anymore.. I lifted her arms in the air causing her loose jacket to fall down to her elbows.. revealing that she had not one, not two, but four scent blocker bracelets.

Two on either wrist.

Are you fucking kidding me?.

This is the lengths she goes to, and why?.

"Really?" I couldn't help but sound hurt.. the look on my face probably said the same. Right now I don't even want to know why. After another moment I remembered where I was, and what I was doing..

"Come on.. let's go" I said wrapping my arm around Lucy's as she had done mine. Fucking Florence..

I didn't even look back, yeah she stopped me from hitting the ground, but she outed herself in the process.

If she wants to stay away from me, she should actually stay away.

Instead I'm made to participate in these childish back and forth games.. I'm done playing.

"What was that about?" Lucy laughed to ease the tension..

"It doesn't matter now" I said knowing full well Florence could hear me. Lucy somehow knew to leave it alone.

She tried asking me some basic questions about what I like, my favourite food, which I don't really have one.. there are many. Where I come from.. what were my parents like.. I answered vaguely when I could and didn't when I couldn't.. she understood somewhat. We are strangers after all.

She made a notable effort to flirt, I was friendly but in no way reciprocated the flirting..

Florence might be an asshole but she's still the only one on my mind..


I enjoyed our meal with the Ramsey family. I was glad to see Marcus was invited aswell. There was also another new face that was proudly introduced as the pack heir, Hector.

He had the same dirty blonde hair that his mother and sister had, but he was built almost exactly like his father. He is cocky and overly charming, I saw him wink at me a few times, his eyes kept scanning over my body making me uncomfortable. I knew Lucy was doing it abit aswell but at least she was more discreet about it.

I was glad when the meal was over, I'm good at socialising but that doesn't mean I enjoy it.

And with brother and sister both showing signs of interest in me.. I feel like I'm in a sandwich..

I thanked them for the meal.. Marcus did the same and to my surprise a very abrupt Hector opened his mouth again as I was getting out of my chair.. "Would you like me to escort you?" he asked smiling, showing his perfect pearly whites..

I saw Marcus was about to reply but since he was looking at me when he said it.. this is my chance to shut him down..

"No thank you, we will make it back alright" I faked a smile.. hopefully he didn't catch it.

"Thank you again for the meal, it was delicious" I said turning back to the Alpha and Luna still seated..

"Your welcome Annabelle, see you tomorrow" The alpha beamed back.. and with that we left..

We returned back to our set of cabins..

Marcus stopped an turned to me, causing me to stop aswell "Be careful with Hector Annabelle" he said solemnly, after a few seconds he spoke again..

"Good night, I hope you sleep well" he rested a hand on my shoulder before leaving me still standing there in my thoughts. Why do I need to be careful with him?. I don't even want to know him.

I heard Marcus's hut door close, after a minute another opened. I heard footsteps nearing and I knew immediately who it was.. it appears she is no longer wearing all the bracelets. I didn't even look in her direction, she stopped directly behind me. I didn't turn around..

"What happened to your bracelets?, did you loose them?, need some help finding them?" I asked sarcastically turning to face her now.

I have to admit I'm probably more pissed off than I should be, but I thought we were making progress. Apparently not.

"I.. I..." she tried but I didn't let her find the words she was looking for..

"You don't have to hide yourself from me.. I'm not going to bother you anymore." I stated emotionless, as soon as I said it I walked straight to my hut..

I had to say it but it still made me feel terrible..

This mate thing makes me want to hold her close but she keeps pushing me away.. I think maybe it is time I really pushed back.

I entered my hut, and started stripping before I realised I had a door now and not rag curtains.. I'm glad it isn't daytime or they would be having a field day. I quickly rushed to close the door.

I removed the rest of my clothes and put on some shorts and a loose T shirt. Time for bed.


I woke up relatively early.. the 'spectacle' isn't happening until the afternoon so I have some time to kill.. I'm not hungry but I know I need to eat.

I looked over to yesterday's breakfast that I'd neatly packed away the day before. I decided to eat some fruit loaf and then I welcomed a luke warm bath.

I need to wear something that looks good, but that I also don't mind ruining.. most of my clothes look the same so I'm just going to go with dark grey trousers and a long steeve black shirt.. this'll do. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, leaving a few long strands out either side at the front.

I heard a knock at my door and went to answer it..

For fuck sake really with this woman?.

"Message from Marcus?" I coldly asked a now very pitiful looking Florence..

"no" She replied calmly, shaking her head.

"Then what do you want?"..

"I just wanted to see if you were okay." she replied searching my eyes for something..

"I'm fine.. you can go now" I said closing the door. Maybe all of this is finally getting to me. I really don't want to drag her down with me.. it took me awhile to realise that maybe she really is better off without me. At the least she would be safer. I don't know why but I couldn't walk away from the door just yet.. I knew she was still standing there too as I hadn't heard her footsteps leave.

I rested my head on the door and sighed.. I said I was going to push back. I need to. But it still stings.

After about 30 seconds or so she left. I put my back to the door and let my body collapse down it..

I need to focus right now and thinking about Florence is not helping me.


I spent the morning pacing my hut, waiting for the afternoon to come around.. finally it did.

I just want to get all this over with as quickly as possible.. I know that this is only the first test of what will probably be many.

Marcus came to collect me himself,

"How are you Anna?" He took my hand in both of his and shook it smiling at me..

"I'm alright, thank you Marcus. How are you?" I asked.

"I'll be better when they agree to join us." he admitted.

After walking for a good few minutes we arrived at the already well crowded courtyard.

Marcus was told we need to enter the building from around the back as not to walk straight through the crowd and so we did.

Upon entering the building we were greeted by the Ramsey family once again. We had already had a brief conversation about how this was going to go down.. Harold is going to introduce me, then I go out and transform.. easy peasy...I think.

After going over everything a final time Harold and Charlotte went outside to deliver his speech..

"My family.. We have spent decades running and hiding in fear.. The Merciless King drove us into the woods long ago.. he tried to bury us.. instead he made us stronger, together we will defeat him. Now that we have the Gods on our side!" he bellowed.. the crowd roared at the end of his speech.

I wonder if he really believes the Gods sent me, or if he is just saying that for their benefit. He waited for the crowd to quiet down before continuing..

"I'd like to welcome a very special guest.. let me introduce Anna.. the first Lycan female in over 400 years!" The crowd roared even louder than before.. it's my cue to leave the building..

I lifted my chin.. took a deep breath in.. and made my entrance..


I hope you liked this chapter..

I'm not actually sure when I posted last, I feel like it's been longer than usual so I apologise if it's been longer than expected.

I just haven't really been feeling myself lately.

Although I feel like crap I'm still going to be writing don't worry about that. :)

Take care and Thank you for reading <3

I appreciate you and would appreciate any comment.

Criticism and corrections are welcomed.