
Chapter 26


Annabelles POV-

I woke up feeling a little hazy but nothing a bath won't fix.. I'm going to see Mav and Bea off.. I'm gonna miss them..

I threw on some of my regular clothes, tying up my hair into a fishtail plait. It's abit messy but I tried..

I really wasn't expecting it to be that difficult..

The whole morning my thoughts have been focused on Florence.. I still want to know what upset her so much.. She fully lashed out at me. I was just happy to see her wanting something to do with me at least..

Even if it is to throw me against walls.. without a single explanation.


"Be safe!" I shouted waving Mav and Bea off.. They have to walk quite awhile before they get to the horses. Alot of people are here to say goodbye.. they seem to have quite the reputation here.. I know these people don't like royalty but these two barely act like it.. like me.. I just know that I care about both of them.

Florence decided to show up too, I keep catching her eyes on me.. Everytime I look at her she looks away..

The crowd began dispersing, I quickly made my way to Florence without her noticing.. I really love this bracelet.. She's wearing dark blue skinny trousers, a black top and a leather jacket.. her reddish brown hair had a few small braids on either side of her head, tied up with the rest of her hair in a ponytail.. she's fucking beautiful.

"Hey.. How are you feeling?" I said placing my hand gently on her arm for her to turn around.. she did and I let go. I was starstruck by those icy blue eyes once again...

"Really? that's all your going to ask me?" She furrowed her brows as she spoke.

"Well it's not 'all' I want to ask but it was the first thing on my mind.." I replied with a cheeky smirk..

It didn't work.. she's just staring at me.. I don't mind that either.. even if she does look confused..

She glanced around then looked back to me again..

"Follow me" She sighed walking away...

I could only do as she said.. what is it with me and doing anything anybody tells me to.

I've got to stop making this a habit... I guess I could make it a habit for her if she'll let me..

What is up with her? She really doesn't want to be seen with me. The whole time I'm with her here she's walking ahead of me.

We arrived at a hut not far from mine.. it looks pretty much the same on the outside..

She walked in before me. Everything in here smells like her.. A few bows hung on the wall, there's a bed in the corner.. a faded blue shaggy rug in the middle of the room. A small round wooden table sat on top of the rug with two wooden chairs accompanying it. It isn't very homey.

Florence took a seat and gestured for me to take the other one watching me as I did... I took the seat slowly.. with caution.

She looks uneasy..

"I'm.. sorry.." she started.. I wasn't expecting an apology..

"I didn't mean to corner you last night.." she sighed looking away from me.. her denial is no good for either of us... least of all her.

"Yes you did" I replied plainly.. her eyes snapped back to mine, widened with shock.. "I know you've already made up your mind about me. But I can assure you, you don't know me"... I need her to let me know what the fuck is going on but she stayed silent.. "One second you say you don't care, the next you throw me against the fucking wall.. can you please explain to me what that was about at least.. don't I deserve that much?" I'm pleading now...look what she is making me do..She looked hurt at my words but it's the truth..

She paused for a moment before taking another breath.. "I was, angry, at you" Her eyes stayed on her hands rested on the table..

I can tell she is not used to this... this stubborn woman will be the death of me.. My heart beat is going 100mph.

"I know that... please tell me why?" I sighed..

She hesitated before speaking "I...I saw you.."

"Saw me what?" I asked confused..

"At the campfire." she really doesn't want to say it.. I want to make her say it out loud.. of course I know exactly what she means now..

"You saw me what Florence?"..I pushed.

"I..I saw you kiss her!" she almost shouted meeting my eyes again looking more determined this time..

At least now she knows she cares..

"So what?..You don't want me but I can't be with anyone else?" I asked but she stayed silent...looking away again.. what is it with her and eye contact...

"I don't know what I want" She sighed..

I reached out for her hand and she let me take it,

I held it firmly. She just looked at me with so much sadness..

I can see that she doesn't know what to do.. I don't want to make it harder for her.. but I need her to figure out what it is that she wants..

"Florence.. are you embarrassed by me?"

"No it's not like that".. She looked at me with desperation hoping I'd believe her..

I can see straight through this bullshit.. You don't survive in my world without learning a few much needed talents..

She is clearly not used to lying.. that helps too. I let go of her hand and leant back in my chair..

"Why do you feel the need to lie to me?...I see you making sure no one sees us together.." I'm not wasting my time here if she's just going to lie to my face.. I waited for a reply but there wasn't one.. "Look, I know this is hard for you.. it's hard for me too. I've never felt like this for anyone before, and I don't even know you.. if you don't want me too, to feel this.. then just fucking tell me because I'm not going to chase you." I stated my case, stood up from my chair to leave.. I looked to the door about to take my first step when I felt her hand in mine like an anchor holding me to the spot.

I turned my head to see her standing there looking up at me.. God I've never wanted anyone so badly in my life.. She looks so sad and confused.. I can't help her if she's not honest with me...even if I have to help her decide not to be with me.. I just want her to be happy..

"Florence.. I'm not asking you to commit to me.. I just want you to be honest with me.. and I'll be honest with you.." Maybe if we get to know each other she can make up her damn mind.. this is driving me up the wall..

She paused for a moment in thought..."Okay.. How about..I ask you a question and in return you get to ask me a question?" She smiled and my heart melted.. if this isn't what love feels like I'm in for a fucking treat. Unless she still chooses to reject me which is a strong possibility..

I couldn't stop a small smile. "Ask away." I gestured forward with my hand for us to sit back down..she let go of my hand as we took out seats. I contemplated taking her hand again but right now I'm just happy she's trying.. and this was her idea..

When someone asks me a question I don't want to answer, I don't lie. I just don't answer. But I'm an open book if she's the one reading..

Any healthy relationship is based on trust.. if my parents taught me anything it's that..

I think I am really ready to tell her anything, don't preach what you can't practice..

"Are you going to ask something?" I smiled..

"I'm thinking..." she said placing a hand on her chin..."Where are you from?" she finally asked.

"A kingdom called Fortis.." I replied..

I don't feel like warm up questions.. I didn't give her time to respond..

"What are you?" I asked plainly.. She looked stumped for a second before rolling her eyes and replying..

"My father was a Lycan.. my mother was a wolf"..She looks sad.. "I'm more wolf than Lycan, that's why I was able to survive my transformation.." That makes sense I guess..

"What's your mother like?" She asked like she hadn't just dropped a grenade..

I closed my eyes inhaling a deep breath to calm myself before replying.."She.. she's.. a handful.." I don't want to drag this one out..

"You've got to give me more than that.." She spoke while taking my hand from across the table.. I looked back at her.. She looks genuinely happy to see me for once.. "I do care about you Annabelle." she said while squeezing my hand.. I guess that's all I needed..

"My mother.. aside from her temper she was perfect.. and she needed me to be perfect too" I paused looking away before anything I just said resonates in my mind for too long.. "But I never was.. and I don't want to be anymore"..

I regained her eye contact hoping she didn't just hear the pain in my voice.. I really think I hate my mother.. I know that's a strong word but..

I hate her.

"There is no such thing as perfect Annabelle.. and if there was I can't imagine anyone else that could come closer to it." she smiled squeezing my hand again.. she needs to stop or I might just fall in love with her..

"My turn" I said with a smile changing the subject.. I don't want thoughts of my mother to ruin this moment.

"How many people know what you are?" I asked..

"Quite a few around camp..I keep to myself so I think most of them just forgot or something. No one talks about it. And if the wolf king knew he would hunt me down me down just to keep for show so we keep it pretty quiet." I guess I kinda know what it's like to be in this position.. except the king does know about me, and is actively hunting me.. I sighed..

I forgot for a second that I was being hunted..

"I didn't mean too-" she started, the worry in her voice was evident..

"It's alright.. I understand.." I stopped her, brushing my thumb across her hand.

It really is alright.. I want to know her story.. I don't really care what we talk about anymore, I love the feeling of her hand in mine.. it's warm and soft.. I feel so light headed if she let go I think I'd float away.. "Ask something.." I said breaking the minute long silence that I didn't realise had began..

"From what I heard of your father he sounds like a powerful man.. what was he?"

Here it comes a big reveal.. I wonder how she will take it..




Hello everyone, have a great day :)

Twink_98creators' thoughts